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Stand by me

                        Stand by me




When the night has come                                  A
and the land ist dark                                          fis
and the moon is the only light we'll see,           D   E   A

No, I won't be afraid,                                         A
no, I won't be afraid,                                          fis
Just as long as you stand, stand by me.           D   E   A


So darling, darling,                         A
stand by me,                                     A
oh, oh stand by me,                         fis
Oh stand,                                          D
stand by me, stand by me!             E   A

If the Sky, that we look upon
should tumble and fall
or the mountain should crumble in the sea,

I won't cry, I won't cry,
no, I won't shed a tear,
Just as long as you stand,
stand by me.

So darling darling....



Solo    zwr



So darling  darling    2   razy


Solo    ½   zwr.

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