The AMC Dress by AnaJan -Instructions.pdf

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The AMC Dress by AnaJan
The AMC Dress by AnaJan
My height: 175 cm
88 cm
100 cm
1.40m for the white part of the dress
(see picture on the left)
0.50m for the black part of the dress
Zipper – 70cm
Recommended fabric:
Light cotton, viscose, satin. In case
of use of very light and thin fabri
pieces “3” and “4” for the wrong side
of the dress should be interfaced.
Pattern blocks need seam allowances before cutting.
1 – front middle part, cut once on fold
2 – front sidewise part, cut twice
3 – front upper middle part, cut once on fold for the forefront and once on fold for the
wrong side of the dress
4 – front upper sidewise part, cut 4 times (2 pieces for the forefront and 2 pieces for the
wrong side)
5 – back sidewise part, cut twice
6 – back middle part, cut twice
7 – back upper part, cut twice, and cut 2 pieces for the neckline wrong side
8 – bottom skirt part, cut twice on fold (once for the front and once for the back dress’
9 – sleeve, cut twice
76 cm
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Front: Join pieces “1” and “2”, following the notch 1. Join piece “3” to it, following the
notch 1. Add pieces “4”, following the notch 2. Add piece “8” to the bottom, following
the notch 5.
Back: Join pieces “5” and “6”, following the notch 6. Joint that with piece “7” following
the notch 7 (repeat this for both left and right side). Add a zipper between pieces “5”.
Add piece 8 to the bottom, following the notch 5.
Join the front and the back sides, following the notches 3 and 4.
Sleeves: The “*” marks on the sleeve pattern block mark the area where the sleeve should
be slightly gathered. Add sleeves.
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