Vampire - Dark Ages - Treaty of Hampshire.pdf

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Treaty of Hampshire
Treaty of Hampshire
(Relating solely to the United Kingdom)
Here agreed upon on the night of February 3rd 2001 by all Anarchs present at the talks
(hereafter referred to as "those Anarchs present") and those of the Camarilla present at the
talks (hereafter referred to as "those Princes present").
Section 1 This "treaty" is considered binding within Albion alone from this night forth
with the understanding on both sides that:
Clause 1.11 Those Anarchs present do not speak for all the Anarchs in Albion BUT those
Anarchs present will endeavor to spread the agreements of this treaty to the
other Anarchs in Albion and persuade other Anarchs to sign this Treaty.
Those Anarchs present shall endeavor to dissuade the other Anarchs in Albion
from taking actions that are in violation of this Treaty. Those Anarchs present
shall withdraw their support for other Anarchs that act in violation of this
Treaty and who are therefore not covered by this Treaty themselves. Failure
by those Anarchs present to petition as far as possible the other Anarchs in
Albion on these points by the next Camarilla Council of Princes meeting (to be
held on the night of May 26th 2001 at the National Assembly), will be
considered a Breach of the Treaty. Those Anarchs present will adhere to the
Treaty until that meeting. Those Anarchs who sign the Treaty between now
and then will be expected to do the same.
Clause 1.12 If any other Anarch group deliberately acts against the intentions of this
Treaty those Anarchs present will not be held accountable providing they have
presented fairly to these other groups the case for signing the Treaty and
publicly condemn any such act.
Clause 1.13 The Anarchs shall agree upon "Diplomats" who shall be responsible for
propagating the signing of this Treaty by the other Anarchs of Albion and who
will represent those Anarchs present in all matters relating to this Treaty.
These Diplomats will be made known to the Council of Princes.
Clause 1.21 Those Princes present do not speak for all the Camarilla Princes in Albion or
the Justicar but will add the motion for the national implementation of this
Treaty to the agenda for the next Council of Princes meeting and shall
endeavor as far as possible to persuade other Camarilla Princes to sign this
Treaty. Upon agreement from the Council of Princes as a whole, the Princes
of Albion will petition with the Justicar for the Clause relating to
Camarilla/Inner Council policy (Clause 2.1) to be implemented in Albion.
Failure of the Council of Princes to petition the Justicar on this point will be
considered a Breach of this Treaty. Until the next Council of Princes
meeting, those Princes present will adhere to the Treaty (with the exception of
Clause 2.1 which needs Council of Princes backing first) and will promote the
treaty amongst the other Camarilla Princes of Albion. Any other Princes that
sign the Treaty between now and then will also be expected to do the same.
Clause 1.22 If any other Prince of the Camarilla deliberately acts against the intention of
this Treaty those Princes present will not be held accountable providing they
have presented fairly to these other Princes the case for signing the Treaty and
where possible shall publicly condemn any such act.
Clause 1.3
Both the Camarilla and Anarchs of Albion will endeavor to persuade their
respective associates abroad when in Albion to adhere to this Treaty.
Clause 1.4
Any higher policy that is implemented in the UK from this night forth which
would effectively contradict this Treaty and therefore result in its dissolution
will not instantly result in war between both parties to this Treaty. Instead,
both parties will meet peacefully on neutral ground and a reasonable solution
will be negotiated.
Clause 1.5
The "Declaration of Salford" was a statement of intent, and one that reflected
the stance of the Council of Princes of Albion at the time it was made. This
Treaty as a whole is policy - not a statement. It must therefore be adhered to
by its signatories.
Section 2 The Oath
Clause 2.1 A UK version of the Oath be petitioned for by those Princes present. This
revised version would be able to be taken by those currently Oathsworn
without fear of reprisal and would supersede the version of the Oath
previously taken. The revised Oath will not describe the Anarchs as the
Enemies. The relevant section of the current Oath will be included in the UK
version but changed as follows (the modified segments are shown in italics):
"Let no Elder, no Prince, no Anarch nor any other Cainite sway me from my support of these
The philosophies of the Anarchs are harmful to the Traditions of the Camarilla, and as such,
the Anarchs will find no favor in my domain and city.
I pledge hereby to hold inviolate the tenets of Elysium.
I will not seek to do harm to others upon that ground, nor influence them with the gifts of
Caine, nor seek to destroy the arts and properties held within.
If attacked, I will do what is necessary to secure myself from harm, but will not seek
destruction upon those grounds upon my attacker.
I pledge to expand the dominion of the Camarilla where I can responsibly and in good faith.
I pledge to respect the Prince and her officers which govern over me, to respect the Prince
and her officers in those cities I travel to.
I pledge to respect the Justicars and their judgements, and the Inner Circle and its edicts.
The Enemies
Let the enemies of the Camarilla become my enemies; those of the Red List, and the Sabbat,
shall find no favor in my domain and city.
Those who have been blood hunted, their names upon the Red List, or who are Sabbat I will
seek to bring down and destroy without mercy.
The Assamites will know no favor or refuge in my city, and they will be hunted back to their
mountaintop. "
Clause 2.2 If Clause 2.1 is not backed by the Justicar of Albion and is turned down, those
Princes present will implement an additional statement to their Domain laws (or where no
Domain laws exist, shall make a declaration) that conveys the fact that the Anarchs are not
enemies. Those who are already Oathsworn to the original Oath will not be expected to act in
any way that would make them an Oathbreaker.
Section 3
The Hazing
Just as the Camarilla in Albion is willing to tailor its "in house" pledge of
loyalty to show that the Anarchs are not the Camarilla's enemy, the Anarchs in
Albion are also willing to tailor their "in house" pledge of loyalty in a similar
Clause 3.1
Acts of murder and espionage are the acts of an enemy. The practice of
"hazing" in the past has involved such acts against the Camarilla - hazings of
this nature must therefore stop. From this night forth no hazing will occur that
is, by its nature, against the Camarilla and therefore in Breach of this Treaty.
The Anarchs in Albion are still at liberty to use acts of hazing to test the loyalty
of prospective Anarchs but these acts must be limited to feats of bravery on
behalf of other Anarchs and the like or other acts that are not hostile to the
Camarilla. This Clause is a balancing one to Clauses 2.1 and 2.2.
Clause 3.2
The Camarilla reserves the right to deal with its "Oathbreakers" as it sees fit.
Similarly, the Anarchs reserve the right to deal with those Anarchs who
betray their number after taking their hazing. The Camarilla who are not
Oathsworn and the Anarchs who have not taken their hazing who then depart
the respective party to join the other will not be hunted or otherwise harmed as
a result of that departure - this does not apply to individuals already
considered "criminals" prior to leaving.
Section 4
Clause 4.1
The Anarchs will not enter a Camarilla Domain without prior consent from
that Domain's Prince. Kindred of the Camarilla will not enter an Anarch
Domain (defined as per the Edict of Barbs) without prior consent from the
acknowledged "leader" of the Anarchs in that Domain. This Clause will limit
the possibility of incidents that are against the spirit of this Treaty from
Clause 4.2
Regardless of the reason for being in that Domain (see Clause 4.3), any
attendance at a Camarilla Elysium meeting by an Anarch, and vice versa,
MUST be preceded by a request for consent. During that request dialogue
the prospective visitor must ensure that they know of all relevant Domain
specific laws and expectations of conduct regarding Elysium etc...
Clause 4.3
Those kindred from either group that are merely passing through may stay for
one night purely to shelter and feed and will not be expected to seek permission
first (unless attending an Elysium meeting as per Clause 4.2). Parties from
either side which abuse this necessary leeway will be in Breach of this Treaty.
Clause 4.4
If the Council of Princes agrees to adopt this Treaty as national policy,
chosen representatives from both parties to this Treaty will provide a list of
each group's assumed territories to the other party after the Council of Princes
meeting at the National Assembly on May 26th 2001. Any "conflictions" of
claimed territory determined then and in the future will be discussed peacefully
and a reasonable solution will be negotiated.
Clause 4.5
This agreement acknowledges and respects the right to roam of Clan Gangrel.
Clause 4.6 The Traditions of the Masquerade and Elysium must be respected and
adhered to by all.
Clause 4.7
All Anarchs and Camarilla kindred resident in the Domains whose Princes
have signed this Treaty have the same right to feed in each others Domains as
the residents of those Domains - providing the other Clauses of this Treaty
are being adhered to. This Clause specifically relates to those Domains that
allocate feeding areas to sub-groups/Clans.
Section 5
The Scourge
Clause 5.1
That the new station of Watchman be implemented in Camarilla Domains.
The Watchman's duties are identical to those of the Scourge post but with the
exception that Anarchs that have asked for and received permission to enter
the Domain be left un-molested as per Section 4 of this Treaty - providing
they are not abusing the trust granted them by being permitted entrance. Invited
Anarchs that are the Watchman has reasonable cause to believe are acting
contrary to the intentions of this Treaty are to be escorted to the Prince of that
Domain for questioning rather than being executed on sight. Un-invited
Anarchs found in the Domain outside the circumstances detailed in Section 4
of this Treaty will be considered to be in Breach of this Treaty and will be
dealt with harshly.
Clause 5.2 The same applies in Anarch held Domains. If invited Camarilla kindred in
the Anarch Domain are suspected to be acting against the intention of this
Treaty in said Domain they are to be escorted to that Domain's Anarch
"leader" for questioning rather than being executed on sight. Un-invited
Camarilla kindred found in the Domain outside the circumstances detailed in
Section 4 of this Treaty will be considered to be in Breach of this Treaty and
will be dealt with harshly.
Section 6
Both the Camarilla and the Anarchs (as a result of individual members) have
caused great harm to the other group in the past. These incidents on both sides
are too numerous to deal with on an individual basis and where one side has
"harmed" the other, retaliation in one form or another has generally swiftly
As such the slate in the UK is wiped clean here. No more will each group be
maligned as a result of incidents of the past - we are all judged on our actions
from this night forward.
Clause 6.1
The Anarchs shall release all Camarilla hostages taken during the three weeks
of violence in the month of January, 2001. Any Anarchs taken hostage by the
Camarilla as a result of the three weeks of violence in the month of January,
2001, shall also be released.
Clause 6.2
If the Council of Princes agrees to adopt this Treaty as national policy, a
chosen representative from both parties to this Treaty will make a general
"public" declaration of regret regarding to past incidents that have led to strife
between the Camarilla and the Anarchs. These statements will be made after
the Council of Princes meeting at the National Assembly on May 26th 2001
and no specific incidents will be related to. These statements will be shown to
representatives of the other party prior to their announcement and will be
revised as needed.
Clause 6.3
Those Anarchs present and those Princes present will consolidate their
aggression against third parties that are hostile to both parties - this Clause
most certainly refers to the Sabbat.
Section 7 The Signatures
Those who sign this document are bound by its contents. Anarchs who sign this
Treaty after the night of February 3rd, 2001 shall be considered to be part of
"those Anarchs present" with regard to this Treaty and adhering to it.
Camarilla Princes who sign this Treaty after the night of February 3rd, 2001
shall be considered to be part of "those Princes present" with regard to this
Treaty and adhering to it.
In the case of the Anarchs, each individual Anarch must sign - though it is
anticipated that the acknowledged "leaders" of the Anarchs will lead the way.
The acknowledged Anarch "leaders" and Diplomats must petition all Anarchs
in their sphere of influence to sign the Treaty also.
In the case of the Camarilla, the Prince of a Domain will sign for that
Domain and shall be responsible for ensuring that all Camarilla residents in
that Domain will adhere to the Treaty. In the case of a change of Praxis, the
Princes that have already signed the Treaty must ensure that the new Prince
is aware of this Treaty and must petition the new Prince to sign the Treaty.
The Diplomats of the Anarchs and those Princes of the Camarilla that have
signed the Treaty (i.e. the representatives of each party) will keep master
copies of the signed Treaty. These will be updated by each party and copied to
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