Derek Vitalio-Seduction Science Volume Ii.PDF

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Seduction Science Volume II.PDF
Volume II
By Derek Vitalio
Table of Contents
Message to the Reader
Getting the Perfect Tan
Getting the Perfect Style
Getting the Perfect Body
Getting the Perfect Scent
Getting the Perfect Smile
Appendix A
Copyright © 2002, by Derek Vitalio. All rights reserved. Seduction Science Volume II
A Message To The Reader From Derek Vitalio
The way to seduce a woman into bed is all about getting rapport with her and then leading her
through different positive states like romance, connection, happiness, and states of laughter.
However, the very first state she must feel is ATTRACTION. If she feels attraction for you, she’ll
follow into rapport with more quickly. And the best way to create that first, crucial positive state is
to look attractive! “No duh” you might say, but most men really don’t pay any attention to looking
Yes, there are other ways to make women attracted to you, like the confidence you project, the
way you talk to her, the way you give eye contact. That is all explained in the original Seduction
Science book and you will get amazing results even if you’re so butt-ass ugly that you make
horses bolt when they see you. But you can really speed up your successes to super-sonic
speeds by taking care of your “look”. It never hurts to have it in your arsenal. And that’s what this
book is about.
So how do we go about creating this initial positive state of attraction in the women we want and
Women love tans. A tan really stands out if everyone around you is white as a lily. Of course
getting a tan is not relevant to everyone – especially if you’re dark skinned, in which case you’re
already ahead of the game!
Having a tan used to mean you were poor. A poor farmer usually spent all day out in the sun
working the fields while upper class tried to remain as light skinned as possible – light skin was a
sign of wealth. “Proper” ladies hid themselves underneath an umbrella when they went out. In
the 1960’s however, attitudes began to change. Having a tan was now a sign of wealth. If you
had a tan, it was a sign that you didn’t have to work and that you could spend all day at the pool.
The only problem is that sun exposure over time wrinkles your skin and makes it feel like alligator
leather. Sun exposure also increases your chance of deadly skin cancer. Volume II will show
you the secret of getting a golden tan without the side effects.
As for fashion, women enjoy being with a man who is well dressed. Being well dressed
expresses to women your confidence and success. Scientific studies have shown that people,
both men and women, treated you radically different based on how you’re dressed.
Copyright © 2002, by Derek Vitalio. All rights reserved. Seduction Science Volume II
Unfortunately, most men have no idea what they’re doing when it comes to clothes and colors. If
one of these men is you, you’re doing yourself a big disfavor. Did you know the first thing a
woman looks for are how nice your shoes are? Most men wear sneakers – big mistake! Volume
II will give you exact fashion tips that you can follow.
What really gets a women going is the site of a nice, hard body. It’s been shown that most
women like the muscular, toned type rather than a super-skinny body, a fatty body, or an overly
muscular body. The problem is, most men eat way too much or eat way too little – they don’t
know how calories work and how the body processes foods. They don’t know to pack the muscle
Though you can easily make a woman attracted to you despite having a less than ideal physique,
having a nice, muscular, toned body will give you a one up over everyone all of the Burger King
and beer drinking slobs out there. You don’t have to be one of them. And women will be
impressed. Volume II will show you all the answers you never knew.
How about Pheromones? How about scents that trigger animal lust in the opposite sex? Do
those really work? And what do women really like to smell on you? Volume II has the answers.
And probably the one factor that is most important of all for seducing women – your smile! A
simple smile and eye contact will create instant fixation of the girl onto you, especially since 99%
of the other men aren’t doing it! Unfortunately, most guys are embarrassed about their smile and
try to hide it. Volume II will show you how to make care of your smile once and for all – in just
one day!
So get the work done that you need to get done. Don’t push yourself to look like a model as fast
as you can. Remember, these tips are meant to be fun . If they’re not fun, change your strategy.
Now go out there, enjoy yourself, send me your stories, and get laid like a rock star!
Derek Vitalio
Copyright © 2002, by Derek Vitalio. All rights reserved. Seduction Science Volume II
Getting the Perfect Tan
I’ve found that women LOVE men with nice, golden tans.
Face it, having a tan is a sign of wealth in today’s culture
– it means you have the leisure time and money to
spend getting a tan. And this can send very attractive
signals to women. That, and the fact that so few people
are tan it looks exotic.
I got interested in the idea of having tan skin when I noticed most of the hot women were tanned.
Maybe it’s their tans that make them hot, or maybe it’s just that hot women tend to get tanned. Or
maybe it’s all a media-induced hallucination. The reason is not what’s important – what’s
important is that you can use this to your advantage.
I use to walk around white as Casper because my skin did not naturally tan at all. No one ever
complimented me on my skin. Things only got worse when I stayed in Miami, home to thousands
of golden tanned Latina women. On the beach I stuck out like a fucking S.O.S. beacon. The sun
reflected so intensely off my white ass that it blinded people chicks through their sunglasses.
Eventually, after months of experimentation, I figured out the secret of getting a golden nice tan.
And I definitely notice the difference with women. They’re even MORE friendly and eager to have
some “fun” with me now that I looked golden. Here are your options.
Tanning Beds
Hold on just a minute! I’m sorry, but there is no such thing as a
“perfect” tan with tanning beds.
Tanning beds produce large quantities of UV light and doubles your risk of developing the most
common forms of skin cancer. In fact, you are better off getting sunburned red once in a while
than being exposed to a little UV light from a tanning bed each day.
The industry is quick to claim that their beds are safe, but don’t be fooled. ANY tan is damaged
skin that is more likely to wrinkle and sag than skin that hasn’t been tanned. Over time, you may
notice certain undesirable changes in the way your skin looks and heals. Skin that has a dry,
wrinkled, leathery appearance early in middle age is a result of UV exposure.
Copyright © 2002, by Derek Vitalio. All rights reserved. Seduction Science Volume II
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