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Traveling Woman - PAGES
designed by Liz Abinante | | ravelry: feministy | twitter: feministy
Traveling Woman
A simple shawl designed by Liz Abinante
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designed by Liz Abinante | | ravelry: feministy | twitter: feministy
Traveling Woman
Being an indecisive individual, this shawl is
named after two things. First, the song
“Travelling Woman” by Bat for Lashes (she’s
British, hence the extra “l”). “Travelling Woman”
is a song about a brilliant woman with a
promising future, who loses it all because she fell
in love with a man who had too much potential,
and not enough substance. She sings: “Hang on,
travelling woman / Don't sacrifice your plan /
Cause it will come back to you / Before you lose
it on the man.” e edge of the shawl represents
the dangerous web of love, as well as its highs
and lows.
Second, the character Angela Montenegro on
Bones . If you’re familiar with Angela’s character, I
think the song selection makes sense: she’s
artistic, a believer in love, and just the type who
might get in a little too deep before she can find
her way out (she did get married in Fiji to a
complete stranger, afterall). is is the second in a
series of patterns based on the characters from
the Bones television show.
And finally, the yarn used for this shawl traveled
from California to London: it’s only fitting that
the pattern be named Traveling Woman.
e Plucky Knitter Merino Cashmere Nylon
Fingering (80/10/10 Merino/Cashmere/Nylon)
in “Queensway” (385 yd/120g).
Recommended needles:
One US 6 (4.0mm) circular needle, your choice
of length (I’d recommend 24” or longer).
Variable due to lace.
based on your preference. Chart A can be
repeated as many times as you like without any
problems. Chart B is the edge chart.
Sample shown 48” wingspan, 17” deep.
I have provided instructions to knit a one skein
shawl. is sizing of this shawl is easily adjusted
If you want to make the project larger, you have
three choices:
1.) repeat chart A more than twice
PDF Version: 1.3
Correction: August 126, 2009.
Changes/modifications: fixed row 5 of A, 19 of B (written)
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designed by Liz Abinante | | ravelry: feministy | twitter: feministy
2.) larger stocking stitch section, 2 rpts of
chart A
3.) larger stocking stitch section, additional
rpts of chart A
Knit the set-up rows. Knit chart A 2x. Knit chart
B 1x. BO. Block. Wear. Love.
Pattern notes:
e basis of this lace pattern comes from the
Horseshoe pattern in Barbara Walker’s A
Treasury of Knitting Patterns (pg 209). I have
modified it to add extra rows and width, and
created the edging myself.
Set-up rows:
CO 3 sts. Knit 6 rows. Pick up and knit 6 sts
along the long edge and cast on edge (9 sts).
Row 1: (WS) k2, pm, yo, p to last 2 sts, yo, pm,
k2 (11 sts)
Row 2: (RS) k2, slm, yo, k3 , yo, pm, k1, pm, yo, k
to marker, yo, slm, k2 (15 sts)
Row 3: k2, slm, yo, p to last marker, yo, slm, k2
(17 sts)
Row 4: k2, slm, yo, k to marker, yo, slm, k1, slm,
yo, k to marker, yo, slm, k2 (21 sts)
Always slip markers as you come to them. I have
indicated where to slip the marker in the set-up
rows, but beyond that, you will need to
remember. All stitches should be slipped knitwise
unless indicated.
I have knit this pattern with a garter stitch
border of 2 stitches on each side. Some knitters
may prefer a larger garter stitch border.
Repeat rows three and four 23 times (159 sts).
Next Row: k2, yo, p2tog, p to last 4 sts (removing
both center markers as you come to them), p2tog,
yo, k2
e charts do not contain the garter stitch
border or the yo at the beginning and end of
each row . Instructions are provided in the lace
charts section.
You should be ready to begin a RS row. Knit lace
chart A twice. Knit lace chart B. Bind off.
In the stocking stitch portion on right side rows,
you increase four stitches. On wrong side rows,
you increase two stitches. In the lace portion, you
increase two stitches on both right and wrong
side rows (you omit the increases along the center
Modification notes : if you want to make your
shawl larger, follow this formula-type thingy
below to set your increases. Plug-in your numbers
14 x ____ (# of rpts desired) = x
x + 1 = y
y + 4 = z
z = number of sts you should increase to
k: knit
p: purl
sl: slip
x: ____ y: ____ z: ____
yo: yarn over
k2tog: knit two together
ssk: slip, slip, knit two slipped stitches together
slk2p: slip one, k2tog, pass the slipped st over
CO: cast on
BO: bind off
RS/WS: right side/wrong side
pm: place marker
slm: slip marker
rpt/s: repeat/s
st/s: stitch/es
For this pattern, I worked 11 chart repeats. It
doesn’t have to be an even number of repeats
because we will be removing the markers for the
center st and working the shawl as one large
piece. My math looked like this:
14 x 11 = 154 -> 154 + 1 = 155 -> 155 + 4 = 159
PDF Version: 1.3
Correction: August 126, 2009.
Changes/modifications: fixed row 5 of A, 19 of B (written)
designed by Liz Abinante | | ravelry: feministy | twitter: feministy
Lace Charts:
Both RS and WS rows are charted. Remember, the
garter stitch border and the yarn overs at the edge
are not charted. e repeat is outlined in red.
e lace charts should be worked as follows:
RS: k2, yo, [work chart to last m], yo, k2.
WS: k2, yo, [work chart to last m], yo, k2.
Lace Pattern, Written:
Chart A:
1 (RS): k1, [yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo, k1] to end
2 and all WS rows: work sts as established (k the ks, p the ps)
3: k2, p1, [k1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, k1, p1] to last 2 sts, k2
5: k2tog, yo, k2, p1, [k2, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k2 , p1] to last 4 sts, k2, yo, ssk
7: k1, k2tog, yo, k3, p1, [k3, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k3, p1] to last 6 sts, k3, yo, ssk, k1
9: k1, k2tog, k1, yo, k4, p1, [k4, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k4, p1] to last 8 sts, k4, yo, k1, ssk, k1
11: k4, yo, k1, yo, k5, p1, [k5, yo, slk2p, yo, k5, p1] to last 10 sts, k5, yo, k1, yo, k4
Chart B:
1 (RS): k1, [yo, k5, slk2p, k5, yo, k1] to end
2 and all WS rows: work sts as established (k the ks, p the ps)
3: k2, p1, [k1, yo, k4, slk2p, k4, yo, k1, p1] to last 2 sts, k2
5: k2tog, yo, k2, p1, [k2, yo, k3, slk2p, k3, yo, k2, p1] to last 4 sts, k2, to, ssk
7: k1, k2tog, yo, k3, p1, [k3, yo, k2, slk2p, k2, yo, k3, p1] to last 6 sts, k3, yo, ssk, k1
9: [k2, k2tog, yo] 2x, p1, [yo, ssk, k2, yo, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, p1] to last 8 sts, [yo, ssk, k2] 2x
11: k3, k2tog, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k1, p1, [k1, yo, ssk, k2, yo, slk2p, yo, k2, k2tog, yo, k1, p1] to last 10 sts,
k1, yo, ssk, k2, yo, ssk, k3
13: k1, yo, ssk, k5, k2tog, yo, k2, p1, [(yo, ssk) 2x, k5, (k2tog, yo) 2x, p1] to last 12 sts, k2, yo, ssk, k5,
k2tog, yo, k1
15: k2, [yo,ssk] 2x, k3, [k2tog, yo] 2x, k1, p1, [k1, (yo, ssk) 2x, k3, (k2tog, yo) 2x, k1, p1] to last 14 sts,
k1, [yo, ssk] 2x, k3, [k2tog, yo] 2x, k2
17: k3, yo, [ssk, yo] 2x, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, [k2tog, yo] 2x, p1, [yo, (ssk, yo) 2x, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, (k2tog,
yo) 2x, p1] to last 16 sts, yo, [ssk, yo] 2x, k1, slk2p, k1, yo, [k2tog, yo] 2x, k3
19: k4, yo, [ssk, yo] 3x, slk2p, yo, [k2tog, yo] 2x, k1, p1 [k1, yo, (ssk, yo) 2x, slk2p, yo, (k2tog, yo) 2x,
k1, p1] to last 18 sts, k1, yo, [ssk, yo] 3x, slk2p, yo, [k2tog, yo] 2x, k4
Binding Off & Blocking:
Bind off on the WS row as follows:
p2tog, *sl st back to left needle, p2tog*, repeat to
When blocking, the shawl can have slight points, or
be blocked straight along the BO edge. It is
pictured with small points.
PDF Version: 1.3
Correction: August 126, 2009.
Changes/modifications: fixed row 5 of A, 19 of B (written)
designed by Liz Abinante | | ravelry: feministy | twitter: feministy
n e s
PDF Version: 1.3
Correction: August 126, 2009.
Changes/modifications: fixed row 5 of A, 19 of B (written)
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