Ross Jeffries - Secrets of Speed Seduction, Home Study Course Book and Workbook.doc

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Secrets of Speed Seduction, Home Study Course Book and Workbook:


Secrets of Speed Seduction, Home Study Course Book and Workbook:




How To Create An Instantaneous Sexual

Attraction in Any Woman You Meet!!!







COPYRIGHT 1994, Ross Jeffries.


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or any means without written permission from the author.


Published in the USA.

For more information or free catalog, contact:

                                                                      Ross Jeffries

                                                        6245 Bristol Parkway, Suite 275

                                                        Culver City, CA 90230







Neither the author, nor the publisher of this book take any responsibility for the use or misuse of the information it presents. The reader is warned that this material presents extremely powerful technology, to be used at the readers own risk. This book is presented for information and entertainment purposes only.


Be warned, therefore, that this book neither asserts the legality of any of the methods it describes, and the author unequivocally disclaims any responsibility for damages resulting from the use of any of the techniques or the consequences of implementing any contained herein.




"Give me five minutes to talk away my face, and I'll bed the Queen of France." ... Voltaire



"I come to you with only words,

Looks and money I have none,

But should desire require it,

My words will bear me out!" ... Speed Seducer's Creed





One of the toughest realities we have to face as men is, that for the most of us, getting laid is a form of gambling, and the game is strongly rigged against us.

Think back to the last time you had a date. C'mon ... it wasn't that long ago, was it?

Didn't you find yourself, either before or during the evening, wondering things like, "When should I make my move? Am I going to get some tonight? Will I get lucky?".

And that's the bottom line ... for too many of us, dealing with women is a matter of luck, meaning it is something which is out of our control.

But hold on a second. What if you could design your own "game of chance" where YOU get to set the rules? What if you could play a poker game where you get to pick the cards you're dealt, you get to see her hand before you bet, and you get to borrow money from her to bet against her?

You'd play that game 24 hours per day, that's what.

And that is what Speed Seduction does: it puts you back in control by teaching you how to create, on a repeatable, predictable basis, the kind of results you want with the kind of women you want, where and when you want it.

Does this sound like an outrageous claim? I certainly hope so; it goes against the beliefs of our entire culture; a culture that teaches you that "attraction" can't be created, that it just has to be a matter of "chemistry", that is either there or it isn't.

By the time you're done with this book, or the home study course of which it is a part, you'll be thoroughly convinced that our entire culture is totally full of shit. Even more important you'll be able to use this knowledge to give you an incredible edge over 99% of the population, not only when it comes to getting laid, but in every area of your life.




This book is designed as a WORKBOOK, to be used as part of my entire Speed Seduction Home Study Course. This means two things:

1.                            It's not designed to be passively read. You have to actively participate.

2.                            If you didn't acquire it as part of the entire course, which includes about 12 hours of audio tapes, among other things, you should seriously consider doing it.

One thing more. This book is divided in two sections: theory and practical application. If you want to jump ahead to the practical application section, go ahead, feel free. Just make sure that later you go back and get the theory stuff down; you should understand what you're doing if you really want to get excellent at this stuff.

                                                                                                                Ross Jeffries

                                                                                                  Los Angeles, California

                                                                                                  June, 1994




Ok. Here is the first key secret to understanding, not only Speed Seduction, but any form of influence or persuasion, in any area of life:

There's no such "thing" as love. There's no such "thing" as passion. There's no such "thing" as attraction, or chemistry, or lust.

I know, I know, you're saying. That's the problem ... for most of you, most of the time, there's no such thing. There's just boredom, frustration, and playing with Mr. Winky.

But that's not what I'm talking about, so pay close attention. I'm not saying that people don't experience states of "attraction" or "chemistry" or "lust". What I am saying is that these states are processes that take place inside the human mind and body. Which means that they are states that ...

can be summoned forth and directed at will!!!

Here's An Example: "Falling in Love" Exposed!!!!

Ok. Since I'm being pretty general and theoretical here let's get a bit more specific and talk about what every woman dreams about: falling in love.

Now, based on what I've said so far, do you think I believe "love" is based on some mysterious "chemistry" that flows between two people? Maybe it's caused by a butt-naked little angel named Cupid who shoots an arrow into your ass?

No, Here's how people fall in love: First, understand you do NOT fall in love with someone when you are in their presence. No. You fall in love when you're off by yourself, thinking about them afterwards. This is why it is so hypnotically powerful, because you are doing it to yourself, and people are always their best hypnotists.

Here's how it happens: you go out with someone, maybe even one date. And then you go home, and you're lying there, thinking about them. And, you form an image of them in your mind. And as you do that, you start to list to yourself all the qualities about them that you like, "She's so , she's so , she's really ." Maybe then you picture you and them having lots of fun in all sorts of situations. Then you get that warm, funny feeling right in your solar plexus, and then, the nail in your coffin, you say her name to yourself 2 or 3 times. If you're really a geek, maybe you even dance around the house singing it!! Or you possibly go about bring up her name in every conversation.

Sound familiar? Now, as you recall the times in your past when you did this, were you then able to stay cool, in control of yourself AND the relationship? Or were you calling her every day, always wanting to see her, and eager to kiss her ass, to the point where she, of course, dropped you?

Here's the point: "love" is a process people do to themselves! It's not a "thing" you trip over or a "hole" you fall into. And I know, even though I'm not there watching you, that as I describe it here on paper, you recalled and went through that process yourself, and recalled the feelings associated with it. And if I can do it to you, on paper, when I'm not even there, then you can, if you know how, skillfully describe this (or any other) process to a woman in your presence, link it to yourself, and in a matter of minutes, cause her ...

Undergo that process and fall in love with you on the spot, dummy!!!!

Think about this for a second. The dumb process you did to yourself can now be used to make her fawn all over you, repeatably and predictably!

Of course, the same thing applies to any other process you want her to run, or state you want her to experience, whether it's forgetting your competitor, (We'll show you how to do this later with my infamous "Boyfriend Destroyer Pattern") or anything else you care to name. If she's done it or experienced it once before, you can get her to do it or experience it with you again!!

How The Speed Seducer Thinks Things Differently

In light of that understanding, consider this for just a second. Let's say there's some juicy, super-hot, incredible babe you've lusted after for a long time. And, to further sweeten the scenario, let's say through prayer, good karma, and the intercession of the Pope, you've managed to get a date with her. Should you be asking yourself questions like, "Where should I take her? How should I dress?".

If you only ask yourself these totally unimportant questions, then you are a chump. No. From now on, you'll ask yourself the question I always get the men in my seminars to ask:

If I could create any states of mind I want in this woman, this evening, what states would I want her to experience with me? Ok? How about states of:








Not bad for starters, huh? If you can get a woman to experience these kind of states in your presence (and to think about you this way obsessively even when your not around) do you think you are going to wind up with just a polite peck on the cheek, a handshake goodnight, and a "let's just be friends", at the end of the evening? Or is she going to be all over you like flies on a mortician? You see, rather than thinking of how to get her to do all the behaviors you want from her, i.e., humping, sucking, etc., first think of what states of mind you want her to be in; states where it would be natural for her to do all those nasty things to and with you.

This brings us to a second key point that separates a Speed Seducer from the Average Frustrated Chump. You see, the AFC talks just to be flapping his lips, trying to be entertaining, or maybe, gulp, trying to get the girl to understand him. The Speed Seducer (and any good Master of Persuasion) knows that he must ...


You see, some of what I'm going to show you in later chapters may cause you to think, "Will the girl understand what I'm saying to her?". And my response is: THE PURPOSE OF YOUR COMMUNICATION IS NOT TO GIVE HER AN UNDERSTANDING. THE PURPOSE OF YOUR COMMUNICATION IS TO GET YOU A RESULT!!!!

That "result" is to put her in a state of lust, horniness, fascination, etc. that you want her in, because once she's in these states, it's natural for her to want to do all those nasty things to your body and to want you to do them to hers.

A Little Metaphor To Further Your Understanding

Once, I asked a Master of Persuasion if he could give me a better understanding of how to influence women. He told me the following story:

"When I set out to influence a woman, I like to think of myself as a fisherman. Everything I do, every action I take is organized around landing that fish.

Now, I'll dangle the bait in the water, and then I'll watch to see what the fish does. And the fish will come up and smell the bait, and put it's mouth around the bait. And I'm watching to see what part of the bait the fish likes.

Now, right here is where most people make their mistake. You see, as soon as the fish bites down they start reeling in that line like crazy. But I never do that, because I consider that I only have a 10 pound fishing line to catch a 150 pound fish. So if the fish feels me pulling on the line, it's going to pull back and that line will S-N-A-P and no fish for me.

So what I do is stay right in front of that fish, and what I do is I start reeling myself to the fish. So as I walk up on that fish the fish doesn't feel any tug or pull on the line so it doesn't resist me. And it just seems natural to it as I get closer and closer to it. And the closer I get to it, the stronger my line is and the smaller the fish gets. Till by the time I'm right up to that fish with my net, I've got a 500 pound line for a 10 pound fish. And the fish feels so natural that it just eliminates it's own resistance and thinks, "Hey this is right. This is natural. It's natural to jump in the boat, get skinned, gutted, fried up and eaten!"

Now, wasn't that a nice story? I want you to think well on it, because I don't want you to go making the same dumb mistakes I made when I was first learning Speed Seduction.

Let me explain a bit. You see, when I first started out, I was so excited by the fact that I could get very hot-looking women sexually excited and turned on in just a few minutes time, that I went right for the jugular every time out.

So, was I successful in getting these women hot and bothered? You bet. But did I get laid doing it? USUALLY NOT!!! Because I came on strong, without softening them up first that ...


That's right. Yes, if you first do the sexual patterns I'll teach you, a woman will very likely get nicely hot and bothered. But unless she is already a highly sexual person who will fuck at the drop of a hat, or she knows you quite well already, getting her aroused and turned on to you right off the bat is just going to scare her. She's just going to think ... "God, I'm really getting hot, but I shouldn't be feeling this way. I don't even know this guy!".

In other words, you're gonna tug the line so hard, it's going to S-N-A-P and your fish is going to swim away.

Remember, as you use the patterns I'm going to show you, there are considerations you have to keep in mind, like how well you already know the woman and what kind of bond you've already built with her; to what degree she already is a highly sexual person; and finally if she has any major trust/control issues.

Therefore, it's usually extremely important to first use the techniques I'll show you that create states of intense emotional connection, as if she's known you her whole life, before moving on to the sexual arousal stuff. When you create that kind of connection (you can do it in about 7 minutes using what I'll show you), you often don't even have to do the sexual stuff, since for most women that kind of connection is what sex is all about anyway. (Guys are different ... sometimes I think we just want to dump loads?)

Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Baker's Man: Another Metaphor To Help You Understand

One useful way to think about Speed Seduction is to consider the process of baking a cake. First, before you even get out the recipe, you have to WANT to bake the cake. You have to BELIEVE you can bake the cake. Then, most importantly, you have to get off your rear and ...


The various patterns I'm going to be sharing with you throughout this course can be considered to be recipes. In order to use a recipe correctly you not only have to make sure you have the right ingredients, but you also have to make sure ...


As an example, you don't whip up the cake mix, stick it in the oven at 450 degrees for thirty minutes, and then, when you're done, beat in the egg!!

The same holds true for the various patterns I'm going to show you. You have to do them in the right sequence. The following sequence is the formula to get virtually any woman you want to be madly, passionately in love with you. It's what runs almost every pattern I'll teach you.


1.              Get her attention


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