Concepts in Biology 10th ed - Enger, Ross (McGraw-Hill, 2002) WW.pdf

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Enger−Ross: Concepts in
Biology, Tenth Edition
I. Introduction
1. What Is Biology?
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
It is often helpful when learning new material to have the goals clearly stated before that material is presented. It is also helpful to have
some idea why the material will be relevant. This information can provide a framework for organization as well as serve as a guide to
identify the most important facts. The following table will help you identify the key topics of this chapter as well as the significance of
mastering those topics.
Chapter Outline
1.1 The Significance of Biology
in Your Life
1.2 Science and the Scientific Method
Observation Questioning and Exploration
Constructing Hypotheses Testing
Hypotheses The Development of Theories
and Laws Communication
1.3 Science, Nonscience,
and Pseudoscience
Fundamental Attitudes in Science From
Discovery to Application Science and
Nonscience Pseudoscience Limitations
of Science
1.4 The Science of Biology
Characteristics of Life Levels of Organization
The Significance of Biology Consequences
of Not Understanding Biological Principles
Future Directions in Biology
HOW SCIENCE WORKS 1.1: Edward Jenner
and the Control of Smallpox
Key Concepts
Understand the process of science as well as differentiate
between science and nonscience.
• Know if information is the result of scientific investigation.
• Explain when “scientific claims” are really scientific.
• Recognize that some claims are pseudoscientific and are designed
to mislead.
Understand that many advances in the quality of life are the
result of biological discoveries.
• Give examples of how biological discoveries have improved
your life.
• Recognize how science is relevant for you.
Differentiate between applied and theoretical science.
• Describe the kinds of problems biologists have to deal with now
and in the future.
Recognize that science has limitations.
• Give examples of problems caused by unwise use of biological
• Identify questions that science is not able to answer.
Know the characteristics used to differentiate between living
and nonliving things.
• Correctly distinguish between living and nonliving things.
What Is Biology?
Enger−Ross: Concepts in
Biology, Tenth Edition
I. Introduction
1. What Is Biology?
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
Part 1 Introduction
1.1 The Significance of Biology
in Your Life
Many college students question the need for science courses
such as biology in their curriculum, especially when their
course of study is not science related. However, it is becom-
ing increasingly important that all citizens be able to recog-
nize the power and limitations of science, understand how
scientists think, and appreciate how the actions of societies
change the world in which we and other organisms live.
Consider how your future will be influenced by how the fol-
lowing questions are ultimately answered:
Does electromagnetic radiation from electric power
lines, computer monitors, cell phones, or microwave
ovens affect living things?
Is DNA testing reliable enough to be admitted as evi-
dence in court cases?
Is there a pill that can be used to control a person’s
Can physicians and scientists manipulate our genes in
order to control certain disease conditions we have
Will the thinning of the ozone layer of the upper atmo-
sphere result in increased incidence of skin cancer?
Will a vaccine for AIDS be developed in the next
10 years?
Will new, inexpensive, socially acceptable methods of
birth control be developed that can slow world
population growth?
Are human activities really causing the world to get
How does extinction of a species change the ecological
situation where it once lived?
As an informed citizen in a democracy, you can have a
great deal to say about how these problems are analyzed and
what actions provide appropriate solutions. In a democracy
it is assumed that the public has gathered enough informa-
tion to make intelligent decisions (figure 1.1). This is why an
understanding of the nature of science and fundamental bio-
logical concepts is so important for any person, regardless of
his or her vocation. Concepts in Biology was written with
this philosophy in mind. The concepts covered in this book
are core concepts selected to help you become more aware of
how biology influences nearly every aspect of your life.
Most of the important questions of today can be con-
sidered from philosophical, social, and scientific stand-
points. None of these approaches individually presents a
solution to most problems. For example, it is a fact that the
human population of the world is growing very rapidly.
Philosophically, we may all agree that the rate of population
growth should be slowed. Science can provide information
about why populations grow and which actions will be the
most effective in slowing population growth. Science can
Figure 1.1
Biology in Everyday Life
These news headlines reflect a few of the biologically based issues
that face us every day. Although articles such as these seldom
propose solutions, they do inform the general public so that
people can begin to explore possibilities and make intelligent
decisions leading to solutions.
also develop methods of conception control that would limit
a person’s ability to reproduce. Killing infants and forced
sterilization are both methods that have been tried in some
parts of the world within the past century. However, most
would contend that these “solutions” are philosophically or
socially unacceptable. Science can provide information
about the reproductive process and how it can be con-
trolled, but society must answer the more fundamental
social and philosophical questions about reproductive rights
and the morality of controls. It is important to recognize
that science has a role to play but that it does not have the
answers to all our problems.
1.2 Science and the Scientific Method
You already know that biology is a scientific discipline and
that it has something to do with living things such as micro-
organisms, plants, and animals. Most textbooks define biol-
ogy as the science that deals with life. This basic definition
seems clear until you begin to think about what the words
science and life mean.
Enger−Ross: Concepts in
Biology, Tenth Edition
I. Introduction
1. What Is Biology?
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
Chapter 1 What Is Biology?
The word science is a noun derived from a Latin term
( scientia ) meaning knowledge or knowing. Humans have
accumulated a vast amount of “knowledge” using a variety
of methods, some by scientific methods and some by other
Science is distinguished from other fields of study by
how knowledge is acquired, rather than by the act of accumu-
lating facts. Science is actually a process used to solve prob-
lems or develop an understanding of natural events that
involves testing possible answers. The process has become
known as the scientific method. The scientific method is a way
of gaining information (facts) about the world by forming
possible solutions to questions followed by rigorous testing to
determine if the proposed solutions are valid ( valid = mean-
ingful, convincing, sound, satisfactory, confirmed by others).
When using the scientific method, scientists make sev-
eral fundamental assumptions. There is a presumption that:
ing of days that occurs in the autumn. Experiments have
shown that artificially shortening the length of days in a
greenhouse will cause the trees to drop their leaves even
though there is no change in temperature. Knowing that a
cause-and-effect relationship exists enables us to make pre-
dictions about what will happen should that same set of cir-
cumstances occur in the future.
This approach can be used by scientists to solve partic-
ular practical problems, such as how to improve milk pro-
duction in cows or to advance understanding of important
concepts such as evolution that may have little immediate
practical value. Yet an understanding of the process of evo-
lution is important in understanding genetic engineering, the
causes of extinction, or human physiology—all of which
have practical applications. The scientific method requires a
systematic search for information and a continual checking
and rechecking to see if previous ideas are still supported by
new information. If the new evidence is not supportive, sci-
entists discard or change their original ideas. Scientific ideas
undergo constant reevaluation, criticism, and modification.
The scientific method involves several important identifi-
able components, including careful observation, the construc-
tion and testing of hypotheses, an openness to new
information and ideas, and a willingness to submit one’s ideas
to the scrutiny of others. However, it is not an inflexible series
of steps that must be followed in a specific order. Figure 1.2
shows how these steps may be linked and table 1.1 gives an
example of how scientific investigation proceeds from an ini-
tial question to the development of theories and laws.
1. There are specific causes for events observed in the
natural world,
2. That the causes can be identified,
3. That there are general rules or patterns that can be
used to describe what happens in nature,
4. That an event that occurs repeatedly probably has the
same cause,
5. That what one person perceives can be perceived by
others, and
6. That the same fundamental rules of nature apply
regardless of where and when they occur.
For example, we have all observed lightning associated
with thunderstorms. According to the assumptions that have
just been stated, we should expect that there is an explana-
tion that would explain all cases of lightning regardless of
where or when they occur and that all people could make
the same observations. We know from scientific observations
and experiments that lightning is caused by a difference in
electrical charge, that the behavior of lightning follows gen-
eral rules that are the same as that seen with static electricity,
and that all lightning that has been measured has the same
cause wherever and whenever it occurred.
Scientists are involved in distinguishing between situa-
tions that are merely correlated (happen together) and those
that are correlated and show cause-and-effect relationships.
When an event occurs as a direct result of a previous event, a
cause-and-effect relationship exists. Many events are corre-
lated, but not all correlations show a cause-and-effect rela-
tionship. For example, lightning and thunder are correlated
and have a cause-and-effect relationship. However, the rela-
tionship between autumn and trees dropping their leaves is
more difficult to sort out. Because autumn brings colder tem-
peratures many people assume that the cold temperature is
the cause of the leaves turning color and falling. The two
events are correlated. However there is no cause-and-effect
relationship. The cause of the change in trees is the shorten-
Scientific inquiry often begins with an observation that an
event has occurred repeatedly. An observation occurs when
we use our senses (smell, sight, hearing, taste, touch) or an
extension of our senses (microscope, tape recorder, X-ray
machine, thermometer) to record an event. Observation is
more than a casual awareness. You may hear a sound or see
an image without really observing it. Do you know what
music was being played in the shopping mall? You certainly
heard it but if you are unable to tell someone else what it
was, you didn’t “observe” it. If you had prepared yourself to
observe the music being played, you would be able to iden-
tify it. When scientists talk about their observations, they are
referring to careful, thoughtful recognition of an event—not
just casual notice. Scientists train themselves to improve their
observational skills since careful observation is important in
all parts of the scientific method.
The information gained by direct observation of the
event is called empirical evidence ( empiric = based on experi-
ence; from the Greek empirikos = experience). Empirical evi-
dence is capable of being verified or disproved by further
observation. If the event occurs only once or cannot be
repeated in an artificial situation, it is impossible to use the
Enger−Ross: Concepts in
Biology, Tenth Edition
I. Introduction
1. What Is Biology?
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
Part 1 Introduction
with other
Fit with current
scientific theo-
ries and laws
Develop new
theory or law
Figure 1.2
The Scientific Method
The scientific method is a way of thinking that involves making hypotheses about observations and testing the validity of the hypotheses.
When hypotheses are disproved, they can be revised and tested in their new form. Throughout the scientific process, people communicate
about their ideas. Theories and laws develop as a result of people recognizing broad areas of agreement about how the world works. Current
laws and theories help people formulate their approaches to scientific questions.
scientific method to gain further information about the event
and explain it.
more information. Perhaps the question has already been
answered by someone else or several possible answers have
already been rejected. Knowing what others have already
done allows one to save time and energy. This process usu-
ally involves reading appropriate science publications,
exploring information on the Internet, or contacting fellow
scientists interested in the same field of study. Even if the
particular question has not been answered already, scientific
literature and other scientists can provide insights that may
lead toward a solution. After exploring the appropriate liter-
ature, a decision is made about whether to continue to
explore the question. If the scientist is still intrigued by the
question, a formal hypothesis is constructed and the process
of inquiry continues at a different level.
Questioning and Exploration
As scientists gain more empirical evidence about an event
they begin to develop questions about it. How does this hap-
pen? What causes it to occur? When will it take place again?
Can I control the event to my benefit? The formation of the
questions is not as simple as it might seem because the way
the questions are asked will determine how you go about
answering them. A question that is too broad or too com-
plex may be impossible to answer; therefore a great deal of
effort is put into asking the question in the right way. In
some situations, this can be the most time-consuming part of
the scientific method; asking the right question is critical to
how you look for answers.
Let’s say, for example, that you observed a cat catch, kill,
and eat a mouse. You could ask several kinds of questions:
Constructing Hypotheses
A hypothesis is a statement that provides a possible answer
to a question or an explanation for an observation that can
be tested. A good hypothesis must be logical, account for all
the relevant information currently available, allow one to
predict future events relating to the question being asked, and
be testable. Furthermore, if one has the choice of several
competing hypotheses one should use the simplest hypothesis
with the fewest assumptions. Just as deciding which questions
to ask is often difficult, the formation of a hypothesis requires
much critical thought and mental exploration. If the hypothe-
sis does not account for all the observed facts in the situation,
doubt will be cast on the work and may eventually cast doubt
on the validity of the scientist’s work. If a hypothesis is not
1a. Does the cat like the taste of the mouse?
1b. If given a choice between mice and canned cat food,
which would a cat choose?
2a. What motivates a cat to hunt?
2b. Do cats hunt only when they are hungry?
Obviously, 1b and 2b are much easier to answer than
1a and 2a even though the two sets of questions are attempt-
ing to obtain similar information.
Once a decision has been made about what question to
ask, scientists explore other sources of knowledge to gain
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Enger−Ross: Concepts in
Biology, Tenth Edition
I. Introduction
1. What Is Biology?
© The McGraw−Hill
Companies, 2002
Chapter 1 What Is Biology?
Table 1.1
Component of
Science Process
Description of Process
Example of the Process in Action
Recognize something has happened and that it
occurs repeatedly.
(Empirical evidence is gained from experience or
Doctors observe that many of their patients, who are suffering from tubercu-
losis, fail to be cured by the use of the medicines (antibiotics) traditionally
used to treat the disease.
Ask questions about the observation, evaluate
the questions, and keep the ones that will be
Have the drug companies modified the antibiotics?
Are the patients failing to take the antibiotics as prescribed?
Has the bacterium that causes tuberculosis changed?
Exploration of
Go to the library to obtain information about this
Talk to others who are interested in the same
Visit other researchers or communicate via letter,
fax, or computer to help determine if your ques-
tion is a good one or if others have already
explored the topic.
Read medical journals.
Contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Consult experts in tuberculosis.
Attend medical conventions.
Contact drug companies and ask if their antibiotic formulation has been
Pose a possible answer to your question.
Be sure that it is testable and that it accounts for
all the known information.
Recognize that your hypothesis may be wrong.
Tuberculosis patients who fail to be cured by standard antibiotics have
tuberculosis caused by antibiotic resistant populations of the bacterium
Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Test hypothesis
Set up an experiment that will allow you to test
your hypothesis using a control group and an
experimental group.
Be sure to collect and analyze the data
Set up an experiment in which samples of tuberculosis bacteria are collected
from two groups of patients; those who are responding to antibiotic ther-
apy but still have bacteria and those who are not responding to antibiotic
Grow the bacteria in the lab and subject them to the antibiotics normally
Use a large number of samples.
The bacteria from the patients who are responding positively to the antibi-
otics are the control. The samples from those that are not responding con-
stitute the experimental group.
Experiments consistently show those patients who are not recovering have
strains of bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotic being used.
Agreement with
existing scientific
laws and theories
New laws or
theories are
If your findings are seen to fit with other major
blocks of information that tie together many
different kinds of scientific information, they will
be recognized by the scientific community as
being consistent with current scientific laws and
In rare instances, a new theory or law may develop
as a result of research.
Your results are consistent with the following laws and theories:
Mendel’s laws of heredity state that characteristics are passed from parent
to offspring during reproduction.
The theory of natural selection predicts that when populations of organisms
like Mycobacterium tuberculosis are subjected to something that kills many
individuals in the population, those individuals that survive and reproduce
will pass on the characteristics that allowed them to survive to the next
generation and that the next generation will have a higher incidence of the
The discovery of the structure of DNA and subsequent research has led to
the development of a major new theory and has led to a much more clear
understanding of how changes (mutations) occur to genes.
Conclusion and
You arrive at a conclusion. Throughout the
process, communicate with other scientists both
by informal conversation and formal publications.
You conclude that the antibiotics are ineffective because the bacteria are resis-
tant to the antibiotics. This could be because some of the individual bacteria
contained altered DNA (mutation) that allowed them to survive in the pres-
ence of the antibiotic. They survived and reproduced passing their resistance
to their offspring and building a population of antibiotic resistant tuber-
culosis bacteria.
A scientific article is written describing the experiment and your
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