The Slav - Graham Burgess, 2001.pdf

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The Slav
Graham Burgess
First published in the UK by Gambit Publications Ltd 2001
Reprinted 2003
Copyright© Graham Burgess 2001
The right of Graham Burgess to be identiied as the author of this work has been
asserted in accordance with the Copyights, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
All rights reserved. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by
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similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent pur­
A copy of the British Library Cataloguing in Publication data is available from
the British Library.
ISBN 1 901983 44 7
Worldwide (except USA): Central Books Ltd, 99 Wallis Rd, London E9 5LN.
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Edited by Graham Burgess
Typeset by Petra Nunn
Printed in Great Britain by The Bath Press, Bath, Somerset.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2
Gambit ublicatios Ltd
Managing Director: GM Murray Chandler
Chess Director: GM John Nunn
Editorial Director: FM Graham Burgess
German Editor: WFM Petra Nunn
1 3 Jc3 and the Exchange Variation without Jf3 11
2 3Jf3: Deviations from the Main Lines
3 The Exchange Variation with Jf3
4 The Main Line ... a6 Slav
5 4Jc3 dxc4 without 5 a4
6 5 a4 without 5 ... �f5
7 6Jh4 and the Dutch Variation
8 6 be5: Deviations from the Main Line
9 The Bishop Sacriice
Index of Variations
Symbols Ch championship
Cht team championship
+ check Wch world championship
++ double check Ech European championship
# checkmate ECC European Clubs Cup
II brilliant move Ct candidates event
good move IZ interzonal event
!? interesting move z zonal event
?! dubious move OL olympiad
? bad move jr junior event
?? blunder won women's event
+- White is winning mem memorial event
± White is much better pd rapidplay game
t White is slightly better corr. correspondence game
= equal position 1-0 the game ends in a win for White
0 unclear position 1h-1h the game ends in a draw
+ Black is slightly better 0-1 the game ends in a win for Black
+ Black is much better
(n) nth match game
-+ Black is winning
see next diagram
Transpositions are displayed by a dash followed by the moves (in italic) of the
variation to which the transposition occurs. The moves start with the irst one that
deviates from the line under discussion. All the moves to bring about the transpo­
sition are given. Thus, after 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 l f3 l f6 4 l c3 dxc4 5 a4 .f5 6
l h4 tc8 7 e4 e5 the comment "8 l f3 tg4- 5 ... tg4 6 e4 e5 ="signiies that
the reader should locate mateial on 1 d4 d5 2 c4 c6 3 l f3 l f6 4 l c3 dxc4 5 a4
tg4 6 e4 e5, to which play has transposed. The '=' sign indicates the overall as­
sessment of th�t line; such signs are only given when it is meaningful to do so.
ECO, Volume D (2nd and 3rd editions), S ahovsi Informator 198711998
Sadler, The Slav, Chess Press 1997
Ribli, DJ6-19, S ahovski Informator 1996
Silman/Donaldson, The Slav versus 1 d4 (1996), The Exchange Variation of the
Slav (1994) and Gambits in the Slav (1994 ), all published by Chess Enteprises
Markov/Schipkov, Winning With the Slav, Batsford 1994
Kondratiev, Slavianskaya ashchita, Fizkultura i Sport 1985
lnformator (up to 79)
ChessBase Magazine (up to 80)
The Week in Chess (up to 337)
Fenschach-CD & Megacorr CD
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