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{1}{72}movie info: XVID 528x384 23.976fps 700.2 MB
{3129}{3202}- Operator? Operator?|- {y:i}Your call, please.
{3204}{3290}I've been ringing Murray Hill 3-5097|for the last half hour.
{3292}{3345}The line is always busy.|Will you ring it for me, please?
{3346}{3406}{y:i}Murray Hill 3-5097.
{3407}{3462}- {y:i}One moment, please.|- My husband's office.
{3464}{3522}He should've been home hours ago.|I can't think what's keeping him...
{3523}{3575}or why that ridiculous wire|should be busy.
{3577}{3626}They always close that office|at 6:00.
{3628}{3695}{y:i}Ringing Murray Hill 3-5097.
{3697}{3735}Thank you.
{3825}{3878}{y:i}Hello? Hello?
{3880}{3925}Hello, Mr. Stevenson, please.
{3926}{3985}- I want to speak to Mr. Stevenson.|- {y:i}Hello, G{y:i}eorge?
{3986}{4038}- {y:i}Speaking.|- What number am I calling?
{4040}{4099}{y:i}I got your message, George.|{y:i}Everything okay for tonight?
{4101}{4148}- {y:i}Yeah, everything's okay.|- Excuse me.
{4150}{4198}What's going on here?|I'm using this wire.
{4200}{4273}{y:i}- It's still 11:15, George?|{y:i}- 11:15 is right.
{4274}{4346}{y:i}- You got it all straight now?|{y:i}- Yeah, I think so.
{4347}{4413}{y:i}At 11:00, the private patrolman|{y:i}goes around to the bar...
{4415}{4465}{y:i}on 2nd Avenue for a beer.
{4467}{4526}{y:i}Then I get in through|{y:i}the kitchen window at the back.
{4528}{4586}{y:i}Then I wait till the train|{y:i}goes over the bridge...
{4588}{4662}{y:i}in case her window is open|{y:i}and she should scream.
{4664}{4710}Hello? Who is this?
{4712}{4794}{y:i}I forgot to ask you.|{y:i}Still don't wanna use the gun?
{4795}{4874}{y:i}Make it quick. Our client doesn't|{y:i}wish to make her suffer long.
{4876}{4962}{y:i}Okay, George, don't worry.|{y:i}There won't be any slipup.
{4964}{5015}{y:i}And don't forget to take|{y:i}the rings and bracelets...
{5017}{5056}{y:i}and thejewelry|{y:i}in the bureau drawer.
{5058}{5126}{y:i}Our client wishes to make it look|{y:i}like simple robbery.
{5128}{5177}{y:i}Simple robbery.|{y:i}That's very important.
{5178}{5233}{y:i}Okay, okay.
{5234}{5285}{y:i}Now, let mejust check|{y:i}the address again.
{5773}{5835}- {y:i}Your call, please.|- You've given me a wrong number.
{5837}{5891}{y:i}I'm sorry, madam.|{y:i}What number were you calling?
{5893}{5976}I was calling Murray Hill 3-5097--|That's my husband's office--
{5978}{6050}and instead, I was cut into|some other number that you dialed.
{6051}{6146}The wires must have crossed,|and I heard the most dreadful thing.
{6147}{6184}- A murder.|- {y:i}Yes, madam?
{6186}{6262}And now, I want you to get that|wrong number back for me at once.
{6264}{6337}{y:i}I'm sorry, madam.|{y:i}I do not understand.
{6338}{6389}You dialed a number for me|just a moment ago--
{6391}{6449}Murray Hill 3-5097.
{6450}{6529}It was busy for so long, and|I asked you to get it and you did.
{6531}{6618}And then those--|those horrible men came on and--
{6620}{6678}Well, it's unnerved me dreadfully.|I'm an invalid.
{6679}{6726}{y:i}I will connect you|{y:i}with the chief operator.
{7062}{7139}- {y:i}Chief Operator. May I help you?|- I'm an invalid...
{7141}{7205}and I've just had a dreadful shock|tonight over the telephone...
{7206}{7259}and I'm very anxious|to trace the call.
{7261}{7335}It was about a murder--|a terrible, coldblooded murder--
{7337}{7423}of a poor, innocent woman|tonight at 11:15.
{7425}{7481}I was trying to reach|my husband's office.
{7483}{7579}He should've been home hours ago.|I'm all alone tonight.
{7581}{7651}My nurse has the night off,|because my husband had promised--
{7653}{7727}As a matter of fact,|he had sworn he'd be home by 6:00.
{7729}{7807}I don't know any of the neighbors,|as we live permanently in Chicago.
{7809}{7861}Well, it so happens that|the couple I have working for me...
{7862}{7902}had some important date or other.
{7904}{7947}I don't know.|A movie, I suppose.
{7949}{8005}They said it was promised them|three weeks ago.
{8007}{8062}You could've thought they'd have|checked with me before leaving--
{8064}{8114}had some realization|of my condition.
{8116}{8198}But I've been ringing and ringing|the bell for nearly an hour...
{8200}{8248}hoping they'd come back|or something.
{8250}{8330}- There isn't a sound downstairs.|- {y:i}Yes, madam.
{8332}{8414}So when I kept getting the busy|signal in my husband's office...
{8416}{8501}I naturally dialed the operator|and told her to try it, and she did.
{8503}{8591}Then, out of a clear sky, I was cut|into this ghastly conversation...
{8593}{8636}between two killers.
{8638}{8690}And now, I'd like you|to trace it for me at once.
{8692}{8758}- {y:i}Well, madam, that depends.|- Depends on what?
{8760}{8809}{y:i}On whether the parties have|{y:i}stopped talking to each other.
{8810}{8874}Of course they've stopped talking|to each other by now.
{8876}{8958}It was just a short call.|They weren't exactly gossiping.
{8959}{9028}{y:i}And what is your reason for|{y:i}having this call traced, madam?
{9030}{9088}Do I have to have a reason|when I overheard two murderers?
{9090}{9161}Isn't it obvious?|Now, look here, my good woman.
{9163}{9256}You probably don't understand,|but a human being, a woman...
{9258}{9333}is going to be killed somewhere--|somewhere in this very city...
{9335}{9433}and this murder's going to|take place tonight at 11:15.
{9434}{9473}Isn't that a good enough reason?
{9474}{9534}{y:i}I quite understand, madam,|{y:i}but I would suggest...
{9536}{9590}{y:i}that you turn this information|{y:i}over to the police.
{9592}{9658}Oh, for heaven's sakes,|all this idiotic red tape!
{9660}{9713}You'd just sit there|and let people die!
{9909}{9953}- {y:i}Your call, please.|- Give me the police.
{9954}{10015}{y:i}Yes, madam.|{y:i}Ringing the police department.
{10017}{10070}Tick-tock, tick-tock.
{10072}{10140}Listen to the big tick-tock.|Isn't that nice?
{10180}{10219}That's better.
{10221}{10279}Say, maybe that's your mom|calling for you.
{10347}{10408}Precinct 17.|Duffy speaking.
{10410}{10473}Yes? Oh, yes, Mrs. Stevenson.
{10475}{10548}I remember you. What?
{10550}{10603}You what?|A murder?
{10605}{10643}Yes, go ahead.
{10681}{10742}But there's lots of people|by the name of George.
{10744}{10837}And as for the private patrolman|and 2nd Avenue and the bridge--
{10855}{10914}2nd Avenue is a very long street.
{10916}{10991}Do you know how many bridges there|are in the city of New York alone?
{10993}{11077}Not to mention Brooklyn,|Staten Island, Queens and the Bronx?
{11079}{11133}Telephones are very funny things.
{11135}{11204}Look, lady, a lot of murders are|committed in this town every day.
{11206}{11296}If we could stop them, we would.|But a clue that's so vague...
{11298}{11347}it's not much more use to us|than no clue at all...
{11349}{11398}unless you think there's|something phony about this call...
{11400}{11441}and somebody's planning|to murder you.
{11443}{11519}Me? Why, of course not.
{11521}{11581}That would be ridiculous.|I mean, why should anybody?
{11583}{11653}Well, you see? There's nothing|for you to worry about.
{11654}{11706}- Now, if you'll excuse me, please.|- {y:i}Just a minute!
{11757}{11814}Will you please excuse me, ma'am,|for just one second?
{11847}{11907}I know, darling.|Why are you crying?
{11909}{11985}Be a good girl.|Everything's gonna be all right.
{12016}{12094}I'm sorry, ma'am, but I've got a couple|of other things here on my desk...
{12096}{12150}that require|my immediate attention.
{12152}{12181}Good night.
{12183}{12233}All right! Don't listen!|Who cares?
{12947}{13024}Henry, why do you leave me alone?
{13302}{13404}- Hello?|- {y:i}Is this Plaza 5-1 098?
{13406}{13487}{y:i}I have a person-to-person call|{y:i}for Mrs. Henry Stevenson.
{13489}{13563}{y:i}Chicago is calling.
{13565}{13613}This is Mrs. Stevenson.
{13615}{13653}{y:i}One moment, please.
{13681}{13731}{y:i}- Go ahead, sir.|{y:i}- Hello, Leona?
{13733}{13814}- Hello, Dad.|- Is that you, sweetie?
{13816}{13874}- And how's my girl tonight?|- {y:i}What are you doing, Dad?
{13876}{13911}- How's that?|- {y:i}Can you talk?
{13913}{13962}- If I can talk?|- {y:i}Can you talk?
{13964}{14034}Sure, sweetheart.|Go ahead, I can talk.
{14056}{14105}A murder?
{14106}{14172}Tonight, 11:15?|You called the police?
{14174}{14248}How come? Where's Henry?|Where's your nurse?
{14284}{14332}Henry told her she could, did he?
{14334}{14404}Well, then,|why didn't he come home?
{14406}{14473}Business? What business?
{14475}{14554}Didn't I tell him time and again|his first consideration is to you?
{14556}{14609}I'll worry about the business.
{14610}{14685}Dear, when the guy hasn't another|responsibility in the world...
{14686}{14756}and just because I'm not around|to check up on him.
{14758}{14833}Just forget about it.|Maybe just a gag.
{14834}{14885}Couple of actors, maybe,|on a radio program.
{14887}{14936}{y:i}Radio? Radio program?
{14938}{14992}Sometimes happens.
{14994}{15053}No need to worry your head|on a hot night like this.
{15054}{15077}Honey, everybody--
{15165}{15209}Pardon me.
{15266}{15352}I wish you'd get the whole thing|over with and come home.
{15354}{15414}House is like a morgue without you.
{15416}{15494}Okay, I won't keep you, but|I just wanted to check up as usual.
{15496}{15594}- {y:i}You'll call me tomorrow?|- I'll call you tomorrow night.
{15596}{15695}And pet, tell Henry to call me|at the office tomorrow morning.
{15697}{15745}I'll have a talk with him.
{15926}{16001}Number 99. 99.
{16002}{16070}Number 17. 1-7.
{16072}{16149}There's a telephone call|for Miss Elizabeth Jennings.
{16150}{16232}There's a telephone call|for Miss Elizabeth Jennings.
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