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712951907 UNPDF
language TeST 9a
unit 9
Name: _________________________________________
Score: ____________ / 30 points
1 Completethetextwithonewordineachgap.
We’ve just / already / yet done this exercise.
We did it last week.
1 Have you asked Jackie out already / ever /
2 We’ve never / just / since finished dinner but
we are still hungry.
3 A Tidy your room!
B I tidied it a few hours before / ago / already
while you were out!
4 A Have you ever / never / just been on
a blind date?
B Yes, once, about two years ago.
5 Hello, how are you? I haven’t seen you
since / from / for ages.
6 I’ve just / never / ever failed an exam.
I always pass them.
Simon and Tara met at a party. They got on well
together and, a few days later, started going
1 _______ together. Simon often got in trouble
with his teachers but Tara always stood 2 _______
him, even when her parents criticised him.
However, they fell 3 _______ one Friday evening.
Simon wanted to go to a concert but Tara had to
look 4 _______ her little sister. Even though it
wasn’t her fault, Simon got angry 5 _______ her.
He was so unfair that she decided to split
6 _______ with him.
2 Choosethecorrectanswers.
It’s unbelievable! My dreams have come _______
I went on a  1 _______ date with a friend of
a friend’s sister. She was great and it was love at
first 2 _______ for both of us! We found out that
we’ve got a lot in 3 _______ and, well, I’ve
4 _______ in love with her.
Now that we’ve met, we want to 5 _______ as
much time as possible together. The problem is,
we’re both going to different universities in a few
weeks time. Maybe I should ask her to marry me?!
5 Completetheconversationwiththecorrectformsof
A  Mark, are you OK? You look sad.
Have you had (you/have) an argument with
B No, I haven’t . Everything’s fine. It’s just that
Sophie 1 ___________ (go) on holiday for
three weeks and I’m on my own now.
A  Three weeks isn’t long, and you can always
phone her.
B She hasn’t got a phone. She 2 ___________
(lose) it last month.
A  Oh, yes. I remember. When 3 ___________
B About a week ago.
A   4 ___________ (she/send) a postcard yet?
B No, 5 ___________. I think she
6 ___________ (forget) about me!
A  Maybe she 7 ___________ (meet) someone
else on the first day of the holiday. Maybe she
8 ___________ (already/decide) to finish with
B Thanks, mate! That’s just what I wanted to
a  right b true c first d clear
1 a  blind b blank c unseen d dark
2 a  see b look c sight d view
3 a  same b alike c similar d common
4 a  dropped b fallen c become d crashed
5 a  take
b find c spend d keep
3 Completethegapswiththewordsinthebox.There
aretwoextrawordsthatyoudonotneed. (5points)
celebrate depend freedom homesick
housework interrupt mate yawn
Tom’s always there for me. He’s my best mate .
1 How are you going to _________ your
2 Don’t _________ me while I’m talking.
3 How much _________ do you have to do?
4 I’m going to get a flat because I need more
_________ than my parents give me.
5 Please be polite and cover your mouth when
you _________.
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2011 New Matura Success Pre-Intermediate
4 Choosethecorrectanswers.
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