Nlp Maximum Persuasion Workbook.PDF

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The Cleveland Method Home Study Course
First Things First
In order for you to get the most from this training, it's critical that you contextualize it into the
ways you will be using it. It's also useful for you to understand your inner motivations for why
you are studying this course. Please take a few minutes to fill out the following information.
Please read this page completely before you fill in all the blanks .
What do you want to be able to do as a result of studying this course? (Be specific and concrete
and state it in terms of what you'll be seeing, hearing and feeling.)
What's important about being able to be/have/do the answer above? (To you, personally. What's
important about it?)
What's important about that?
So, ultimately, what would this mean to you?
Page 1 Copyright © 1995 by Kenrick E. Cleveland. All rights reserved.
The Cleveland Method Home Study Course
As you accomplish this, what message will you be sending the world?
More importantly, what message are you sending yourself?
Now, restate your above answers clearly and succinctly:
As a result of studying this course, I want:
I want to do this because:
I agree that I will do what it takes to accomplish this outcome!
Your Signature
Page 2 Copyright © 1995 by Kenrick E. Cleveland. All rights reserved.
The Cleveland Method Home Study Course
Rapport Through Physiology
Rapport is a critical ingredient in any persuasion situation. We will focus on building rapport
through becoming as much like the other person as possible to eliminate as many differences as
we possibly can between us.
When you use rapport in your persuasion situations, you can:
Establish rapport with anyone in under a minute
Build trust into every communication
Send subliminal messages of likeness
Improve your range of responsiveness
Achieve personal and professional flexibility
Establish deep bonds of trust very quickly
Covertly verify that you have rapport
Know when you have made your point so you can avoid "over influencing"
Covertly determine when a person changes states
Rapport can be a two-edged ________________. Why? _____________________________
The Conscious Mind is that part of your being that can best be defined by saying what it does. It
enables you to shift your attention from one thing to another. Therefore, what you are aware of is
that part of you that would be called your conscious mind.
The Unconscious Mind is that part of you that contains your long-term memories. It is also in
charge of automatic behavior -- reflex action. In fact, the purpose of this training is to get you to
be persuasive -- automatically -- be evaluating the way you automatically respond in persuasion
situations, and then make changes that will enhance the process.
The definition of Rapport is an _____________________ ____________________.
Three Ways to Pace a Person's Non-Verbal Behavior
1. Mirroring : You copy the other person's actions as if you were looking in a mirror.
2. Matching : Left and right are reversed. (Opposite of Mirroring.)
3. Cross-Over : Pacing with a different part of your body.
Page 3 Copyright © 1995 by Kenrick E. Cleveland. All rights reserved.
The Cleveland Method Home Study Course
Things You Can Match When Pacing
Whole body
Match or mirror the other person's stance or overall position.
Partial body
Match/mirror any consistent behavioral shrugs, gestures, head nods, or any
other types of shifts in their behavior.
Half body
Match/mirror upper or lower portions of the other person's body
Match depth and/or speed. (This is one of the most powerful forms of non-
verbal pacing.)
Match tonality, tempo, volume, intensity and intonation patterns. (This is
especially useful for pacing over the telephone.)
Pacing & Leading
Now we need to learn a couple of additional things that will make this even more fun and
predictable. It's called "Pacing and Leading".
The definition of pacing is _________________ about or _______________ things that are
verifiably true in a person's ongoing sensory experience.
The definition of leading is: doing something ______________ than what the other person is
doing. (You'll receive a more complete definition when we get to the section on verbal pacing and
The test for rapport is: lead by doing something _______________ than what the other person is
doing and if they ____________ __________ then you are in rapport.
If they don't, then go back to ______________ .
Calibration / Sensory Acuity
Calibration refers to the process by which you tune yourself in to the non-verbal signals that
indicate a particular state or a change in the person's state.
All powerful communicators (sales people, ministers, politicians, managers, etc.) do three things
in order to communicate successfully:
Three Rules For Successful Communication
1. Determine what outcome you want (critical!)
2. Have the sensory acuity to know when you've got the response that you want.
3. Have the behavioral flexibility to vary what you are doing so that you can modify your
behavior if it isn't working.
Page 4 Copyright © 1995 by Kenrick E. Cleveland. All rights reserved.
The Cleveland Method Home Study Course
What can you gain from learning how to calibrate to the non-verbal signals of others?
Page 5 Copyright © 1995 by Kenrick E. Cleveland. All rights reserved.
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