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Blood Ape
Found in the densest jungles in the most forgotten cor-
ners of the world, blood apes can be differentiated from
their gentler cousins by their savage disposition, extraor-
dinary leaping ability, and their taste for human flesh.
The most fearsome blood apes are called
“Crimsonbacks,” due to the red stripe of fur that grows
down their backs. Crimsonbacks fly into a savage fury
when wounded, so it is best to defeat them quickly when
confronted by them.
A relative of ogres, trolls are brutish creatures possessing
incredible strength and size. Unlike their cousins, howev-
er, trolls are extremely clumsy, having difficulty control-
ling their vast power. Even a single blow from a troll can
be lethal, on the other hand, so wise adventurers are
always cautious around them. The strongest trolls can
take down several adventurers at a time, and often have
elaborate tattoos on their arms.
Chaos Beast
Horrible creatures that were old before mankind ever
existed, chaos beasts slumber in isolated temples and
caverns. Once awakened for combat, they can change
their shape and attacks in an instant to deal with any situ-
ation. As with the dark priests, anyone who defeats one
of the more powerful chaos beasts is sure to be stricken
with a powerful curse.
Dark Priest
Some priests offer their prayers to alien creatures best left
forgotten. This ill-advised worship twists their minds in
odd ways. Overlords find these warped men useful due to
the unnatural powers they can channel. The dark priests
most favored by their strange gods have powerful protec-
tions, and defeating one of them is sure to bring down a
terrible curse upon the victor.
Deep Elf
Far beneath the earth lives a society of elves that have
turned their backs on their fellows. They have become
an elite order of assassins, hiring their knives and their
skills out to the highest bidder. The best assassins are
given ice daggers that cover their victims in a thin sheet
of frost, making their weapons and armor extremely
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The Altar of Despair
28 Effect Tokens
14 Curse Tokens
14 Frost Tokens
18 Treasure Markers
9 Invulnerability Potion Markers
9 Money Tokens
15 Progress Tokens
4 Prolonged Action Hero Order Tokens
7 Miscellaneous Markers
1 Sharr the Brightwing Marker
1 Shadow Soul Marker
1 Bottle Imp Marker
1 Eyes of Thara Marker
3 Monkey Markers
New Props
The new props included with this expansion are listed
Thank you for purchasing this expansion to Descent:
Journeys in the Dark. This expansion includes new
game components, new rules, and new quests.
Fog blocks line of sight, but not
Using This Book
This rulebook contains new rules for use in Descent:
Journeys in the Dark. These include changes to or clari-
fications of the original Descent: Journeys in the Dark
rules, entirely new rules for the expansion, and answers to
frequently asked questions about the game. While this
expansion is designed to be used in its entirety, it is possi-
ble to play using only some of the new elements, such as
the new heroes, new monsters, or new overlord cards.
If heroes on corrupted terrain are wound-
ed or spend fatigue, the overlord gains
All cards from The Altar of Despair expan-
sion are marked with a small altar symbol on
their fronts, to allow you to separate them from your
Descent: Journeys in the Dark cards.
Dark Glyphs
Dark glyphs have been corrupted by the Overlord and
have some negative effect each time the heroes use
them. There are three different types of dark glyph, and
they must be purchased with treachery at the start of the
The Quest Guide section of this rulebook begins on
page 12.
The Replacement “Leadership” Card
One “Leadership” replacement card for Descent:
Journeys in the Dark has been included in this expan-
sion. This card was changed to better work with the new
prolonged action rules. To use it, simply remove the old
card from your Descent: Journeys in the Dark game
and replace it with this revised card.
This Rulebook (the second half of which is a Quest Guide)
6 Hero Sheets
6 Plastic Heroes
21 Plastic Monsters
6 Plastic Blood Apes
6 Plastic Dark Priests
3 Plastic Deep Elves
3 Plastic Trolls
3 Plastic Chaos Beasts
110 Cards
10 Monster Reference Cards
49 Overlord Cards
4 Subterfuge Skill Cards
4 Fighting Skill Cards
4 Wizardry Skill Cards
5 Town Store Cards
12 Copper Treasure Cards
10 Silver Treasure Cards
6 Gold Treasure Cards
5 Dark Relic Cards
1 Replacement Descent: Journeys in the Dark Card
8 Map Pieces
2 Corrupted Room Pieces
2 Corrupted Corridor Pieces
1 Corrupted Intersection Piece
3 Corrupted Dead End Pieces
48 Prop Markers
30 Obstacle Markers
2 Glyph Markers
6 Dark Glyph Markers
6 Altar Markers
1 Large Pit Marker
2 Encounter Markers
3 Crushing Wall Markers
4 Crushing Wall Plastic Stands
Glyph of
Component Overview
Below are summary descriptions of the various compo-
nents included in The Altar of Despair. They should
help you identify the components and introduce you to
how they are used.
Altars are places for the heroes and monsters to interact
with their gods, calling down great and powerful forces
to aid themselves or hinder their foes. One side of the
altar marker shows a good altar, while the other side
shows an evil altar. The Quest Guide will specify which
type of altar to use.
New Heroes
These new heroes can be easily incorporated into
Descent: Journeys in the Dark. Simply shuffle the new
heroes in with the others when choosing heroes at the
start of the game.
New Monsters
The new monsters in this expansion appear in the new
quests in this rulebook. Additionally, the overlord can
spawn them in any of the quests from Descent:
Journeys in the Dark through the use of the spawn
cards included with this expansion. The overlord may
use all of the monsters from this expansion in addition
to all of the monsters from the base game.
Altar of Evil
Crushing Walls
Crushing walls stand vertically on plastic stands, like
doors. Once triggered in a quest, these walls slowly
move together, crushing anyone caught between them.
New Map Pieces
The extra map pieces provided allow the boards for the
new quests to be constructed. The new pieces are all
corrupted terrain (see page 7).
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New Effect Tokens
New Cards
This expansion includes new cards for the skill, shop,
and treasure decks. These cards can simply be shuffled
in with their respective decks before the game begins.
However, some of the new treasure cards have the
Cursed trait. These are referred to as cursed items and
are described in detail on page 7.
Expansion Rules
This section contains rules for the new game elements
included with this expansion.
With this expansion, the overlord player has the ability
to customize the overlord deck from the base game
using treachery.
These tokens are used to track two new lingering effects
– Curse and Frost. See page 8 for further details.
Dark Relic Cards
Dark relics are terrifying items
that the overlord can sneak in
among the treasure that the
heroes find. They are triggered
by the “Dark Relic” trap card.
See page 7 for further details.
New Order Tokens and
Progress Markers
Most of the new overlord cards have a hexagonal, col-
ored gem between the gems for their threat value and
their threat cost – this is their treachery cost. At the
start of each quest, before the game begins (step 6B), the
overlord receives a certain amount of treachery with
which he can customize his base overlord deck.
New Overlord Cards
Six of the new overlord cards are intended to be added
to the overlord deck (1 copy each of “Danger,” “Dark
Balm,” “Crushing Block,” “Paralyzing Gas,” “Blood
Ape Tribe,” and “Black Order”). The other overlord
cards have a colored gem between their threat cost and
threat value. This gem contains the card’s treachery
cost. Treachery is explained on pages 4-5.
The overlord’s base deck consists of all his cards that have
no treachery gem: This includes all the cards from the
original Descent: Journeys in the Dark, as well as 1
copy each of “Danger,” “Dark Balm,” “Crushing
Block,” “Paralyzing Gas,” “Blood Ape Tribe,” and
“Black Order,” which are new to this expansion.
These tokens and markers are used for making pro-
longed actions (see page 6).
New Treasure Markers
New Monster Reference Cards
The new monster reference cards provide the game rules
and statistics for the new monsters featured in this
expansion. See New Special Abilities on pages 8-9 for a
full description of each new ability listed on these cards.
When customizing his deck, the overlord player swaps
out cards from his base deck for cards that have a
treachery cost. Each quest states how much treachery the
overlord receives when playing that quest. This informa-
tion is found above the chest contents chart for that
quest. (Treachery for quests from Descent: Journeys in
the Dark can be found in the “Treachery for the
Original Quests” sidebar.)
Treachery comes in three types: Events (green), Traps
(purple), and Monsters (red). Power cards are paid for
with event, trap, or monster treachery as well, depending
on the color of their treachery gem. In order for the
overlord to add a card that has a treachery cost to his
deck, he simply spends the listed amount of treachery
(making sure to spend the proper type), then he adds the
card to his overlord deck, removing any one other card
of his choice from the deck. The overlord may swap out
as many cards from the overlord deck as he wants in this
manner as long as he has enough treachery to pay for
them all.
These markers represent the new invulnerability potions
(see page 8) introduced in this expansion.
New Miscellaneous Markers
the Brightwing
Shadow Soul
The Bottle Imp
The Eyes of
The Sharr the Brightwing and Shadow Soul markers
represent new familiars available to heroes with the
proper Wizardry or Subterfuge skill, respectively. The
Bottle Imp, on the other hand, is a familiar available to
a hero with the proper silver treasure card. The Eyes of
Thara marker is used by the “Eyes of Thara” silver
treasure card. This expansion also includes extra mon-
key tokens so that there are now enough for the entire
party to be transformed at once.
Example: Evan, the overlord for this game, receives 2
event treachery, 6 trap treachery, and 2 monster treach-
ery at the start of a quest. He finds this information by
looking on the quest map, above the chest contents
chart. He decides that he wants to add “Dance of the
Monkey God” (3 trap treachery), “Dark Power” (1
event treachery), and “Time Slips Away” (1 Event
treachery) to his deck. This leaves him with 0 event
treachery, 3 trap treachery, and 2 monster treachery,
which he chooses not to spend. He then adds the 3 cards
he has chosen to his overlord deck and chooses 3 other
cards to remove from it (in this case, an “Aim,” a “Gust
of Wind,” and a “Hordes of the Things” card).
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The specific effects of each glyph are listed below:
The Treachery Gem
Summoning (Red): When this glyph is
activated, as well as each time a hero
uses it to move to or from town, the over-
lord may spawn 2 monsters (any combi-
nation of beastmen, skeletons, bane spi-
ders, razorwings, hellhounds, and/or sor-
cerers), following the normal spawning rules. Otherwise,
this glyph functions as a normal glyph.
Sundered (Green): This glyph only pro-
vides 1 conquest token when activated,
and cannot be used to move to or from
town like a normal glyph.
The treachery gem on the new overlord cards
may be either green (for Events), purple (for
Traps), or red (for Monsters). The number in the
hexagon indicates the card’s treachery cost.
Power (Purple): When this glyph is acti-
vated, as well as each time a hero uses it
to move to or from town, the overlord
may draw two cards and look at them. He
then keeps one and discards the other for
threat. Otherwise, this glyph functions as
a normal glyph.
Dark Glyphs
In addition to spending treachery on customizing his
overlord deck, the overlord can also purchase dark
glyphs. These glyphs have been corrupted by the over-
lord and typically have an unpleasant side effect for the
heroes when used or activated. Each dark glyph costs 2
treachery of the appropriate color (see below). At the
start of the game, if the overlord purchases any dark
glyphs, he mixes them in with the normal glyph mark-
ers, turning all the glyphs so that their red (unactivated)
side is faceup.
When a new glyph is placed on the map (usually as the
result of a new area being revealed), the overlord choos-
es the glyph from his pool of glyphs. He is allowed to
look at their facedown sides to select exactly the glyph
he wants.
The Ready Action (Revised)
The Ready action has been slightly redefined for clarity
and to better interact with prolonged actions, which are
explained below. Now, when a hero readies, he receives
two different half actions, one of which must be an
order half action. The two actions can be taken in any
Unspent Treachery
For every 2 points of leftover treachery (of any type),
the overlord draws 1 extra overlord card to start the
game, up to a maximum of 8 cards.
Example: Evan has 3 total points of unspent treachery
left. He draws 1 extra overlord card to start the game
(giving him 4 cards total), and the final point of treach-
ery is wasted.
Example: Evan has 3 unspent trap treachery and 2
unspent monster treachery, for a total of 5 unspent
treachery points. He decides to purchase 1 dark glyph of
the Sundered (green) type.
The different half actions are:
Move: The hero may move up to a number of spaces
equal to his speed. The hero may interrupt his movement
with his other half action and then continue moving as
Resetting the Overlord Deck
At the end of the game, the overlord deck is restored to
its original condition, removing all cards that have
treachery costs from it and returning the original cards
to it.
Note: Glyphs that are activated at the start of the quest
may not be dark glyphs.
Attack: The hero may make one attack.
Treachery for the Original Quests
The overlord should receive the treachery listed
below when playing the nine quests from Descent:
Journeys in the Dark.
Order: The hero may place one hero order token faceup
next to his figure. If the order is a prolonged action
order (see below), the hero may also roll power dice.
Concentrate: A hero with a prolonged order token on
him may take a concentrate half action to roll power
dice, as described under “Prolonged Actions.” He may
spend fatigue to bring this roll up to a maximum of 5
power dice, as normal. This gives the possibility of mak-
ing two rolls a turn to work on a prolonged action as
long as the hero does nothing else.
Event Trap Monster
(green) (purple) (red)
Into the Dark
The Brothers Durnog
Problems of Life and Death 3
Spoiled Brat
Last Wishes
Stunned Heroes and Half Actions
A stunned hero now effectively receives one half action
instead of his normal action, so he could choose to con-
centrate instead of moving, attacking, or placing an
The Eternal Guardian
The Black Blade
The Trapped Ruins
Old Friends
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