[Dark Sun] Earth, Air, Fire, and Water.pdf

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Earth, Air, Fire, and Water
Earth, Air, Fire, and Water
Design: Shane Lacy Hensley
Editing: Doug Stewart
Project Coordination: Dori Jean Watry
Cover Art: Brom
Interior Art: Tom Baxa and Brom
Graphics Coordination: Sarah Feggestad
Art Coordination: Peggy Cooper
Cartography: Diesel
Typography: Gaye OKeefe
Special Thanks to: Randy Patton, Steve Gillespie, Steve Smith, Jay Kyle, Michelle Hensley, and Jeff Lahren.
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Chapter I: The Elemental Powers................................................... 3
The Priest Class ......................................................................... 3
The Wasting ............................................................................. 5
The Pact .................................................................................... 6
Pawns ....................................................................................... 6
Elemental Powers ....................................................................... 7
The Old Gods .......................................................................... 7
Chapter 2: Elemental Clerics.......................................................... 8
The Duties of Clerics .............................................................. I 0
Breaking the Pact .................................................................... I 0
Powers and Limitations ............................................................ I 3
Turning Undead ................................................................. I3
Followers............................................................................. I3
Element Effects................................................................... I3
Gate Abilities..................................................................... I 3
Optional Granted Power: Sacrifice ...................................... I3
Clerics Above the 20th Level ................................................... I3
Access to Spheres .............................................................. I 4
Recharging Spells .................................................................... I 5
Recharging Spells Table ...................................................... I 5
Kits for Clerics ......................................................................... I5
The Wanderers .................................................................. I6
Guardians of the Shrines .................................................... I 7
Clerics of the Cities ............................................................ I 8
Shamans ............................................................................ I 8
Clerics and Races .................................................................... 20
Dwarves ............................................................................. 20
Elves................................................................................... 20
Half-elves ........................................................................... 20
Halflings ............................................................................ 20
Muls .................................................................................. 20
Thri-kreen .......................................................................... 20
PC by Element and Race Table .......................................... 2I
The Elemental Clerics.............................................................. 2 0
Earth Clerics ...................................................................... 2I
Air Clerics .........................................................................
Fire Clerics ........................................................................
Chapter 4: The Druids................................................................. 45
The Bane of Sorcerer-Kings ..................................................... 45
The Organization of Chaos ...................................................... 45
Druids and the Pact ............................................................ 45
Becoming a Druid .............................................................. 46
Guarded Lands ................................................................. 48
The Time of Wandering...................................................... 48
Druid Characters ............................................................... 49
Weapons and Armor........................................................... 49
Inherent Powers................................................................... 49
Druids Above the 20th Level ................................................... 5 I
Chapter 5: The Templars ............................................................. 52
Templars and Sorcerer-Kings .................................................... 53
Balic .................................................................................. 53
Draj .................................................................................. 54
Gulg ........................................................................ 54
Nibenay ........................................................................ 54
Raam ........................................................................ 54
Tyr ..................................................................................... 55
Urik .................................................................................. 55
Templar Magic ........................................................................ 55
Ceremonial Powers ........................................................................ 5 6
Secular Powers ........................................................................ 5 6
Granted Powers and Spells ................................................. 57
Chapter 6: Shrines and Power Conjunctions................................ 58
The Shrines of Athas ............................................................... 58
Gunginwald, a Shrine of Earth ............................................ 5 9
Ahpotex, a Shrine of Air .................................................... 60
Fume, a Shrine of Fire .......................................................... 6 I
.................................................... 6 3
Shillisa, a Shrine of Silt ....................................................... 64
Mount Solace, a Shrine of the Sun ...................................... 65
Groomsh, a Shrine of Magma ............................................. 6 7
The Rain Tree, a Shrine of Rain .......................................... 68
Power Conjunctions ................................................................ 70
Clerics ............................................................................... 70
Druids................................................................................ 7 I
Templars ............................................................................ 7I
Chapter 7: Advanced Beings
and Adventures in the Inner Planes......................................... 72
Clerical Transformation ........................................................... 72
Clerical Transformation Levels Table ................................... 7 2
Druidic Transformation ........................................................... 73
Druidic Transformation Levels Table ................................... 73
Adventures in the Inner Planes ................................................ 74
Travel in the Inner Planes .................................................... 75
The Elemental Realms ............................................................. 76
Chapter 8: New Priest Spells........................................................ 78
1st-Level Spells ........................................................................ 78
2nd-Level Spells ...................................................................... 78
3rd-Level Spells ....................................................................... 80
4th-Level Spells ....................................................................... 83
5th-Level Spells ....................................................................... 88
6th-Level Spells ...................................................................... 8 8
7th-Level Spells ....................................................................... 9I
Appendix: Complete DARK SUN
Water Clerics ..................................................................... 3 I
Combination Casting .............................................................. 34
Chapter 3: Paraelemental Clerics................................................. 36
The Duties of Paraelemental Clerics ........................................ 36
Paraelemental Clerics as PCs ............................................. 37
Powers and Limitations ............................................................ 37
Turning Undead ................................................................ 37
Followers ............................................................................ 37
Element Effects .................................................................. 37
Gate Abilities .................................................................... 37
Paraelemental Clerics Above the 20th Level ............................. 37
Access to Spheres .............................................................. 38
Recharging Spells .................................................................... 3 8
Paraelemental Clerics as NPCs ............................................... 38
Types of Paraelemental Clerics ................................................. 3 8
Clerics and Races .................................................................... 39
The Paraelemental Clerics ....................................................... 39
Silt Clerics ......................................................................... 39
Sun Clerics ........................................................................ 4I
Magma Clerics .................................................................. 4 2
Rain Clerics ....................................................................... 4 4
Spell Index .......................... 9 4
Grace, a Shrine of Water
worldand, perhaps, the least understood. Earth, Air, Fire,
and Water is also a valuable source of knowledge about the
strange and mighty powers associated with each subclass of
This book begins with an explanation about the nature
of the elemental planes in the wake of Athass devastation
and its effects on those mortal champions who are the
Athasian priest class. Later chapters deal with elemental
clerics, paraelemental clerics, druids, and templars. Their
system of power conjunctions and shrines, and their
unusual relationships with the powerful elementals they
serve are also revealed. The transformation of clerics into
advanced, elemental beings, the terrible duties of high-level
clerics and druids, and the hidden aspects of the elemental
planes about Athas are presented here for the first time.
Finally, this book has more than 50 new spells for clerics,
druids, and templars that can be used in any DARK SUN
campaign! Dungeon Masters may choose to allow their
players immediate access to the new spells, or gradually
introduce them into the campaign as desired. A complete
list of all of the spells available to priests in a DARK SUN
campaign setting is included in a special appendix.
The Priest Class
The clerics and druids who inhabit the wastes of Athas are
very different from those of a standard AD&D ® campaign.
They do not pray to patron deities, for they have no deities.
Priests beneath the dark sun pledge themselves to the very
powers that dwell on the elemental planes.
Like the Athasian deserts, the elemental powers are nei-
ther benevolent nor malevolent, caring only that their nat-
ural forms are preserved in the material world.
In a world with no gods, how, what do priests serve? Earth,
Air, Fire, and Water is designed to reveal to the player and
to the DUNGEON MASTER (DM) exactly how
priests function on Athas. Clerics are one of the most
important character classes in the DARK SUN
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This is the source of their power, and the impending eco-
logical collapse in this realm has created an unusual and
dynamic power struggle on the inner planes of the elemen-
tals. The priests of Athas are the pawns of this titanic
Resisting the efforts of the clerics and druids are the tem-
plars. The templars are men and women who have become
the minions of the sorcerer-kings. They enforce the dictates
of those willful tyrants with fanatical fervor in exchange for
small scraps of personal power. The kings and queens they
serve are the greatest wizards Athas has ever known.
Tales of the ancient priest class are woven into the fabric
of life on Athastales of power and greed, and wanton,
wasteful destruction.
Jurgan, an earth priest who lives in the shadow of
Hamanu of Urik, understands the nature of these titanic
struggles all too well. . . .
day, they discovered a terrible, dark secret. They fixed their
little spells to feed from the energy of the elements, and they
magnified their power a hundred-fold! The land and every
living thing in the land fed their vile sorcery. And the land
and its creatures were sucked dry by their defiling magic.
Elemental clerics and the mysterious druids banded
together to oppose their blasphemous power, but it was too
late. The dark sorcerers and their sniveling minions slew
priests by the score, and the deserts ran red with blood. It
would be the last such drenching our parched world would
A few clerics remained when the slaughter was
overthey were fortunate compared to the druids. The
defilers knew as little about them as we know about the
thoughts of a thri-kreen. The defilers did know that druidic
power was derived from the land, and they assumed the
druids were in competition for the same resources. This was
not entirely true (no one knows more than I), but the sor-
cerer-kings and the thousands who now followed them saw
the druids as a threat, and they became as kirre fighting over
the same herd of erdlu. That which they did not understand
they had to destroy.
Some hunters went into the wastes in search of the
druids, but they met with little success. After years of fruit-
less searching, the sorcerer-kings began to ravage the land,
knowing that the druids must come out of hiding to do bat-
tle or allow their lands to wither at the defilers touch. The
tactic worked; the guardians emerged from their hiding
Jurgan, the mad priest of Urik. Thats what some call him,
behind his back. A screaming lunatic prattling on about
days so long ago they are far beyond the years of even the
most ancient elf. The templars ignore him as harmlesshis
ramblings too ridiculous even for the children who gather
around him like awed little rasclinn.
Still, his rants are ominous. And sad. And he tells one
tale that will shiver the spine of any man.
Listen well, my children, Jurgan said as he sat by the
well and watched the blazing sun slide toward the horizon
under an olive sky. Once there was a time when men like
myself were as common as injustice is today. Men and
women, pledged to the earth, or to fire, or water, or the
caressing wind, roamed the green fields of Athas in large
numbers. Few are left now, a desperate and scattered few
vainly trying to pump the lifeblood back in to the dried-up
well of our world.
Hamanu; the others, Kalak, Nibenay, Lalali-Puy, all of
them, were but sandmites compared to the real power.
Compared to the power of the earth and the sky. Then one
The years of frustration wore heavily on the defilers
brow, and the druids paid for their elusiveness in flesh and
blood. When the winds of Athas no longer bore the
screams of its defenders, the sorcerer-kings returned to their
citadels. Jurgan sighed and paused, a distant, sad look
creeping in to his ancient eyes.
Finally, he continued, his voice hoarse and troubled.
The druids are no longer hunted in force. The kings
believe there simply arent enough left to threaten them.
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