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Karls and Scents
Original Scenario Concept and Writing :
Editing and Reworking :
Fahri Alp ‘Biff’ Kilic
Fahri Alp Kilic, Parnell ‘Deadman’ Hayes,
Cover and Interior Illustrations :
Map Artwork :
Greg ‘Gip’ Gilmore
Graham ‘Damage Sponge’ Gilmore,
Greg Gilmore
Greg Gilmore
Parnell Hayes
Graham Gilmore
Scenario Layout :
Attribute Templates :
Skaven Consultant :
Gaming Gophers and Slaaneshi Eunuchs :
David ‘Jyst Dave’ McBride,
Phil ‘Elvis’ Welford
Introduction ........................................................... 3
Background ............................................................ 3
Kreutzhofen and the Gilded Nose ................... 3
Il Verme ................................................................. 4
Roads Less Travelled ........................................... 5
The Finest of Scents ............................................ 7
Bumps In The Night ............................................ 8
A Fine Morning .................................................. 10
Skaven Stewing ................................................... 13
Some Honesty? ................................................... 14
Hey Nulny Nulny! ............................................. 15
Karls & Scents ..................................................... 15
Guglielmo’s Delivery ........................................ 18
Stinking Suspicions ........................................... 19
Pietr Gresch ......................................................... 21
Precipitous Solutions ........................................ 21
Plotting Foils and Foiled Plots ...................... 24
...And Then There Were Thousands? ............ 25
Guide to Experience Awards ........................... 25
GM’s Aids ......................................................... 26
Karls & Scents
in the Imperial army. An ambush by Beast-
men just West of Sylvannia robbed him of his
nose but he still managed to fight on, saving
the lives of the people in his charge. One was
the daughter of an Earl of Wissenland. In his
gratitude, the father of the young lady pro-
vided Hermann with a fine, silver nose. Her-
mann is sometimes seen polishing it, keep-
ing it clean and sterling. It is a point of some
pride and the subject of many conversations
for Hermann. Upon his discharge (due in no
small part to the prompting of his noble bene-
factor), Hermann took what savings he had,
and the goodwill of the Earl, and purchased a
modest Inn in Kretzhofen. He thought that its
location near several mountain passes might
be good for business. He was bang on.
Karls and Scents is an adventure for 3-
5 characters, preferably ones on their second
careers, though clever and lucky players in
their first careers could still do quite well. It
starts off in the southwest corner of the Em-
pire, where the Grey and Black Mountains
collide, and dangerous passes lead the fool-
hardy and ambitious into dangerous foreign
lands. It begins in and around the township
of Kreutzhofen and leads the party north
through the valleys of Wissenland to a climax
in Nuln. It involves merchants, nobility and,
of course, the Dark Powers. It also has a light,
musky scent, with a hint of spice and a caress
of violets.
The players arrive and meet Hermann
as they enter the Inn. He sits on a tall stool
next to a desk, nose in one hand, polishing
rag in the other. When the PCs approach, he
says, “Ohb, ebscuze be!” and reseats his nose
on his face. He clears his throat and says, in
a less nasally voice, “’Ow might I assist you
fine gents?”
The PCs are traveling South from the
city of Nuln and have reached the township of
Kreutzhofen. They could be en route to either
the Border Princes via the passes in the Black
Mountains, Bretonnia by way of the Montdi-
dier Pass or even the somber Dwarvish keep
of Khazid Grentas. Whatever their inevitable
destination, the players have stopped to rest
in Kreutzhofen, looking for some simple hos-
pitality. Instead, they find Señor Domingo
Ammufito, an edgy Tilean merchant with a
valuable and rare prize that he is fearfully
Hermann makes small talk with the
players as he fills in his register, asking where
they’re from, if they’ve been on the road long,
if there’s any news they’ve heard from Altdorf
or Nuln. Once the players take care of their ac-
commodations, they are invited by Hermann
to take a seat in the common room. He urges
them to try some of his widely renowned sau-
sage pies, an invention of the resident chef.
Anyone not eating can make a Hard (-20%)
Perception test to notice a strange, though not
unpleasant fragrance that occasionally wa�s
into a player’s nose. The common room is rea-
sonably well lit since it is the middle of the day
and all of the shu�ers are open. Still, there is
enough shadow in the place to obscure a form
si�ing against the far wall. Players who make
a Difficult (-10%) Perception test can notice a
slight, shi�y figure si�ing in the shadows to-
wards the back of the common room, away
from where the light from the open windows
cuts across the room.
Kreutzhofen and
The Gilded Nose
If the PCs look for accommodation as
soon as they arrive in Kreutzhofen, they can
find rooms available at the Gilded Nose, an
Inn run by a veteran of the Empire named
Hermann Schlumph. Poor Hermann was
unlucky enough to catch a mace in the face a
few years earlier when he was still a sergeant
Karls & Scents
Hermann Schlumph
Il Verme
( Señor Domingo Ammufito )
scent ever created!” Señor Ammufito stands
up straight again and continues his tale.
“Where was I ? Oh, yes, well you see,
I have a colleague in Nuln, a fellow country-
man and maestro profumatore, who is await-
ing the samples and the list of ingredients
that I have in my possession. Unfortunate-
ly, I suspect that someone knows that I have
items of unique value on my person, and they
have been following me since I le� Tilea. The
group I travelled with through the mountains
was ambushed and killed! I was barely able
to escape with my life! If it had not been for
some brave and kind Bretonnian Knights, I
very well might not have survived! I apol-
ogize, but I overheard that you are familiar
with the roads in these lands, and even my
untrained eyes can see that you are all brave
and noble souls.
The mysterious guest, shrouded in
shadow, sits still until the players have fin-
ished eating any meals they might have or-
dered and waits until Hermann has moved
back to his perch near the entrance before
cautiously walking over to the players’ table.
“Uh… Scuzi Señors, I… I do not mean
to bother you, but I believe you may be the
answer to my prayers.
“Ah, but I am being rude. I am Señor
Domingo Ammufito, a merchant of some
renown in my homeland. I deal in only the
most rare and precious treasures of the senses,
which is why I find myself here, so far from
my home. You see, I was traveling from the
fine city of Miragliano in Tilea, on my way to
Nuln, with some… “ and with this, the slight
frame of the merchant leans in close and whis-
pers, “…very rare colonia, perhaps the finest
“I beseech you to consider an offer I
have. If you will escort me to Nuln, where I
might meet my contact and deliver my goods,
I would be most happy to pay each of you 15,
no 20 gold coins! As well, I would consider it
Karls & Scents
an honour to speak with my amigo in Nuln
and have each of you receive a scent of your
choice from his wide selection of perfumes
and oils. Please Señors, consider my offer.
All I have is invested in the wares I carry. If I
cannot deliver them to Nuln, I will surely be
le� ruined… .”
substances. Everyone suspected that he was
some type of Sorcerer, or simply insane, and
gave him a wide berth. Guglielmo, however,
had his curiosity piqued. He arranged to meet
with this gentleman to see if some accommo-
dation might be reached, to Guglielmo’s ad-
vantage and good fortune of course. As for-
tune (good or otherwise) would have it, the
gentleman said that he was a researcher with
some Golden school or other and did indeed
require the help of a well-connected local to
help him “navigate the waters.” Il Verme
was particularly good at procuring some of
the more expensive items from the wealthy
merchants of Miragliano, which didn’t exact-
ly endear him to the ranking family of the lo-
cal thieves guild. But Guglielmo figured that,
once he was paid for his work, the cut they
got would be more than enough to smooth
any feathers that may have been ruffled by
his initiative. This is where things start to go
During his spiel, the players may make
a Routine (+10%) Perception test to notice a
sweet, spicy smell coming off the merchant.
Players who noticed the odour earlier recog-
nize it as one and the same. If players show
even a mild interest in Ammufito’s offer, he
continues to plead with them. With a success-
ful Hard (-20%) Haggle test, the group can get
the merchant to agree to pay for sundries for
the traveling, up to 5 GCs worth per person,
things such as rations, blankets, torches and
other items that would be used by the group
to facilitate the trip to Nuln. Personal items,
weapons and non-travel related items are still
the players ‘ responsibilities. If, however, the
players seem hesitant or disinterested, the
Tilean will develop a sullen expression, thank
the group for their time, return to his table
and appear to sink into a sulk for the rest of
the day and evening. He will sip his wine and
not talk with any other patrons who frequent
the Inn.
Notably, upon returning to his patron’s
rented home one evening, Guglielmo found
the man quite dead. Shredded, in fact. And
his home had been ransacked, with his labo-
ratory being the worse for wear. At first, he
thought it might have been the syndicate,
demonstrating their displeasure at having
been kept out of the loop. They were, howev-
er, businessmen above all else, and thus kill-
ing the hand that feeds you was bad business.
No, something else was at work here.
At this point, the players might think of Am-
mufito as an interesting distraction to their
day, but there is considerably more to this
“merchant” than has been revealed. Namely,
the merchant Domingo Ammufito isn’t. He
is Tilean, and he is a Charlatan named Gug-
lielmo Baducci, also known as Il Verme (The
Worm), as he has a knack for ge�ing himself
off the hook. Unfortunately for Il Verme, this
time he’s been skewered.
Guglielmo had always been observant,
and in previous visits to his former benefac-
tor’s home had noticed numerous candles in
and about the place. In a peasant home this
might seem appropriate, but the household of
a gentleman of means would almost certainly
be lit with oil lamps. More curious were the
droplets of purple wax under the nails of his
former employer’s corpse lying on the stone
floor in the entrance to the laboratory. The
rogue searched the workshop, the hall, the
study and most of the rest of the home before
he found a small wooden box, finely cra�ed
and brass clasped, cached on an upper shelf
in the kitchen’s pantry. Six fine, deep-purple
Roads Less Travelled
Back in Miragliano some 3 months ear-
lier, Guglielmo picked up rumours of a vis-
iting “gentleman” who had been quietly in-
quiring among less reputable sources about
strange, rare, and in some cases, forbidden
Karls & Scents
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