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ADnD 9292 WGR1 Greyhawk Ruins
Greyhawk Ruins
Design: Blake Mobley and
Timothy B. Brown
Editing: Timothy B. Brown
Monster Design: Grant Boucher,
William W. Connors, Steve
Gilbert, Bruce Nesmith,
Chris Mortika, and Skip Williams
Monster Editing: Mike Breault
Cover Art: Fred Fields
Interior Art: Thomas Baxa,
Mark Nelson and Dave Simons
Typography: Tracey Zamagne
Keylining: Paul Hanchette ,
Sara Feggesead
The Ruins of Castle Greyhawk ........... 2
Getting to the Ruins of Greyhawk ......... 3
Monster Statistics ...................... 4
Dungeon Mechanics ................... 8
The Tower of War
..................... 10
The Tower of Power
................... 36
The Tower of Zagig .................... 69
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hobby trade by regional distributors. Distributed in
the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd.
New Monsters ........................ 87
Maps of the Ruins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
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ISBN o-88038-860-9
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Centuries past, when Grreyhawk city was still a
burgeoning riverbank trading post, Zagig was al-
ready a powerful magician. His adventurous ex-
ploits had taken him the length and breadth of the
Oerth and beyond-his command of magic had
grown to heroic proportions. Zagig built for him-
self an enormous castle complex north of young
Greyhawk. He used it to conduct his experi-
ments, to build his personal guard of soldiers,
and to store the treasures of his career.
However, after just a century of occupation,
the castle was mysteriously abandoned.
Since then, the upper towers have crumbled
and fallen, the grounds have succumbed to the
erosion of time. What remains are the extensive
underground mazes, overrun by monstrous evil
creatures carefully guarding the legacy of the ru-
ins of Castle Greyhawk.
In its prime, Castle Greyhawk consisted of
three main towers. They have fallen into rubble,
but the corresponding dungeon levels beneath
them still exist. Though below ground, they are
still referred to as the Tower of War, the Tower of
Power, and the Tower of Zagig.
homes, again protected by evil traps.
Tower of Power, Dungeon Level 8
(P800) . This is the bottom level of the tribes and
the upper level of the wizards’ domain.
Tower of Power, Dungeon Level 9
(P900) This is the wizards’ home and personal
experimentation level.
Tower of Power, Dungeon Level 10
(PB00) The Cavern of Magic and home to the
great obelisk
One of the main reasons Zagig chose this area
to build his castle on was the great magical obe-
lisk he discovered at PB00. Unable to move it
even with his great powers, he sought to use it in
other ways and discovered its ability to aid in
magic item construction and research.
(WB00) . This is the headquarters of the trapped
underworlders and capstone to the great spiral
stairway leading into the underworld.
The underworlders guard their great stairway
with a giant capstone which is also a pyramid
shaped temple to the god Nerull. Just as the un-
derworlders were about to break into the castle,
an angry demigod released a band of monsters
which laid waste to W500 and W600 Now Nerull
and this demigod, named Vaprak are locked in a
deific battle over the loyalty of these unde-
rworlders. Due to this struggle, Nerull is no
longer able to aid his priests in lifting the cap-
stone on WB00, trapping the underworlders and
further dividing them.
The Tower of Zagig
The central tower and corresponding dungeon
levels were Zagig’s personal creations. Meant
for his enjoyment and work, they also reflect in
their construction the growing madness of Zagig
through his later years.
Tower of Zagig Dungeon Level (Z100)
Originally a minor recreation area, this level is
now completely overrun with monsters.
Tower of Zagig, Dungeon Level 2 (Z200).
Here Zagig created his personal art gallery and
his own laboratories
Tower of Zagig Dungeon Level 3 (Z300).
Zagig placed here a ‘living’ museum with many of
the relics he had collected. Zagig also put here an
auditorium and apartments for guests.
Tower of Zagig, Dungeon Level 4 (Z400).
Zagig created a small level of dungeon specifically
to hold in captivity nine demigods. Those cham-
bers are now empty and in ruin. Umber hulk tun-
nels now link them with an underground cavern
and stream.
Tower of Zagig, Dungeon Level 5 (Z500) Z500
The cavern from above connects to a great ca-
vern here, home and lair of Farcluun, an ancient
red dragon. Beyond are more mazes and traps
built by the increasingly mad Zagig.
Tower of Zagig, Dungeon Level 6 (Z600).
This final level contains the bounty of caravans to
strange places, an aviary, a private library, and
Zagig’s body’s final resting place.
The Tower of War
Zagig used this tower to store his arsenal of
weapons and to house his own small army. In its
lowest reaches is a corridor which might one day
bring forth an invading horde of foul unde-
rworlders. The corridor is now blocked by a
great capstone.
Tower of War, Dungeon Level 1 (W100)
This is actually the bottom floor of the old tower.
It housed the War Wagon, and now its undead
horses and soldiers guard its secrets.
Tower of War, Dungeon Level 2 (W200)
Under construction at the time of Zagig’s disap-
pearance, this level is now filled with undead and
gold. It is the interface between the secret lair of
the underworlders and the original Castle
Tower of War, Dungeon Level 3 (W300)
This is the highest level of the upper trapped un-
Tower of War Dungeon Level 4 (W400)
This level is home to the upper trapped unde-
Tower of War, Dungeon Level 5 (W500)
This is a ruined level separating the upper and
lower trapped underworlders. The groups are
divided over worship of different gods. Also,
there is a secret complex of the escaped derro
slaves here.
Tower of War, Dungeon Level 6 (W600)
This level is also ruined, another battleground
between the upper and lower trapped unde-
Tower of War, Dungeon Level 7 (W700)
This is now an entertainment level and top level
of the lower trapped underworlders.
Tower of War, Dungeon Level 8 (W800) .
This is now completely populated by the lower
trapped underworlders
Tower of War, Dungeon Level 9 (W900)
These are mines dominated by underworlders.
Their slaves perform the actual work in the
Tower of War, Dungeon Level 10
The Tower of Power
This tower was home to Zagig’s clerics and
wizard apprentices. The tower originally con-
sisted of a ground floor, ten upper stories (which
magically repeated themselves ten times for a
total of 100 stories!), two sub levels, and a great
cavern deep under ground. Now the cavern and
sub-levels are connected due to the desires of a
secret ring of archmages.
What follows are brief descriptions of the ten
dungeon levels below the Tower of Power.
Tower of Power, Dungeon Level 1
(P100) This was once the great cathedral of
Boccob (Zagig’s god).
Tower of Power, Dungeon Level 2
(P200) Here is the fun house and death maze
designed by Zagig to protect the crypts on the
next level below.
Tower of Power, Dungeon Level 3
(P300) These crypts hold Zagig’s parents and
others he was close to. This level is also an inter-
face between the original and more recent con-
Tower ) of Power, Dungeon Level 4
(P400) This is the tribal arena and testing
grounds for magical items. The various tribes are
organized around different alignments as part of a
bizarre experiment by the wizards here.
Tower of Power, Dungeon Level 5
(P500) These are the tribe’s homes, protected
by golem guards and unforgiving traps.
Tower of Power, Dungeon Level 6
(P600) The tribes have also taken over this
level for their own purposes.
Tower of Power, Dungeon Level 7
(P700) This level has some of the tribes’
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Getting to the Ruins of Greyhawk
Greyhawk Ruins are the remains of Castle
Greyhawk built by Zagig Yragerne (The Mad
Archmage around 320 CY. When the timeless
Zagig vanished after years of rule over the City of
Greyhawk, the castle was likewise abandoned,
and rumors tell of a terrible curse placed upon
the fortress.
The ruins rest upon three rock pinnacles with
each supporting a tower. The two smaller towers
were once the War Tower and the Tower of
Magic (which is now more popularly called the
Power Tower). The main tower is called the
Tower of Zagig and is equipped with an outer
wall. Both lesser towers are connected to the
Tower of Zagig via a natural stone archway. Like-
wise, The Tower of Zagig has a stone archway
connecting it to a nearby cliff top. The three pin-
nacles have sheer slopes and ledges raising some
75 to 100 feet above the valley floor.
At first none dared approach the castle for fear
of the curse, but eventually adventure lust over-
took a band of wandering barbarians from the
north who entered the castle and returned with
great wealth in gold and magical items. This at-
tracted the attention of local dwarves and elves
respectfully. After heavy losses in the depths of
the ruins, these groups both decided to set up a
“taxation” on all wealth plundered from “their”
towers. This process has been going on for sev-
eral years now and is still in operation. The
dwarves guard the entrance to the old Tower of
War, and the elves guard the Tower of Power.
The mysterious Tower of Zagig is guarded by
reputation, entered by few, and none return.
The upper stories of all three towers are in
mass ruin and are structurally unsafe for explora-
tion. However, the passages and catacombs be-
low these towers have a near endless supply of
curs within the Power Tower.
8. Zagig, The Black One of the Vale of the
Mage, Leomund, Melf, and Serten, all powerful
archmages and rivals to the circle of eight, watch
the comings and goings of the Power Tower
They call themselves the “Ring of Five”.
9. There is a great underworld host beneath
the ruins.
10. There are shrines to both Boccob and
Nerull within the ruins.
11. A great black obelisk of unlimited magical
abilities rests deep within the ruins. It grants
wishes to any who ask.
12. Without a magical blade, combat within the
ruins is suicide.
13. There are several secret passages deep
under ground connecting the three towers.
14. Bandits ambush those who survive the
15. There is a terrible curse upon the ruins
which is worse than any treasure warrants.
16. Zagig’s famed War Wagon and escort of
eight chariots are lost in the ruins, but have been
seen hunting down and slaying any who plunder
the War Tower.
17. Zagig’s very body exists within the depths
of the tower of his name.
18. There are round teleportals in the Tower of
Magic which separate members from one an-
19. You can purchase magic items from a sect
of clerics in the Power Tower.
20. It is dangerous to use magic within the
Power Tower.
to the ruins, they will come across a large stone
falcon. It is nearly seven feet tall and is leaning
precariously against a tree. The grass and weeds
growing up around the falcon suggest that it has
been there for quite some time.
This falcon was originally part of the decoration
for a room on the very lowest dungeon level of
the central tower. Somehow it was teleported
here years ago and has not been bothered since.
Encounters: Roll ld6 when the party
reaches one mile from the ruins, a half a mile, and
once when they just get to the bridge (reverse
this when they are leaving instead of approach-
ing) . Rolls of one indicate an encounter.
1 2d6 Bandits (F2s and F3s)
2 ld6 Bandits (F4s and F5s)
3 ld3 Bandits (F6s and F7s)
4 1 Thief (T5 or greater)
5 3d6 Orcs
6 1d6 Gnolls
The Bridge
The stone archway that leads across the
chasm to the central pinnacle is extremely nar-
row and hazardous. Your PCs will feel a great
sense of foreboding as they approach it, and
some may even want to turn back. The air gets
very still, and everything grows silent as they
take their first steps onto the bridge.
The feelings of fear and dread are very strong,
and the sense of vertigo from the great height
will be too much for some characters to take.
Make each PC roll a save vs. paralyzation. Those
who fail will have to drop to the stone bridge and
hang on for their very lives in utter terror. Let
them re-roll every round until they cross its 300
foot length.
The time spent struggling to get across will
prove to be a good time to have bandits attack
from the rear or for the ogres to attack from be-
yond (see The Tower of Zagig).
Though well-travelled, the path from
Greyhawk City to the ruins can still be danger-
ous. Groups of adventurers, especially those re-
turning with loads of treasure and few spells to
protect it, are ripe targets for various bandits.
The Falcon: Just as the party is getting close
Rumors about the ruins are rampant in the City
of Greyhawk and beyond. They may draw the
PCs with their tales of wealth and power. The
truth or falsehood of these rumors is left unde-
fined as they often have elements of both.
1. The War Tower holds tons of gold for the
taking if you can only defeat the undead army
which guards it.
2. The Power Tower has been plundered fully
and contains little of value.
3. Great magical items have been removed
from the Power Tower.
4. The Tower of Zagig spells death to all who
enter and is powerfully cursed.
5. The dwarven tax collectors would be a
push over in melee.
6. Zagig once held nine powerful demigods
captive in the Tower of Zagig. Only Iuz escaped.
7. Zagig still exists and observes all that oc-
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