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Purple Emperor
Purple Emperor
By Catherine
These cut butterfly designs
are very versatile. You can
give the finished card a soft,
subtle look by using pastel
colours throughout or make
a really vibrant card using
bright colours against a black
Materials Required:
Tissue or mulberry papers:
Purple 9cm x 13cm and scraps
of: Lilac, Off White and Light
Masking tape.
Glitter glue.
Carbon paper.
Tracing paper and a sharp pencil.
To Make The Card:
Choose the shape you prefer and carefully
trace the design onto tracing paper using a sharp
pencil. Keep the tracing paper in place while you
work with a little masking tape.
Lay the card mount opened out and face
down on the work surface. Cut a piece of carbon
paper to fit one panel of the
card mount and place it inky
side down onto the centre panel.
Place the diagram over the
carbon paper, making sure it is
central tape it into place so it
does not move whilst you work.
Retrace over the lines
pressing gently so the ink from
the carbon paper marks the card
mount. When you have retraced
over all the lines, remove the
tracing and carbon paper from
the card.
Place the card onto a cutting
mat or a thick bed of old news-
papers to protect your work
Cut along the traced lines,
this will remove small areas of
card leaving veins which give
Craft knife and cutting mat.
P. V.A. Craft Adhesive.
Card mount: DF03U, Lavender.
Actual Size
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the butterfly structure. If you want to make
more than one card, keep the tracing as you
should be able to re-use it a couple of times.
Place the purple mulberry sheet onto the
diagram in the magazine. You will be able
to see the shape of the butterfly through the
thin paper and simply build up the pattern
onto this.
Glue the pieces on as you go but just
take the design off the magazine to do this
or the glue may go through and stick it to
the page. You could always photocopy the
page to work onto if you prefer.
When adding patterns to the butterfly,
tear the paper wherever possible, this will
make the patterns blend together more nat-
urally than a cut line will allow. Add detail
with glitter glue or use glitter sprinkled
over patches or lines of glue.
If you intend to make a pattern from
scraps then keeping the pattern symmetrical
is advisable. Fold the flap closed behind
the cut out butterfly and lightly trace the
shape of the butterfly through onto the flap
behind. Unfold the card and work onto the
marked panel.
The butterfly in black is made in the
same way and is backed with a sheet of
bright variegated paper. You could use
colourful fabric scraps, so have a look
through your oddments box and see what
you can find.
Actual Size
You don’t have to
stick to mulberry or tis-
sue paper, you can use
all sorts of colourful
scraps to make the pat-
terns on the butterflies
wings. For instance,
the brown spots on
my purple butterfly
are made from brown
Kraft paper.
The butterfly on the
green card has been
made using scraper
paper. This looks just
like a sheet of black
paper to start with but
as you scrape away
the surface it reveals a
rainbow background.
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We hope you enjoy this free project. You may hand make copies of this project,
to give away or sell, as many times as you like. You may not use the pattern,
project, text or pictures for any other purpose nor make the project using
any automated process.
The project was taken from a back issue of the Craft Creations Magazine.
All the articles on our web site are at least one year old. If you want the latest
projects, designer profiles, gallery pages and more, then you need to subscribe
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The details above are correct as of 1st July 2001, but are subject to change without prior notice.
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