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Reading comprehension
1. Before reading the jokes, tell your partner whether:
• you like jokes,
• you are a sociable person or not,
• telling jokes makes it easier to have a good time while in company.
2. Read the jokes and match the punch lines with the appropriate jokes:
a It will disappear.
b Mum, I’ll stop going to school.
c On Sunday when the lady was still happier to see me off.
d Why didn’t you run behind a taxi and save three shillings?
e To make women come in and look in it.
Teacher: Can you tell me what will happen to gold when it lies uncovered in the open?
Pupil: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. A customer: Why did you hang a mirror behind the counter?
A salesman: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Mother: Billy, we all have to save. Dad has stopped smoking. I have stopped eating sweets.
What will you save?
Billy: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Mr Smith: Have you done any good deed lately, Billy?
Billy: Even two, sir. The first one on Friday when I visited a lovely elderly lady who was very
happy to see me.
Mr Smith: And the second one?
Billy: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
Son: Dad, I saved two pence today. I ran all the way to school behind the school bus.
Father: …………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. Find mistakes in the following sentences and correct them.
1 That’s the child who’s father is a well-known journalist.
2 I’d like to see the photos what you’ve taken.
3 This is Susan which is the most beautiful girl in our class.
4 The skirt when you are wearing is too short.
5 Tom who plays the guitar is a member of our band.
6 Let’s go to the café when we used to go years ago.
7 She loves dancing, that’s is why she goes to a disco every weekend.
8 My grandmother, who’s stories I could listen to for hours, was the dearest person to me.
4. Re-write as one sentence using the correct relative pronoun.
1 Charles Dickens wrote Great Expectations. He is my favourite writer.
Charles Dickens ..............................................................................................................................
2 Princess Diana was loved by people all over the world. Her life was unhappy and short.
Princess Diana ................................................................................................................................
3 Frank Trump lives next door. He’s one of the best detectives in our city.
Frank Trump ..................................................................................................................................
4 I haven’t had my breakfast yet. I’m very hungry.
I haven’t ........................................................................................................................................
5 I’d like to show you our new stadium. This summer athletic competitions are going to take place there.
I’d like ............................................................................................................................................
6 You haven’t done the shopping. There is nothing to eat at home.
You haven’t ....................................................................................................................................
7 I borrowed a book last week. It’s very interesting.
The book ......................................................................................................................................
Describe a situation in which a sense of humour helped you put up with it.
Use 100 – 120 words.
Matura Practice
1. Twoja kole˝anka, która jest Angielkà, jest bardzo smutna.
• Zapytaj, co si´ sta∏o.
• Poradê jej, ˝eby obejrza∏a Êwietnà komedi´ w telewizji.
• Upewnij si´, ˝e czuje si´ ju˝ lepiej.
2. JesteÊ ze swoimi zagranicznymi przyjació∏mi w kawiarni.
Opowiadacie najÊmieszniejsze przygody, jakie si´ wam przydarzy∏y. Opowiedz:
• kiedy tobie coÊ takiego si´ przydarzy∏o;
• o co chodzi∏o w tej historii;
• jakie konsekwencje mia∏o to wydarzenie.
3. Twój nieÊmia∏y australijski znajomy opowiedzia∏ ci ostatnio ˝art,
który bardzo ci´ rozbawi∏. Na spotkaniu ze wspólnymi znajomymi:
• poproÊ o powtórzenie tego dowcipu;
• przekonaj go, ˝e nie bardzo pami´tasz szczegó∏y;
• zgódê si´ z jego pomocà opowiedzieç dowcip.
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