Tom Venuto - Measure Your Own Body Fat.pdf

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How To Accurately Test Your Body Fat in The Privacy
How To Measure Your
Body Fat In The Privacy
Of Your Own Home!
Accurately Test Your Fat-to-Muscle Ratio
Chart Your Progress With “Laser” Accuracy
Find Out If Your Program Is Really Working
By Tom Venuto, Author of the #1 Best-selling Fitness E-Book,
Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle (BFFM)
Special thanks to Accu-Fitness for providing illustrations
Copyright 2004, Fitness Renaissance, LLC, All Rights Reserved
“Accu-Measure” is a registered trademark of Accu-Measure, LLC
Retail Price $19.95. This is NOT a free ebook. You do NOT have resale rights to this product.
No unauthorized reproduction or distribution is permitted.
Copyright violation and illegal distribution will be prosecuted
Feedback: How to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be In
The Shortest Time Possible
Management consultant and business author Ken Blanchard once said, “Feedback
is the Breakfast of Champions.” That’s great advice, and it’s just as true for
managing your own body as it is for managing a company.
The formula for success in any endeavor is simple: First, you set a specific goal
and designate a time limit for its achievement.
Second, you devise an action plan or strategy for achieving your goal. Your goal
and your action plan must both be in writing.
Third, you launch at once, whether you think you’re ready or not, and you begin
taking efficient daily action in the direction of your goal.
That brings you to the fourth step – and it’s a vitally important step that too many
people forget: Get feedback on your results. Feedback means measuring your
progress at frequent intervals to see if your action plan is working. Put another
way, it means you have to “keep score.”
Imagine a company where the owners did not meticulously keep track of sales and
expnses on a daily basis. They probably wouldn’t be in business for long would
they? Imagine a basketball game where there are no hoops and the players just
run around the court, dribbling, passing and so on, but there is nothing to shoot at
and no way to keep score. Ridiculous? Well, it’s just as silly to start a fitness or
weight loss program and not keep score as it is to play any game or run any
business without keeping score.
The way to get from where you are to where you want to be is to get continuous
feedback to see how you’re doing, adjust your action plan according to your results
and repeat the process until you reach your goal.
Why body fat testing is the best way to get feedback and measure
progress towards your fitness goals
Most people are totally obsessed with scale weight, even though the scale tells you
nothing about what your weight consists of; fat or muscle. Scale weight can also
fluctuate wildly on a daily basis based on your water levels, blurring the real
picture (and messing with your head too!)
Losing weight is very easy. Losing fat – and keeping it off without losing muscle -
is a much bigger challenge. If you simply wanted to lose weight , I could show you
how to drop 10 –15 pounds over the weekend just by dehydrating yourself and
using natural herbal diuretics. Bodybuilders and wrestlers do it all the time to
make a weight class. But what good would that do if it’s almost all water and
you’re just going to gain it all back within days?
If you want to achieve solid muscle gain or permanent fat loss and get off the diet
roller coaster once and for all, you must squash your preoccupation with scale
weight and instead judge your progress based on lean body weight and body fat.
Instead of looking only at body weight , a body fat test lets you focus on lean tissue
versus fat tissue so you get a clearer picture of the effects your nutrition and
training are really having your body. Body fat tests also allow you to monitor your
progress and get continual feedback so you know how to adjust your nutrition or
training on a week-to-week basis.
The scale, tape measure, mirror, and photographs are all helpful methods of
feedback you can (and should) use, but alone they’re not enough. It’s difficult to
notice daily and weekly changes in the mirror because they’re taking place so
gradually. Watching your progress unfold slowly like the grass grows can be
frustrating and discouraging – sometimes even a de-motivator.
It’s also difficult for most people to judge their own progress objectively. The best-
known example of distorted self-image is anorexia, but it works both ways: Many
bodybuilders suffer from “muscle dysmorphia,” a term coined by psychologists that
could best be described as “reverse anorexia.” These are people who can never
seem to get big or muscular enough.
Almost everyone has some small degree of distorted body image and you’re always
your own harshest critic. You seldom see changes in your own physique as readily
as others do. That’s why you need an objective, accurate, measurable and
scientific method of measuring your results and recording your progress. Body fat
testing is the answer.
Why skinfolds are the best method for personal body fat testing
There are many different methods for body fat testing, but some are more
appropriate for personal, regular testing than others. For example, underwater
weighing (also known as hydrostatic testing) has been called the “gold standard”
for fat testing because of its high accuracy.
However, hydrostatic testing is simply not practical for personal use on a regular
basis. Who wants to go to an exercise physiology lab and get dunked underwater
every week while suspended from an oversized “grocery scale?” Not me, and
probably not you either.
There are some other very high tech methods for measuring body fat these days,
and they keep coming out with new ones all the time. Some are said to be so
accurate that they can tell you whether your right arm has more fat than your left
arm! The problem is, all these methods are too complicated, impractical,
inaccessible or expensive. For home self testing, you want a method that is
simple, practical, easily accessible and inexpensive . That’s where the “pinch an
inch” test comes in!
Skinfold self-testing at home
There are three types of body fat: The first is subcutaneous fat, which is stored
right below your skin. Second, there’s intramuscular fat , which is inside the muscle
tissue (picture the fat inside a “marbled steak.”). Third, you have internal fat ,
which is located on and around your internal organs for protective cushioning.
Skinfold testing is based on the premise that the majority of your body fat is
subcutaneous – right below your skin where you can see and grab it. By “pinching”
the skin and fat and measuring the thickness of the fold at one or more sites, you
can get a fairly accurate estimate of your total body fat percentage…and more
importantly, a way to consistently measure your progress from week to week.
Until quite recently, a challenge many people faced was not having an experienced
fitness professional available to test you. For years, a skinfold test could only be
performed by somebody else (there was no way to “pinch yourself.”) A second
person was required to “pinch your fat” at several locations, including spots you
can’t reach, such as your upper back. Even if you were the “human pretzel” and
you could somehow reach around and measure all your own skinfolds, it wouldn’t
be accurate.
This problem was surmounted when a company called Accu-Fitness invented an
inexpensive plastic skinfold caliper called the Accu Measure. The Accu Measure is
different from other calipers because it was designed so you can measure your
own body fat at home and you don’t even need another person to help! This
method is inexpensive, convenient and private !
There’s a LOT to be said for the accountability factor when you have a coach or
trainer measure your body fat every week. However, the privacy factor of the Accu
Measure is also nice because if you’re like most people, you prefer not to have a
stranger groping your fat rolls every week. It’s kind of embarrassing in the
beginning… although once you start getting leaner, you may surprise yourself
when one day you’re proud to have someone “pinch you” - because there’s nothing
there but thin skin on top of rock hard muscle!)
How To Measure Your Own Body Fat At Home With The One Site Skinfold
Skinfold self- testing is now possible because instead of using the traditional three
or four site skinfold formulas that require a second person, the Accu Measure only
requires a skinfold to be taken at ONE SITE - the Illiac crest (also known as
“suprailliac” or top of the hip bone), and you can measure that spot yourself!
Based on this single measurement , you simply refer to a body fat interpretation
chart for an accurate estimate of total body fat.
Some people wonder whether the one site iliac crest pinch test is inaccurate,
especially if they store more fat in their lower bodies than they do around the
waist. The truth is, it doesn’t matter where you store the most fat. What matters is
that you have a method you can use regularly, which gives you consistent readings
you can use to compare one week’s results to the next, and the Accu Measure does
that beautifully.
Studies have shown that measuring at three or four sites does increase accuracy
slightly, but not greatly so – so don’t worry that the Accu measure only requires
pinching one spot. Research has also shown that measuring more than four
skinfold sites does not always increase accuracy further. In fact, if the tester is
inexperienced, it can actually increase the margin for error).
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