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712951570 UNPDF
language TeST 9b
unit 9
Name: _________________________________________
Score: ____________ / 30 points
1 Completethetextwithonewordineachgap.
We’ve already / never / yet done this
exercise. We should start the next one now.
1 Pauline’s crying because she’s yet / ever / just
heard that her boyfriend is seeing someone
2 Have you stopped feeling homesick yet /
already / just ?
3 Have you never / just / ever fallen in love at
first sight?
4 I have never tried Moroccan food. Have
B Yes, I have! I actually had some ago / since /
last week when I went on a date with Maria.
5 I’ve been here for / until / since 4 o’clock and
I still haven’t seen anyone I know.
6 They’ve had a lot of arguments but they
haven’t split up yet / just / already .
Simon and Tara were going out with each other.
One day, the police arrested Simon for stealing
a car. He told Tara it wasn’t him and she stood
1 __________ him despite what her parents said.
Tara didn’t want to split 2 __________ with him.
She moved into his flat and looked 3 __________
his plants and took care 4 __________ his dog.
She took the dog for walks every day and they
got 5 __________ very well together. Her parents
were upset and she fell 6 __________ with them
when they told her that Simon would never be
welcome in their house.
2 Choosethecorrectanswers.
I’m so angry __________ my parents! All they
ever say to me is ‘Do this’ or ‘Do that’! ‘
1 __________ your bed, 2 __________ the table,
3 __________ the washing up!
The thing is that I’ve got a younger brother and
he spends all his time playing computer games.
4 __________ come he never does any
housework? Is it because I’m a girl or because
I’m older? Whatever the reason, it’s 5 __________!
5 Completetheconversationwiththecorrectforms
A  Hello, Tom, how are you?
have just heard (just/hear) that you and Julie
have split up.
B Yes, we have .
A  Really? When 1 ___________ (it/happen)?
B About three weeks ago. I  2 ___________ (not/
see) her since then.
A   3 ___________ (you/try) to phone her?
B Yes, 4 ___________. She 5 ___________ (not/
answer) any of my calls, though.
A  Oh well. Come out with me this weekend. You
might meet someone else.
B OK, I’ll come out but I  6 ___________
(decide) not to think about girls for a while.
A  Why?!
B I’ve got lots of exams at the moment.
7 ___________ (take) two last week but
there are still five more to do.
A   8 ___________ (you/start) studying for them
B Not really… I’ll start learning when I stop
thinking about Julie!
a  with b from c of d for
1 a  do b take c make d pack
2 a  make b do c set d put
3 a  get b do c make d have
4 a  Why b What c Who d How
5 a  responsibility
c ridiculous
b upset
d irritate
3 Completethegapswiththewordsinthebox.There
aretwoextrawordsthatyoudonotneed. (5points)
argument colleague independent
i rritates loyal responsibility trust yawn
This noise really irritates me!
1 My girlfriend and I had a big _________ and
now we’re not talking to each other.
2 Ian isn’t my friend, just a _________ from
3 Paul has become a better worker since we
gave him some _________ for decision making.
4 You can’t call yourself _________ if your mum
still does your washing for you!
5 Sandra is a very _________ friend and will
never let you down.
© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2011 New Matura Success Pre-Intermediate
4 Choosethecorrectanswers.
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