12 Minutes to Modnight - Jerry's Midnight Tales.pdf

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Jerry's Midnight Tales
Jerry’s Midnight Tales
Additional Contributions by: Preston P. DuBose and Ed Wetterman
Maps by: Craig Largent
Edited by: Jodi Black, Preston P. DuBose, and Ed Wetterman
Cover by: Preston P. DuBose
I would like to dedicate this book to the women who suffer for our work
on 12 to Midnight: our wives. hey really sacrifice along with us as we
strive to provide quality horror gaming to our fans.
his game uses the Savage Worlds game system, available
from Great White Games (www.greatwhitegames.com).
Savage Worlds, Smiling Jack, and all associated logos and
trademarks are Copyright 2004, Great White Games. Used
with permission.
Jerry’s Midnight Tales ©2006, Jerry Blakemore. All rights reserved. 12 to Midnight and the 12 to Midnight logo are
trademarks of 12 to Midnight. his material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any
reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written
permission of 12 to Midnight.
Parts of Jerry’s Midnight Tales first appeared in Modern Dispatch #25 , Modern Dispatch #30 , and Modern Dispatch #34 .
his product is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, organizations, places, or events is purely coincidental.
Made in Texas, USA.
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12 to Midnight
By Jerry Blakemore
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Midnight Tales
Ed’s Introduction to Midnight Tales ........................................4
Chapter 1: On the Steps of City Hall .......................................5
Pinebox Places .....................................................................................5
Pinebox City Hall ..................................................................................................5
Pinebox People ....................................................................................6
Mayor Red McCoy ................................................................................................6
Manuel Travis (Wild Card) ....................................................................................8
Midnight Tale....................................................................................10
Tale #1: he Powers that Be .................................................................................10
Maps .................................................................................................13
Chapter 2: Mob Rules ............................................................17
Pinebox Places ...................................................................................17
he Pizza Barn .....................................................................................................17
Pinebox People ..................................................................................19
Morten Decourt (aka Michael Anthony Luca) .....................................................19
Jerry Leroy McGovern..........................................................................................20
Midnight Tale....................................................................................22
Tale #2: Just a Few Questions...............................................................................22
Mob Rules.........................................................................................25
Maps .................................................................................................27
Chapter 3: Party Crashers ......................................................29
Organization .....................................................................................29
Texas National Militia ..........................................................................................29
Creature ............................................................................................29
Blood Demon (Wild Card) ..................................................................................29
Midnight Tale....................................................................................30
Tale #3: Party Crashers.........................................................................................30
Maps .................................................................................................34
Pinebox News ........................................................................36
12 to Midnight
Page 3
Midnight Tales
Ed’s Introduction to Midnight Tales
Howdy. hanks for your purchase of 12 to Midnight’s
Jerry’s Midnight Tales . his has been a goal of ours for
the past year or so. Here’s the background story. We
were approached by another publisher to collaborate
on a regular weekly PDF for d20 Modern adven-
tures. We jumped at the opportunity and produced
some really great stuff for the e-zine, which is called
Modern Dispatch .
Jerry Blakemore proposed that we do a serialized
adventure, and he offered to author it. Meanwhile,
Preston DuBose fleshed out new locations in a sec-
tion called Pinebox Places and I came up with crazy,
detailed characters in a section called Pinebox Per-
sonalities. Unfortunately, after the first few issues we
saw that serialized adventures would come with more
and more overhead as we had to explain what had
happened in previous issues leading up to that point
before we could even begin that issue’s episode. In the
third issue, Jerry did a great job of bringing the Rising
South series to a climactic ending, while still giving
the GM room to take if further if she wished.
Now, I am a diehard, converted, Savage Worlds
gamer. It is my personal game of choice, so there was
never any doubt that we would convert our Modern
Dispatches for Savage Worlds. In fact, I started the
conversion six months after our first issue. Unfor-
tunately, our other obligations constantly got in the
way, and it was left unfinished for another half-year.
Finally in early December, Preston said “Okay, Ed.
Now is the time.” I was hyped and ready to go. I
quickly finished the conversions and we decided to
fast-track the production. Unfortunately Preston, our
layout guy, got a new addition to the family before we
could finish, and that further set back production.
hese are NOT complete adventures, but rather
great adventure starters. We try to give the GM ev-
erything he needs to run the core adventure of the
Rising South series, as well as many plot points to as-
sist in building his modern horror campaign world.
To borrow an analogy from political theory, Midnight
Tales is more like a salad than a melting pot. We did
our best to reorganize the material from the three
issues logically, but without going so far as to com-
pletely rewrite what we had done. Don’t be surprised
if there’s a few lumps.
By the same token, I can not help but feel happy
with all the material you are getting. his first vol-
ume of Midnight Tales offers well-developed NPCs,
several maps, details of the Pinebox City Hall and
Pizza Barn, and a Pinebox News section with articles
that can be used as handouts. We’ve listed dozens
of possible plot ideas, and fully intend that you are
inspired to think of more. I hope you and yours get
as much enjoyment out of playing these as we had in
creating them. And don’t forget to let us know how
the game goes in our forum, the Cellar.
hanks again,
Ed Wetterman
Ed Wetterman
“Howdy” from 12 to Midnight
From all of us here at 12 to Midnight , wel-
come to Midnight Tales . In case you are not famil-
iar with us, we are a Texas-based RPG publisher
specializing in modern horror. You might not
normally think “Texas” and “horror” go together,
but we are pretty sure you will change your mind
after spending some time in Pinebox.
hat’s Pinebox, Texas. It is a nice little rural
community smack-dab in east Texas. here is
a university nearby, a Pine forest called the Big
hicket, and a mess of beautiful wildflowers every
Spring. Unfortunately, it is also the epicenter of a
whole lot of bad mojo. We’re talking dark magic,
serial killers, haunted buildings—the whole ball
of wax.
If you want to learn more about Pinebox, just
visit our website at 12tomidnight.com . You can
start using the free campaign setting on our site
right now, then watch it continue to grow right
here in the pages of Midnight Tales . Of course,
Pinebox is our setting but all the material in these
pages can just as easily be dropped into yours .
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12 to Midnight
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Chapter 1:
On the Steps of
City Hall
formerly the site of both sanctioned public hangings
and informal lynching. Today it’s a meeting area for
many older citizens to gather and play chess, check-
ers, and cards under the shade of the trees.
Built in 1921-1922 of imported granite, the city
hall is an architectural wonder. he ornate and de-
tailed scroll work decorating the inside and outside
of the building was completed by German craftsmen
hired after World War I by Hardy “Buck” Travis.
Incidentally, Travis’ great-grandson, Manuel Travis,
currently serves as City Councilman in that same
building. Hardy Travis helped design and construct
the building after the previous city hall building was
consumed in a fire in 1916.
Because of the building’s age, the interior offices
have undergone a series of renovations over time.
Air conditioning, new wiring, and other improve-
ments have transformed the building’s interior. To-
day much of the detailed molding is hidden above
insulated drop-ceilings, but a beautiful tile fresco on
the lobby floor featuring early pioneers overlooking
Lake Greystone remains carefully preserved for all to
appreciate and enjoy.
Pinebox City Hall contains all the basic offices
of a city, including that of the mayor, city attorney,
city secretary, city comptroller, parks and recreation,
permits, public relations, and human resources. A
municipal court is located on the south end of the
Pinebox City Hall
401 Hickory Avenue
he imposing, two story Pinebox City Hall seems
to squat at the edge of Civic Square like an ancient
toad. he boxy, eighty-five year old building still
houses many offices of local government. Its clas-
sic front boasts five, two-story Ionic columns and
many large, airy windows with frosted glass panes.
A large sign to the right of the entrance welcomes
visitors to Pinebox. Visitors are welcomed with a
pair of heavy oak doors leading to a large lobby.
he Pinebox City Hall is one of four buildings oc-
cupying the traditional town square. he other three
buildings are the city police station, county court-
house, and post office. A small park area nestles in the
hub of these buildings. Consisting of large, ancient
oak trees and a well-maintained lawn, this area was
12 to Midnight
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