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Gold & Glory
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Gold & Glory
by Tim Beach
Table of Contents
Introduction ........................ . .... .2
Color Plates .............................. 33
Chapter 1: Mercenaries in the Realms ........ .3
Chapter 6: Retired Companies .............. 49
Map of Mercenary Activities in the Realms .... .5
Chapter 7: Recruiters ..................... . 52
Chapter 2: Standing Companies .............. 6
Chapter 8: Adventuring Companies ......... . 58
Chapter 3: Nonhuman Companies .......... . 18
Chapter 9: Current Events ................. . 60
Chapter 4: Regional Companies ............ . 23
BATTLESYSTEM Game Statistics ........... 61
Chapter 5: Specialists ..................... . 29
Index of Mercenary Companies by Region .... 64
Design: Tim Beach
Cartography: John Knecht
Editing: R.U. Steinberg, Karen S. Boomgarden
Typography: Gaye OKeefe
Cover Art and Color Plates: Doug Chaffee
Production: Paul Hanchette
Art Coordinator: Peggy Cooper
Black and White Art: Karl Waller
Special Thanks: Jeff Grubb, Ed Greenwood, Karen S. Boomgarden, Dave Sutherland,
Rich Baker, James M. Ward, CoastCon, David LaMulle, Douglas Niles, Dave Zenz
Extra Special Thanks: Teeuwynn, Colin McComb, Wolfgang Baur
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ISBN 1-56076-334-5
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When the call to war goes out, many peo-
ple answer. Some are patriots fighting for
a cause; others are professional soldiers
lured by the sound of gold pieces. Wheth-
er they are motivated by avarice or altru-
ism, all these people have a price of some
Sword for hire. Sellsword. Man at arms.
Myrmidon. Legionnaire. Soldier of for-
tune. Hiresword. Mercenary. All these
termsand several unprintable terms as
wellidentify those men and women who
hire themselves out to fight other peoples
battles. Gold & Glory describes these pro-
fessionals and the groups in which they
The information provided applies chief-
ly to the FORGOTTEN REALMS® Campaign
Setting, primarily the continent of Faerun,
but the basic information could be used
with most campaigns for the AD&D®
Chapter 1 of Gold & Glory describes
mercenary companies in general terms:
their history, how they are formed, meth-
ods of operation, and so forth.
Later chapters detail many of the better-
known standing mercenary companies in
the Realms.
Chapter 7 offers descriptions of several
Non Player Characters (NPCs) who recruit
mercenaries for specific tasks. A number
of special groups are mentioned in Chap-
ters 8 and 9, which tell how adventuring
companies and other groups sometimes
interact with mercenary companies.
The final few pages of the book offer an
index of mercenary companies and
where in the Realms they might be found,
as well as statistics that can be used in
How to Use This
There are several ways for a Dungeon Mas-
ter (DM) to use mercenary companies in
the campaign. DMs should feel free to use
any of the ones presented here, to make up
new ones, or to allow player characters
(PCs) to start a company.
The DM could use the provided merce-
nary companies as enemies or allies for
the player characters. The PCs might join
a company for a timemany of the com-
panies herein recruit local talent when
they have a job in a given area. Some re-
cruit through advertisement, others by
If the PCs choose to join a mercenary
company, they must follow the orders of
their superiors; this gives a DM a great
mechanism for setting up adventures. A
wise DM will be careful not to force too
much on the player characters, however.
PCs should probably be treated as a
squad of elite troubleshooters. The DM
can offer two or three missions for them
to choose from, but might sometimes in-
sist that the PCs are the only ones who can
handle a specific task.
The PCs may at some time wish to form
their own band as well. They could recruit
soldiers and lead them into large conflicts.
If their fame grows, kingdoms might try
to hire the PCs to lead armies of invasion
or defense.
Mercenary companies might also be
used to inspire small adventures or epic
quests. Perhaps a friend to the PCs has
been forced to join a mercenary group;
maybe a group has been infiltrated by a
spy whom the PCs must capture; the pos-
sibilities are almost endless.
There are also a few ideas hidden in
the following text, such as hooks to space
adventures, the growth of lizard man
power in the south, and so forth.
Chapter 1: Mercenaries in the
Some professional soldiers are loners,
choosing when and where they fight, ad-
hering to individual codes of honor, and
following whatever clarion draws them to
battle. They might be motivated by blood-
lust, desire for adventure, or a cause.
Many of these lone mercenaries can be
found throughout the Realms.
Some mercenaries band together, form-
ing regular companies and operating
along military or paramilitary lines. It is
these mercenary companies that are the
subject of Gold & Glory.
There are two basic types of mercenary
corps: standing and recruited. Members
of standing companies are are always to-
gether, often have no other occupations,
will do things that wont keep them from
leaving on short notice, and are profes-
sional adventurers on the side.
In the case of recruited companies, an
employer will hire an individual or group
to go and quickly build an army.
Some companies are part standing and
part recruited, such as standing compan-
ies that recruit locals wherever they go.
Other companies are recruited, but al-
ways from the same group of veterans,
sometimes with a few new faces. These
latter groups are essentially standing com-
panies without permanent headquarters.
Within the two basic types of compan-
ies, there are a number of variations.
Some specialize by race, social class, type
of weapon, or type of job; others try to
have members with a variety of abilities.
Some of the more versatile mercenary
companies have wizards, thieves, rangers,
and priests, in addition to fighters.
General History
Mercenaries have existed for a very long
time, from the first time someone asked
What do I get if I fight this war for you?
Military leaders have always had to offer
some kind of pay, with land, gold, glory,
prestige, or power. True mercenaries trav-
el to any place where there is armed con-
flict, often caring little on whose side they
fight. Others have principles or standards,
and will fight only on the correct side.
Mercenary forces have changed the out-
come of many battles. Over the course of
the last century or so, mercenary groups
have become more formal, choosing col-
orful names and advertising their loca-
tions. Like many other institutions, they
have become a normal aspect of life in the
Mercenary Companies
Chapters later on in this book offer spe-
cific details on several mercenary com-
panies. It may be useful, however, to
cover some general principles that apply
to all or most mercenary groups.
Most mercenary groups are formed by
the actions of a single, charismatic leader,
though a group of leaders is also likely.
These people gather veterans of battles,
train likely prospects, and organize the
company. Some corps are formed by or
from adventuring groups.
Recruited companies operate a little dif-
ferently, as they are formed anew each
time one is needed. The employers con-
tact a recruiter or recruiting group, offer-
ing a fee for an army. Word is spread for
interested parties to meet at a certain
place, at which time the recruiter reviews
the applicants and decides who may join
the corps.
The Entries
Leadership and Organization
Most of the following descriptions of mer-
cenary companies are done in a standard
format, using these headers.
Type: A standing company is one that is
together at all times. A recruited company
is built by recruiters when the call goes
out for an army. Standing/recruits indi-
cates a standing company that recruits lo-
cals as well. A company with recruited
veterans is one with consistent and loyal
members, but without a permanent head-
quarters, so the company must be called
together whenever there is a job. A fixed
company has a permanent headquarters.
A company that is roaming has either no
particular headquarters, or has several.
Base: This indicates the place (or region)
that the company calls home.
Current Sphere(s) of Operation: This
lists where the group is currently active.
Leader: This lists the groups leader.
Government: This indicates how the
corps operates internally.
Number of Members: If a range is
given, the lowest number is the number
of people who always serve; the highest
number is the core, plus semi-regulars
who might be called in for specific jobs.
This number does not include any people
who might be recruited locally.
General Alignment: This indicates the
basic morals and ethics of the group; indi-
viduals may vary.
Larger entries have these headings as
well: History describes the groups forma-
tion, composition, and past activities; Strat-
egy and Tactics tells how the company
chooses and completes jobs; Personality de-
tails the groups motivations, code of honor,
and friends and enemies; and Logistics de-
scribes the groups equipment, require-
ments, and price.
Most mercenary corps operate along mili-
tary lines, with leaders and their assistants
taking military titles. Other companies
work more informally, with the leader be-
ing essentially a dictator, perhaps with a
few counselors or assistants. Some com-
panies are democracies in which mem-
bers elect their officers, and still others
are run like a business.
Strategies and Operations
All companies choose which jobs they will
accept based on individual codes and de-
sires. Most are hired for a specific task and
left to their own devices to fulfill their as-
signment. Most companies are responsi-
ble for their own transportation to and
from the job.
Retiring a Company
A mercenary company stops being a mer-
cenary company when certain events oc-
cur. Obviously, the death of all members
would eliminate a group. Other corps
might break up because of age, while
some might achieve the legitimacy of a
permanent job. Several examples of re-
tired companies are offered in Chapter 6.
Other Sources
Several other products in the
FORGOTTEN REALMS® Campaign line of-
fer information on mercenary companies.
An index of sources appears on the last
page of this book.
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