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Contemporary Buddhism, Vol. 5, No. 1, 2004
The dharma of gender
Rita M. Gross*
A classic meditation practice in Vajrayana Buddhism, called the Mahamudra
Investigations, invites the meditator to search for the nature of unfettered mind
by exploring several pithy questions. Does the mind have a color? Does the
mind have a shape? Is the mind inside the body? Outside the body? The
meditator is instructed to search diligently, exhausting all possibilities, instead
of concluding on the basis of knowledge of Buddhist doctrine that unfettered
mind could not possibly be found in any of these places. These investigations
are more like Zen koans—baffling puzzles that have no unvaryingly correct
intellectual or conceptual answer.
Here, the English word ‘mind’, generally used to translate various Tibetan
terms used in this context, does not mean the brain or the sixth consciousness,
or even the eighth consciousness. As with the Zen phrase ‘dropping body and
mind’, language is being used to point to a state beyond language. Although
meditation instructions to explore whether one can find mind anywhere may
seem different from meditation instructions to drop body and mind, I suggest
that these are two ways of expressing the same insight about where meditation
practice leads.
One pithy question, however, is not part of these Mahamudra Investigations.
Does the mind have a gender? Furthermore, it seems that this question did not
appear to be relevant to those who formulated the Investigations. Two seem-
ingly opposite reasons might explain why this question does not occur. On the
one hand, it could be contended, and often has been contended in Buddhist
traditions, that gender is obviously not relevant to discussions of unfettered
mind, making it unnecessary to investigate whether mind can be found in
gender. If the question were to arise, some might claim that it has already been
included in the question of whether mind has a shape, thus finding another way
to avoid troublesome questions about gender.
But I think it is at least as likely that the question about mind having a gender
is unasked because it was simply assumed that the person doing the investiga-
tions would be a male, or at least not someone whose life was bound up in the
traditional female gender role. The extent to which the presumed subject of
Buddhist philosophy and meditation is a male is shocking to someone with
heightened awareness of how much difference gender makes in human affairs.
I think it is quite likely that the question about whether mind has a gender is
unasked not because gender has been transcended, but because its determinative
impact on peoples’ lives is being ignored. The assumption that only men would
take on certain roles such as public teaching, a widespread practice in Tibetan
Buddhism, suggests willful ignoring, rather than transcendence of the extent to
which people attribute absolute, not relative meaning, to gender. And there is
ISSN 1463-9947 print; 1476-7953 online/04/010003-11 © 2004 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/1463994042000249580
4 R. M. Gross
a huge difference between ignoring and transcending, a difference that is of
utmost importance in Buddhism.
I will suggest that gender identity and concepts about what gender entails are
among the strongest hooks for ego-clinging in most people, which means that
they become one of the more enduring bonds to samsara . Gender identity, I
would claim, is more basic for most people than identification in terms of color,
shape, or even culture, and is far more addictive. In this regard, I have always
been struck by an argument used by some Roman Catholics against the
ordination of women to the priesthood. The priest must mirror Jesus, it is
claimed, and that means the priest must have a male body. I remember one
commentator who claimed that Jesus could have been a Chinese male rather
than a Jewish male, but as a male he would still have been essentially the same
person, whereas if he had been a (Jewish) woman, he would have been an
entirely different person. I wonder how many Buddhists feel the same way
about the Buddha? After all, it is noteworthy in his rebirth stories that his
female rebirths stopped before his animal rebirths.
Many who have become certain of the view that the self has no real or
inherent existence still talk and act as if that non-existent self harbors a truly
existing gender. Such people nurture and act on many pre-conceptual, uncon-
scious, and unexamined assumptions about gender and also expect others to
conform to those assumptions. To put my claim at its starkest—I will contend,
based on my many experiences of talking about gender and Buddhism, that,
while most Buddhists do not believe in the existence of a permanent, abiding
self, their attitudes and actions nevertheless indicate that they do believe in the
real existence of gender. In other words, the self that does not inherently exist
nevertheless possesses gender that is regarded and acted upon as if it truly
existed; or at least that is the way many Buddhists talk and act, despite their
beliefs about the centrality of egolessness to a Buddhist view and way of life.
Their slogan seems to be: ‘The self does not exist, but it has gender.’ But such
a view is illogical in the extreme; if the self lacks inherent existence, no
attribute of that self, such as gender, color, or shape, could be said to have
inherent existence.
If this sounds confusing, it must be remembered that I am always using the
term ‘existence’ in its precise Buddhist meaning, which denotes not that
something appears, but that the appearing ‘something’ is unconditioned, un-
caused, and independent of its matrix; that it exists independently rather than
interdependently. The appearance of gendered individuals is not disputed; that
such appearances should be assigned automatic and invariant weight is dis-
puted. The matter is more serious because the meanings assigned to gender
almost always meant an automatic second-class existence for some people in
the worlds of practice and study. Other factors, such as intelligence and a desire
to practice dharma , were trumped by gender norms and made little difference.
Another way of talking about the same issue involves the dispute over gender
essentialism. Many systems of thought, including certain strands of feminism,
have claimed that there are invariant traits or behaviors essential to each gender.
Many traditional claims about what makes women inferior, such as their
The Dharma of Gender 5
purported emotionalism and lack of rationality, are based on such gender
essentialism. In the same way, some strands of feminism that are no longer in
favor posited a gender essentialism that elevated women above men. The claim
that women are more oriented to relationships and inherently less violent than
men was one common feminist essentialist claim. Notice that there are two
components to this way of thinking. There are invariant, essential traits for each
gender that are almost always seen as the opposites of each other. Furthermore,
most systems of gender essentialism also posit an ethical hierarchy between the
opposites, even though what traits are associated with men or women, and
which gender is viewed as ‘better’, varies from one cultural situation to another.
It is impossible to posit a gender essentialism that is not imprisoning, that does
not also involve imposing a prison of gender roles on people, which is why this
view is rejected by most feminists. This conclusion about the imprisoning
nature of gender roles would hold even in cases where it is maintained that the
different gender roles are ‘equally valued’. Traditional religions and cultures
often make this claim about gender complementarity, but usually it is just
another gloss on male dominance. Even if we could find a situation of genuine
complementarity, that would not undo the imprisoning quality gender role
assignment has on individuals.
One can easily find Buddhist texts espousing both essentialist and non-
essentialist views of gender, but that does not mean that both views are equally
cogent in expressing the fundamental Buddhist view. It only indicates how easy
it is to exempt gender from Buddhism’s usual reluctance to attribute inherent
existence to anything, how easy it is to regard gender alone among many
aspects of one’s phenomenal existence as ‘really real’. Attributing real existence
to gender is doubly problematic—on feminist grounds and on Buddhist
The definitive Buddhist view of whether or not gender exists as anything
more than a conventional label is found in the famous ‘Goddess’ chapter of the
Vimalakirtinirdesha Sutra . In this episode, a woman—the so-called ‘God-
dess’—had been studying dharma in Vimalakirti’s palace for twelve years,
when she was challenged by Shariputra, a famous first-generation disciple of the
Buddha who is often portrayed in Mahayana scriptures as not understanding
things very well. Impressed by her level of understanding, he challenges her:
‘Why don’t you change your female sex?’ To understand his challenge in
context, it must be remembered that in many Mahayana texts, highly realized
women do change their sex to prove that mind has no gender. Skeptical male
Buddhists who had essentialized gender so much that they believed a female
body renders one incapable of realizing unfettered mind could respond to no
other demonstration of the fluidity and non-existence of gender. But the
Goddess does not buy into this logic. Instead, she says to Shariputra ‘I have
been here twelve years and have looked for the innate characteristics of the
female sex and have not been able to find them’ and challenges him about what
he could possibly mean by the innate traits of the female sex. Then she changes
Shariputra into a woman and herself into a man, whereupon she challenges him
(now her) to find her innate female traits. After she changes the befuddled
6 R. M. Gross
Shariputra back into a man, he concedes that the female form does not possess
innate characteristics.
This story says it all. I know that I have a female body or shape, but that does
not really mean much. It does not mean that I must bear children, or even that
I can. It does not mean that I necessarily have a gentle, non-aggressive
demeanor, as opposed to a violent or nasty temperament. It does not even
guarantee my primary sexual orientation, which has been guessed wrong almost
as often as it has been guessed right by observers, both women and men. My
female sex is not a reliable guide to my interests and concerns. I care little for
many of the things that are supposed to interest women, but I also am interested
in some things that are generally thought to be of more interest to women than
to men. In short, although my sex may be the first fact about me that registers,
it tells people relatively little about me. Nevertheless, although my female body
does not translate into anything essential, a great deal has been projected onto
it by society, by religions, and by individuals who think that the shape of my
body reveals something intrinsically existing, something on which it is valid to
pin all sorts of meanings and limitations. Gender designations as conventional,
agreed-upon labels are harmless and somewhat useful. However, they are rarely
left as mere labels and instead become hooks upon which to attach a prison of
myriad expectations and demands.
Despite this definitive proclamation of the Goddess to Shariputra and its
irrefutably correct Buddhist logic, Buddhist texts, institutions, and individuals
are just as likely to believe in gender as a fixed, rigid, determinative, and
limiting trait as anyone else. Their allegiance to the view that there is no
permanent abiding self that is fixed, rigid, determinative, limiting, or inherently
existing in any other way does not protect them from believing and acting upon
an imputed real existence of gender. For this reason, I claim that, shocking as
it may be, Buddhist logic about egolessness or anatman , the third mark of
sentient existence according to the Buddha, has never been thoroughly and
consistently applied to gender. ‘There is no permanent abiding self, but it has
gender. Furthermore, gender has an invariant and valid hold on peoples’ lives.
It truly exists, whatever else may be said about the lack of a permanent abiding
self in doctrinal Buddhism.’ That seems to be the message and conclusion
rampant in much of the Buddhist world.
For example, the Mahayana philosopher Asanga explains why a ‘completely
perfected Buddha’ is not a woman: ‘All women are by nature full of defilement
and of weak intelligence. And not by one who is full of defilement and of weak
intelligence is completely perfected Buddhahood attained.’ 1 The claim that
something has certain samsaric qualities ‘by nature’ seems very strange in a
Buddhist context, given that emptiness ( Shunyata ) and Buddha nature
( tathagatagarbha ) are the only qualities posited as intrinsic to beings. Nor does
this statement seem to be a generalization to which there could be exceptions,
the kind of statement that might be offensive but does not totally go against the
usual Buddhist view that nothing phenomenal is self-existing. I suspect that
such claims that certain beings have specific samsaric qualities ‘by nature’
would not be made concerning anything other than gender, and also would only
The Dharma of Gender 7
be made about women, but not men. Such comments are made about individual
men, but never about all men, or about men as a class. However, it is not
difficult to find similar statements in other Buddhist texts. The sex segregation
and male dominance of traditional Buddhist institutions, which also encourage
belief in the reality of gender, are so well known that there is no necessity to
do more than remind ourselves of their existence.
As I go about my work in the Buddhist world, I cannot avoid the impression
that, while most Buddhists I encounter would not endorse Asanga’s misogynis-
tic statement, they also do not really believe the Goddess when she proves to
Shariputra that gender has no essence or nature that is self-existing. Even in the
context of discussing that very text, in the midst of making the point that
egolessness and gender essentialism are mutually incompatible, I find that
people want , desperately want, to believe that gender means something,
definitively determines something, is real in some way. They have intellectually
convinced themselves that there is no permanent abiding self, but they are
averse to applying the same logic to its gender.
Two tactics are especially common among people who want to retain some
belief in the enduring and definitive relevance of gender. The first is to appeal
to the gender symbolism so prominent in Tibetan Buddhism, or to talk about the
‘feminine principle’ as ways to avoid looking into whether a prison of gender
roles prevails in the midst of such positive female symbolism. The second is to
become angry with those who point out that Buddhism contradicts itself when
it essentializes gender in its institutions and practices, a response with which I
am all too familiar!
It never ceases to amaze me that people think one can answer questions about
how gender affects people —men and women—by appealing to ‘the feminine
principle’, which is positively evaluated and central to Tibetan Buddhism. But
the presence of a positively valued feminine principle tells us nothing about
how gendered people fare, nothing about whether they live in social systems of
gender equity and non-discrimination. People easily slip from talking about
themselves as men and women to talking about ‘feminine energy’ as if it is
something that pertains especially to women or the ‘masculine principle’ as if
it is the property of men. They seem not to realize that there is no necessary
correlation between men and the masculine principle or between women and the
feminine principle, either doctrinally or experientially. In Vajrayana Buddhism,
the symbolism associated with femininity and masculinity is fixed and precise;
it is also balanced and complementary. One simply could not say that one is
more elevated or important than the other and both are necessary to balanced,
full living. That is why it is so problematic to assume that the masculine
principle somehow pertains to men in ways that it does not pertain to women,
and vice versa. It turns liberating images of how to balance and blend our
human potentials into another version of the prison of gender roles.
It is equally problematic to presume that the presence of balanced, comple-
mentary gender symbolism means that human genderedness is dealt with
satisfactorily. Positive symbolism of femininity combined with difficult lives for
women is very common worldwide, but the fact that positive feminine symbol-
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