Box - Money Piggy Box Plans.pdf
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A Money Box
A Money Box
This Money Box Saves Your Money
I have made this money box in various woods, but for economy I usually glue two pieces of radiata pine
building scantling, 90 X 45 X 230 mm long together to make a 90mm square block 230mm long. When
finished I either paint the box pillar box red or coat it with a scandinavian oil finish.. There is a plan
The block is first turned between centres to a diameter of approx. 85mm and both ends squared up. A
spigot 75mm diameter and 12mm long to suit a four jaw chuck is turned at the drive end and the last
40mm at the tailstock end is tapered down from 85 to 8Omm diameter.
The drive spur is replaced with the chuck and the spigot inserted in it. I like to support the end by a
large bearing sandwiched in a frame designed to centre the work and hold it steady. The chuck is now
firmly tightened.
The inside is now drilled with a 50mm( 2") Forstner style drill mounted in the tailstock. Hint! The first
time I did this the heat generated melted the glue holding the two halves; so I now drill in about 25mm
with the 50mm drill then change to a 35mm l1 1/4") drill and drill the full 200mm deep. I change back
to the 50mm drill which is centred in the hole I previously drilled. The hole is now completed for the
full depth.
The bottom is recessed to 60mm diameter for a depth of 2Omm. A groove 4mm wide by 4mm deep is
cut 8mm from the bottom. The inside is now sanded by gluing abrasive cloth to a 30 or 40mm diem.
rod and pushing it up the hole.
The support is removed and the box removed from the lathe. At this stage I pour sanding sealer inside
the box and seal all the inside before pouring out the excess sealer.
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A Money Box
The disc to close off the bottom is now made and inserted inside-out to allow the box to be remounted
in the chuck and supported by the live centre in the tailstock. HINT! Don't make it too good a fit or
you may have trouble when it has to be reversed again. Because I made a number of these boxes I
made a special plug for the purpose.
The outside is now turned to size and sanded. With the locking pin in the head stock engaged, the
money slot is marked out and removed with a fine tenon saw and sharp chisel. Reverse the money box
end for end, chucking inside the bottom and utilising the original drive centre mark for the tailstock.
Shape and finish the domed top.
Nothing remains but to drill three flat washers and screw to the base so as to swivel into the recess and
lock the base in place.
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A Money Box
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