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"Tissue Engineering". In: Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology
Vol. 12
Accidents and diseases lead to devastating tissue losses and organ failures, which
result in more than 8 million surgical operations each year in the United States
alone (1). These problems convert to a national annual healthcare cost of approx-
imately half trillion U.S. dollars. The state-of-the-art clinical therapies to tissue
losses and organ failures can be categorized into three approaches, ie, transplanta-
tion, surgical reconstruction, and the use of prostheses. Each of these approaches
has contributed to solving or alleviating the severity of these clinical problems,
while all of them have serious limitations.
Organ transplantation became successful in the early 1960s because of the
success of immunologic suppression in the clinical setting (2). Transplantation
has saved, and is continuing to save, countless lives. This approach, however, is
severely limited by the dearth of donor organs. For example, fewer than 3000
available donors are way shorter than the needs of approximately 30,000 Amer-
icans for liver transplants each year (3). Surgical reconstruction utilizes tissues
harvested from the patient to rebuild a critically needed body part. The use of the
patient’s own tissue is advantageous in that it has a higher success rate resulting
from the avoidance of immune rejection than using tissues from other sources.
However, the need for second site of surgery, limited supply, inadequate size and
shape, and the morbidity associated with donor site are all major concerns (4,5).
In response to the shortages of needed tissues and organs, prostheses are devel-
oped to replace certain body parts for their structural and mechanical functions.
There are approximately 100,000 people in the United States with transplants,
while there are more than 10,000,000 with biomedical implants (6). However, the
prostheses are made from artificial materials, are not biologically functional, and
are therefore subject to long-term complications and rejections.
Tissue engineering is a new approach to resolve the missing tissue and organ
problems. Tissue engineering has been defined as an interdisciplinary field that
applies the principles of engineering and the life sciences toward the development
of biological substitutes that restore, maintain, or improve tissue function (3).
There are three strategies in tissue engineering (3,7):
(1) The use of isolated cells or cell substitutes to replace those cells that supply
the needed function, including genetic or other manipulations before the
cell infusion (8);
(2) The delivery of tissue-inducing substances, such as growth and differentia-
tion factors, to targeted locations (9,10);
(3) Growing cells in three-dimensional (3-D) matrices (scaffolds) or devices,
where cells can be either recruited from the host tissues in vivo or seeded
(encapsulated) in vitro (3).
The advantage of the use of isolated cells is the simplicity. Cells are often
directly injected into the targeted locations to avoid complex procedures and as-
sociated complications. The disadvantages include cell death and loss of function
Encyclopedia of Polymer Science and Technology. Copyright John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.
Vol. 12
because cells need the right nutritional and substrate environment to grow and
function. The success of using tissue-inducing substances is dependent on the eco-
nomical large-scale production and purification of the bioactive molecules, and on
the development of delivery systems that can deliver these molecules with the
desired profiles. Certain gene therapy techniques can also be used for this ap-
proach. The above two approaches, ie, the use of isolated cells or tissue-inducing
substances, are considered when the defects are very small and well contained.
For engineering tissues of practical size scale and with predetermined 3-D struc-
tures, these two approaches are seriously limited. Therefore, the third approach,
ie, growing cells in 3-D matrices (scaffolds) or devices, has become increasingly
Some of these matrices or devices are used to develop immobilized cell sys-
tems, either as implants or extracorporeal devices (11,12). The core of this technol-
ogy is semipermeable membranes or matrices that have well-defined molecular
weight or size cutoff (13,14). They serve as immunoprotective barriers to support
cell growth and function, which allow nutrients, metabolic products, and wastes
to diffuse through, but not immune cells or antibodies. These devices offer certain
biological functions but are not living tissue/organ replacements (see M EMBRANE
T ECHNOLOGY ). Some other 3-D matrices work as templates (called scaffolds) to
guide cells to grow, synthesize biological molecules and extracellular matrix com-
ponents, and facilitate the organization and formation of functional tissues and
organs (15–17). After fulfilling the templating function, the scaffolds degrade and
disappear, leaving nothing foreign to the biological system (Fig. 1). There are
many additional advantages in this approach. Patient-derived cells (stem cells or
differentiated cells) or future universal cell sources (nonimmunogenic) can be used
so that there will be minimum complication associated with immune rejections.
These cells can be expanded in vitro to solve the donor shortage limitations. Any
tissue/organ structure can be potentially mimicked by the scaffolding design. The
engineered tissues will have the capacity of growing, modeling, and remodeling in
concert with dynamic changes in physiological environment of the body. In this ap-
proach, biodegradable polymers (natural or synthetic) are the materials of choice.
Polymers (or macromolecules) are currently used as scaffolds for nearly every tis-
sue type including bone and other mineralized tissues. Besides polymers, only
limited inorganic materials are used for certain mineralized tissue engineering
Although growing cells on two-dimensional (2-D) substrates (such as petri
dishes and culture plates) dates back centuries, designing 3-D scaffolds for tissue
engineering is a new field, where polymer science and engineering play pivotal
There are a few basic requirements that have been widely accepted for de-
signing polymer scaffolds. First, the scaffold has to have high porosity and proper
pore size. These pores allow cell seeding and migration to achieve the needed
relative uniform distribution. The pores also provide the space for cell prolifera-
tion and neo tissue deposition. The pores also satisfy the needed mass transport
requirements for nutrients, signaling molecules, metabolic products, and wastes.
The porous structure should also allow for vascularization and innervation for
sustained function of the regenerated tissues when implanted in vivo . High poros-
ity is also beneficial because of the reduced polymer amount and its degradation
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Fig. 1. Schematic diagram showing the tissue engineering concept. Scaffolding materials
(temporary synthetic extracellular matrices) are designed, on which mammalian cells can
grow to regenerate the needed tissue or organ in three dimensions (3-D). Because the
scaffolds are biodegradable, they will resorb after fulfilling the template function and leave
nothing foreign in the body.
products in the neo tissues, which can provoke unwanted inflammatory response
from the host. Second, a high surface area (a.k.a. surface-to-volume ratio) is
needed, which is the 3-D surface area of the porous scaffolds (not just the out-
side surface area). Many cell types are anchorage-dependent, ie, they can survive,
grow, and function only when they are attached to an appropriate substrate. The
high surface area provides cells with the sufficient area to attach, grow, and de-
posit neo tissue components. Third, biodegradability is generally required, and a
proper degradation rate is needed to match the neo tissue formation. If the scaf-
fold degrades too fast, it can collapse before the new tissue is formed so that it
fails to serve as a 3-D guidance for the neo tissue organization. If the scaffold
degrades too slowly, it remains for a prolonged time period after the neo tissue is
formed and stabilized. It may hinder the new tissue replacement of the scaffold
space, and may cause complications associated with long-term foreign body reac-
tions. Fourth, the scaffold must have the needed mechanical integrity to maintain
the predesigned tissue structure to serve the 3-D guidance. However, scaffolds
are often not as mechanically strong as the tissues to be replaced because of the
required high porosity for scaffolds. They usually serve the scaffolding purpose
well as long as they can maintain the structural integrity under the cultivation
or implantation conditions, while the goals are that the engineered tissues from
the scaffolds are mechanically and biologically functional as their natural coun-
terparts. Fifth, the scaffold should not be toxic to the cells (biocompatible). In
addition to the polymer, the degradation products of the polymer should not be
toxic to the cells, which is usually a more restricting requirement than for the
polymer. Sixth, ideally the scaffold should positively interact with cells, including
enhanced cell adhesion, growth, migration, and differentiated function. To achieve
these positive cell–scaffold interactions, surface or bulk modifications of the
Vol. 12
polymer structure are often employed (18–21). Even drug, protein, or gene de-
livery techniques are often considered in the scaffold design (22–25).
Polymers in Tissue Engineering
As discussed above, polymers play a pivotal role in tissue engineering. To fulfill
the diverse needs in tissue engineering, various polymers have been exploited in
tissue engineering research, including natural polymers (macromolecules), natu-
ral polymer-derived materials, synthetic polymers, and synthetic polymers made
of natural monomers or modified with natural moieties. Various copolymers, poly-
mer blends, or polymeric composite materials are also used. This section is not
intended to be a complete and exhaustive review of all the polymers used in tissue
engineering. Instead, some of the most frequently used polymers (macromolecules)
in tissue engineering are briefly reviewed.
Polymers for Porous Scaffolds. The polymers to be discussed in this cat-
egory can form stable porous structures in the solid form to serve as pre-designed
3-D scaffolds. They generally do not dissolve or melt under in vitro tissue culture
conditions (in an aqueous tissue culture medium) or when implanted in vivo .
Linear Aliphatic Polyesters. Linear aliphatic polyesters are the most fre-
quently used synthetic biodegradable polymers in tissue engineering and many
other biomedical applications (26–28). These polymers degrade through hydroly-
sis of the ester bonds in the polymer backbone. The degradation rates and profiles
differ between these polymers owing to their compositional, structural, and molec-
ular weight differences.
Polyglycolide, also called poly(glycolic acid) (PGA), polylactide, also called
poly(lactic acid) (PLA), and their copolymers, poly(lactide- co -glycolide), also called
poly(lactic acid- co -glycolic acid) (PLGA), are a family of linear aliphatic polyesters
called poly(
-hydroxy acids) or poly(
-hydroxy esters) (Fig. 2). These polymers can
be synthesized by direct condensation of the hydroxy acid monomers (resulting in
low molecular weight polymers, such as lower than 10,000) or more commonly by
a ring-opening polymerization of the cyclic dimers (to achieve a higher molecular
weight), from where the names of polyglycolide and polylactide stem.
Among the family of glycolic acid and lactic acid homopolymers and copoly-
mers, PGA is the simplest in chemical structure, has many advantageous prop-
erties, and is therefore one of the most widely used scaffolding polymers (17).
Because of the chain structural regularity, PGA is highly crystalline and has a
high melting point of around 220 C (17). It does not dissolve in most common or-
ganic solvents. Because of its hydrophilic nature, PGA degrades rapidly in aqueous
solutions or in vivo , and loses mechanical integrity between 2 and 4 weeks depend-
ing on the molecular weight and physical structure of the scaffolds or implants,
and in vitro or in vivo conditions (17,29). It was the material used to develop the
first synthetic absorbable suture, and has been processed into nonwoven fibrous
fabrics as one of the most widely used scaffolds in tissue engineering today.
PLA is also widely used for scaffold fabrication because of its biodegrad-
ability. Because of the extra methyl group in PLA repeating unit in comparison
to PGA, PLA is more hydrophobic. The hydrophobic methyl group reduces
the molecular affinity to water and leads to a slower hydrolysis rate of PLA.
Fig. 2. Polymers frequently used as scaffolds for tissue engineering.
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