[l5r 4e] Legend of the Five Rings 4E - The Book of Air.pdf

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T he B ook of A ir
P layteSterS : Team 1 (Dave Smith, Patrick Chen,
Aien Elmi, Jason Kang, Ki Chang Kim, Roger Liang,
Arthur Nguyen); Team 4 (Becca Hobart, Kevin Blake,
Todd Stites, Daniel Briscoe); Team 6 (Timar Long, Erykah
Fasset, Chad Kirby, Mike Brodu, Maxime Lemaire, Ray
Rupp); Team 7 (Jason Shafer, Nathan Shafer, Matt Strout,
Liza Strout, Joe White, Terry Moore, Eric Newlin); Team
8 (Edward Reynolds, Mathieu Brebouillet, David Whitney,
Richard Whitney, Stuart Biggs, Robert Knight); Team
8b (Michael Hill, Phil Pheeny, Shane Pheeney, Chaedy
Ritherdon, Tarl Cowley); Team 8c (Thomas Atwood, Ryan
Castilla, Henry Joiner, Brandon Woodmen); Team 17 (Tom
Lewis, Jamie Kipp, Gavin O’Hearn, Shawn MacLean,
John Taylor); Team 18 (Dave Laderoute, Mike Clark, Chris
Talarico, Chris Masdea, Lee Vollum, Richard Hewitt, Bill
Hrenchuk); Team 19 (Charles Caswell, Vincent Stanton,
Eddie Sweeden, Chuck Sweeden, Justin Cross, Fox
Whitworth); Team 20 (Matt Tyler, Timothy Hill, Stephen
Mumford, Matthew Linkswiler, Paul Casagrande, Robert
Zapf); Team 21 (James Freeman-Harris, Sarah Koz, David
Wright, James Mosingo); Team 22 (Scott Shepard, Dawn
Dalton, Andrew Doud, Justin Davidson, Jon Huskey, Trista
Lillis, Tim Murphy); Team 23 (James Wagner, Kevin Pason,
Ryan Bataglia, Chris Foster, Jim Friedman, Jason Whiston,
Phil Jenicek, Dan Sulin, Izzy Lombardi-Friedman); Team
24 (Tony Love, Kassandra Mullin, Brian Tieken, Kimberly
Wajer-Scott, Phillip Scott, Nicholas Love, Jerry Fleenor,
Patrick Wiliams)
w ritten By :
Shawn Carman, Robert Hobart,
Brian Yoon; Kevin Blake,
Dave Laderoute, Max Lemaire,
Seth Mason, Ryan Reese.
Robert Hobart, Todd Rowland
e dited By :
Todd Rowland
a rt d irector :
c over d eSign :
Hal Mangold
c over a rtiSt :
Mario Wibisono
Hal Mangold
l ayout
Edge Entertainment
o riginal
g raPhic d eSign :
a rtiStS : Christopher Appel, Steve Argyle,
Gonzalo Ordonez Arias, Mathew S. Armstrong, Daren Bader,
Drew Baker, Jason Behnke, Tom Biondolillo, Leonardo Borazio,
Beet, Manuel Calderon, Mike Capprotti, Paul Carrick,
Miguel Coimbra, Conceptopolis, Audry Corman, Ed Cox,
Edwin David, Molly Denmark, Thomas Denmark,
Randy Elliot, Steve Ellis, Jason Engle, Anthony Francisco,
Carl Frank, Randy Gallegos, Joachim Gmoser, Gong Studios,
Anthony Grabski, Troy Graham, Andrew Hepworth,
Jeff Himmelman, Quinton Hoover, David Horne,
Aurelien Hubert, IFS, Paul Prof Herbert, Jonathan Hunt,
Llyn Hunter, Hugh Jamieson, Michael Kaluta, Michel Koch,
Michael Komarck, Heather Kreiter, Amandine Labarre,
Stephanie Law, April Lee, Monika Livingston, Eric Lofgren,
Anson Maddocks, Slawomir Maniak, Thomas Manning,
Britt Martin, David Martin, Malcolm McClinton,
Patrick McEvoy, Peter Mohrbacher, William O’Connor, Glen
Osterberger, Jim Pavelec, Ben Peck, Ramon Perez,
Eric Polak, Mark Poole, Angga Satriohadi, Erich Schreiner,
Chris Seaman, Douglas Shuler, Steve Snyder, Ron Spencer,
Florian Stitz, Beth Trott, Charles Urbach, Luis Vasquez,
Diana Vick, Franz Vohwinkel, Byron Wackwitz,
Corene Werhane, Mario Wibisono, Matt Wilson,
Jarreau Wimberly, Wackwitz & Daily
P roduction m anager :
David Lepore
S enior B rand m anager :
Todd Rowland
c hief e xecutive
o fficer :
John Zinser
h ead P layteSter :
Brian Bates
www . l 5 r . com
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of Contents
Matsu Koritome
at White Stag ...........28
Shinjo Tarajin
at Shiro no Soshi .........28
The Founding of
the Wasp Clan ...........29
A Discussion of
Rokugani Archery ........... 29
The Eight Steps of Archery .30
The Tools of Archery .......31
Uses of Archery in the Empire ... 32
Rokugani Archery Aficionados ... 32
The Tsuruchi Family
of the Mantis ............32
Koritome Vassal
Family of the Matsu .....33
The Asahina Archers .......33
The Dragon’s Flame ........34
The Hiruma
Family of the Crab .......34
The Shinjo Horsebowmen. . . .34
The Falcon’s Strike .........35
The Order of Wind’s Grace
and the Taoist Archers ...35
Air and the Way of Yarijutsu ....... 35
History of the Spear in Rokugan ...35
Types of Spears .............36
The Art of Yarijutsu ............ 37
Devotees of the Way of the Spear ...38
The Boar Clan .............38
The Tsume Vassal
Family of the Crane ......39
The Daidoji Regulars .......39
The Lion Elite Spearmen ....39
Shiba Bushi and Utaku Battle
Maidens: The Naginata ...40
Ashigaru and the Spear ........ 40
Air and Unarmed Combat:
The Way of Kaze-d42
The History of Kaze-d43
What is the Art of Kaze Do? ......44
Air and Free-Form
Action Role-Playing .............44
The Silken Promises .....56
Ronin: Masters of Games ....57
Courts of the Air ................. 57
Kyuden Doji .................. 57
Shiro no Shosur60
Pale Oak Castle ............... 62
Kyuden Komori ............... 64
Kyuden Seppun ............... 66
The Gamemaster’s Toolbox:
Court Scenarios ............... 68
Court and Non-Player
Characters (NPCs) .......... 68
Mannerisms In
and Out of Court ............ 69
Scheming and Indirect Goals .... 69
Introduction ................6
What Is In This Book? ............. 6
Air-Themed Gaming: Improvisation ...8
Reactive and Adaptive Plotting .... 8
Embracing Player Input ......... 8
Chapter One:
Winds of War ............10
Air and the Ways of War .......... 12
The Crane Clan ................ 12
The Scorpion Clan ............. 13
The Other Clans ................14
Iaijutsu: The Definitive
Fighting Art of Air ............. 15
The History of Iaijutsu ......... 15
Famous Duels ................ 16
Iaijutsu Training ...............19
Crab: Unbreakable
Blade Doj19
Crane: The Kakita
Dueling Academy ........20
The Dojo of the Mirror ...20
Lion: Heart of the Katana ..21
The Green Blade Doj21
The Shiba Bushi School ..21
Bayushi Bushi School ....21
The Single Strike Dojo ...21
Ronin: Nanashi Mura—
the Dojo of the Eye ......22
Imperial Families:
The Sapphire Blade Dojo .22
The Art of the Duel ............. 22
When is a duel warranted, and
how is one commissioned? ..23
Dueling Protocol ...........24
The Art of
Iaijutsu in Action ........25
The Aftermath ............26
Air and the Way of Kyujutsu ...... 27
The History of
Archery in Rokugan .......... 27
Notable Instances of
Archery in Rokugani History .. 28
Chapter Three:
Winds of Magic ..........70
The Ways of Air Magic ........... 72
The Asahina of the Crane Clan ... 72
The Moshi of the Mantis Clan .... 73
The Isawa and Shiba
of the Phoenix Clan .......... 73
The Soshi of the Scorpion Clan ... 74
The Iuchi Travelers
of the Unicorn Clan .......... 74
The Komori of the Bat Clan ...... 75
Air and the
Art of Illusion ................. 75
The Asahina Artisans ........... 75
The Shiba Illusionists ........... 76
The Mist Legion
(Hurricane Initiates) ........ 77
The Soshi Deceivers ............ 78
Notable Uses of Illusion Spells ... 78
Communication Mystical
Groups of the Air ............... 81
The Kitsu Spirit Legion ......... 81
Notable Uses of
Communicative Spells ........ 83
Revelatory Mystical
Groups of the Air ............... 84
The Sisters of Sacred Light ...... 84
Asahina Mappers of the Heart ... 85
Notable Uses of
Revalatory Spells ........... 87
Secrets on the Wind:
The Nature of the Air Kami. . . . . . 88
Air and Elemental Imbalances ..... 90
Air Imbalances in Creatures ..... 90
Air Imbalances in Objects ........91
The Air Kami ................... 92
Communing with Air Kami ..... 92
Enticing Air Kami ............. 92
Air Kami and Other Spirits ..... 92
Chapter Two:
The Philosophy of Air in the Courts ...48
Political Organizations
of the Air ................... 50
Crane Clan:
The Doji Innocents .......50
Crane Clan: The Daidoji
Trading Council ..........51
Scorpion Clan:
The Shosuro Defilers ....52
Unicorn Clan:
The Hand of Peace .......54
Spider Clan:
The Dark Whisper .......55
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Chapter Four:
Air and the Monastic Traditions .... 96
The Order of the Wind
(Kaze-no-kami) ............. 96
The Four Temples Monks ........ 98
The Order of the Wind’s Grace ....99
Fukurokujin’s Eyes ........... 100
The Keeper of Air ............... 102
The Book of Air .............. 103
Emma-O no Shinden ...........148
Friends and Enemies: Inhabitants of
Kyuden Kurogane-Hana ........149
Yasuki Jin ................149
Doji Ronshouk150
Daidoji Ninku .............151
Kitsuki Rinjin ............152
Ikoma Kazue ..............153
Yoritomo Gendou ..........154
Asako Nishi ...............155
Shiba Akik156
Shosuro Miek157
Bayushi Kyogi .............158
Ide Bujun .................159
Chuda Natsuk160
Suzume Hin ...............161
Toku Irui .................162
Otomo Hiroshi ............162
Tales of Kyuden Kurogane-Hana ...164
The Kitsu Spirit Legion ....180
The Mist Legion ...........180
The Shiba Illusionists .....181
The Soshi Deceivers. . . . . . . . 182
The Sisters of
the Sacred Light ........182
New Air Spells ............... 182
Air Kami’s Blessing ........182
Arrow’s Flight ............182
Castle of Air .............183
Defender from Beyond .....183
Elemental Cipher .........184
Flight of Doves ...........184
Freedom of the Air ........184
Funeral Rites ............184
Facing Your Devils ........185
Gathering Swirl ..........185
Garbled Tongue ...........185
Howl of Isora .............186
Look into the Soul ........186
Piercing the Heavens ......187
Quiescence of Air .........187
Request to Hato-no-Kami ..187
Seeking the Way .........187
Soul of Kaze-no-Kami .....188
Tenjin’s Ear ..............188
Touch of Air’s Grace ......188
Voice of the Wind .........188
Whispers of the Forgotten ..188
Wind of the Moon .........189
Wind-Born Slumbers ......190
Wisdom of the Kami .......190
Chapter Four:
Winds of Enlightnement. . . . . . . . .190
New Internal Air Kih190
Eye of the Eagle ..........190
The Wind’s Vision .........190
New Martial Air Kih191
Calling the East Wind .....191
Censure of Thunder .......191
Hurricane Palm ...........192
Touch of the Storm ........192
New Mystical Air Kih192
Inari’s Wrath .............192
Strike through the Wind ..192
Thunder’s Word ...........192
New Monk Schools ............193
Order of the Wind .........193
Wind’s Grace Order ........194
Fukurokujin’s Eyes ........194
New Air-Themed
Ise Zumi Tattoos .............195
Cloud .....................195
Whisper ..................195
Mechanical Option:
Merged Tattoos ..............195
Chapter Five:
The World of Air ...............196
Kaze no Oni ...............196
Yosuchi no Oni ............196
Nue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
Tsuru, Spirit of Chikushud197
Wyrms ...................197
Index ...................198
Chapter Five:
The World of Air ........104
Air in the Natural World ......... 106
Air as the ‘Breath of Life’ ....... 106
Air as the Agent of Weather ..... 107
Effects of Weather .......... 108
Heat .....................108
Cold. .....................109
Wind .....................109
Precipitation ..............110
Storms ....................110
Fog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Air as a Tool of Man ..............111
Sailing .......................111
Smelting and Forging ..........112
Kites .........................113
Paper Constructs ...............115
Music: The Voice of the Air .........115
Types of Musical Instruments ....115
Playing Instruments ...........117
Creatures and Otherworldly
Beings of Air ..................118
Fortunes Associated with Air ....118
Other Supernatural
Beings Associated with Air ...119
Mundane Creatures of Air .......121
Nemuranai of Air ................121
Winds of Creation: Air and New Game
Mechanics ................... 130
Air Spells. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Air Nemuranai ............... 130
Air Kata .....................131
Air Schools and Techniques ......131
New Mechanics .........171
Chapter One: Winds of War ........171
Crane Clan ....................171
The Asahina Archers ......171
Crab Clan .....................171
Crab Defenders ............171
The Hiruma Snipers .......172
Crab Clan/Falcon Clan ......... 172
The Falcon’s Strike .......172
Mantis Clan ................. 173
Tsuruchi Master Bowmen ..173
Scorpion Clan ................ 173
Saigo’s Blades .............173
Unicorn Clan ................. 173
Unicorn Yomanri Archer ...173
Brotherhood of Shinsei/Ronin ....174
The Taoist Archers ........174
Kaze-do Fighter ..........174
New Air Kata .................175
North Wind Style .........175
South Wind Style .........175
New Rules Options:
Called Shots in Archery .......175
Chapter Two: Winds of Court ......177
Crane Clan ....................177
The Doji Innocents ........177
The Daidoji Trading Council . 177
The Scorpion Clan ............. 178
The Shosuro Defilers ......178
The Unicorn Clan ............. 178
The Hand of Peace ........178
Shadowlands/Spider Clan ...... 178
The Dark Whisper ........178
Ronin/Unaligned ..............179
The Silken
Promises Geisha ........179
The Master of Games ......180
Chapter Three: Winds of Magic .... 180
New Shugenja Paths .......... 180
The Asahina Artisans .....180
Chapter Six:
A Setting for Adventure ...........134
The History of
Kyuden Kurogane-Hana ........134
Origins of a Palace: The Iron
Flower Changes Its Shade ... 137
Kyuden Kurogane-Hana Today ...139
Notable Locations at
Kyuden Kurogane-Hana ........140
Exterior ......................140
The Main Keep, Seto Palace ......146
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