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Connections and New Adventures Placement Test
by Lynda Edwards
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knowledge of key grammar and vocabulary from beginner to pre-
intermediate levels
A reading comprehension with 10 graded questions
Part Three – 20 minutes
An optional writing task that assesses students’ ability to
produce the language
Interpreting scores
These tables act as a guideline for teachers when choosing
which level of Connections or New Adventures is suitable for
their students. Parts two and three are included separately so
that teachers who choose not to include these tasks in the test
can still make an accurate assessment of their students’ abilities.
Where there is a discrepancy in the level attained in the different
parts of the test, a student’s score for grammar and vocabulary
should take precedence. Alternatively, a teacher may wish to
conduct an additional oral interview to con rm the result.
Students whose scores fall on the borderlines should be placed
in the lower level and monitored closely at the start of the course.
It is always preferable to move students up a level than to move
them down one.
Students using New Adventures
Total Starter Elementary
Part One:
Grammar and
Part Two:
Part Three:
Students using Connections
The placement test is intended to help teachers decide which
level of Connections or New Adventures , Starter, Elementary or
Pre-Intermediate, is the most suitable for their students. It should
be given at the beginning of the school year.
The placement test has been developed after consultation with
Polish teachers and is designed to assess students’ knowledge of
the key language as well as their receptive and productive skills.
This will enable teachers to have a greater understanding of what
level their students are at.
Starter Elementary
Part One:
Grammar and
Part Two:
Part Three:
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Connections and New Adventures Placement Test
Components of the test
Part One – 30 minutes
50 multiple choice questions which assess students’
Part Two – 10 minutes
A listening comprehension with 10 graded questions
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Answer key
Part One
Grammar and vocabulary
1 C
26 B
Part Three
4 points for including information about all points
2 B
27 A
3 B
28 B
½ point if a point is included but not developed
4 C
29 D
2 points for correct email format
0 points for points not included
5 B
30 B
6 A
31 A
7 D
32 C
1 point if only part of format is used
8 C
33 C
2 points for using a good range of structures and vocabulary
0 point if format is not used at all
9 A
34 B
10 D
35 A
11 C
36 A
12 B
37 D
0 points for using a poor range of structures and vocabulary
1 point for using a reasonable range of structures and
13 C
38 C
14 D
39 A
15 D
40 D
2 points for accuracy over 80%
16 A
41 A
17 D
42 C
1 point for accuracy between 70 and 80%
18 A
43 D
(10 points)
19 B
44 C
20 B
45 B
Audio script
21 C
46 D
22 B
47 B
Presenter The Peters family have just returned from a holiday
23 B
48 D
in Scotland and they’re going to tell us about it.
First Mike – you’re the dad. What was Scotland like
24 C
49 C
for you?
25 B
50 A
Well, I loved it! I particularly liked the scenery. We
(50 points)
drove through beautiful mountains and saw some
1 1 True
very pretty lakes and rivers. Sometimes we didn’t
see a house for hours!
2 1 B
Presenter And what about you Sue?
2 False
2 B
For me the best days were in the country hotel. We
3 False
3 C
just relaxed. It was quiet and peaceful and Mike
and Sam did some shing. The restaurant and the
4 False
4 C
meals were excellent – especially the fresh sh and
5 True
5 C
wonderful vegetables!
(10 points)
Presenter And you Sam, did you have a good time?
Part Two
1 1 False
Yeah – it was OK. It was a bit quiet for me though.
And we didn’t meet many new people. Also –
there wasn’t a lot to do in the evenings. But we spent
two nights in Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland and
2 1 A
Jenna and I went to a night club. That was good.
Presenter Do you think the same as Sam, Jenna?
2 False
2 B
3 True
3 A
Well, yeah. I preferred the time in Edinburgh. There
4 False
4 A
were some good shops and we went to a theatre
one night too. The Scottish people were really
5 True
5 B
friendly and I’d like to go back again.
(10 points)
Presenter And lastly, Jake. You’re the youngest. Did you like
Oh yeah. I liked the animals. When we went for
walks we saw a lot of animals. But we didn’t see a
monster in Loch Ness! I liked the music. At the hotel
they played this funny instrument – and some
people did a Scottish dance! It was fun! I tried it too,
but I wasn’t very good!
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Connections and New Adventures Placement Test
Placement test
Part One
Grammar and Vocabulary
1 Hello. My name ____ Jack.
A be B am C is D are
20 What music are you listening ____?
A at B to C for D on
21 Jim’s Dad is ____ to buy a new computer soon.
A go B will go C going D went
2 That’s Maria. ____ is my sister.
A I B She C It D Her
22 I ____ drink tea. I don’t like it.
A always B never C often D sometimes
3 ____ morning!
A Hello B Good C Happy D Fine
23 We ____ a good lm last week.
A seed B saw C did see D have see
4 ____ car is red.
A Davids B David is C David’s D David has
24 Do you often look ____ your baby brother in the evenings?
A at B for C after D up
5 ____ is that boy?
A When B Who C Why D What
25 My dad ____ the cleaning when mum’s at work.
A makes B does C takes D puts
6 I’d ____ a coffee please.
A like B want C have D buy
26 I ____ TV when Paul arrived.
A watched
C did watch
B was watching
D am watching
7 How ____ are you?
A age B many C years D old
27 There’s ____ milk in the fridge.
A some B a C the D any
8 The sky is very ____ today.
A red B green C blue D yellow
28 I think this is the ____ day of the year.
A most cold B coldest C more cold D colderest
9 My bag is ____ the table.
A on B in C at D from
29 How ____ did your laptop cost?
A many B more C expensive D much
10 I ____ football.
A likes B am like C liking D like
30 Helen ____ work so hard. She looks very tired.
A must B shouldn’t C can’t D has to
11 My dad’s a(n) ____. He works in the hospital.
A police officer B builder C doctor D actor
31 I know Ben will get the job because he’s very ____.
A con dent B angry C bored D shy
12 The teacher ____ in the classroom.
A hasn’t B isn’t C doesn’t D not be
32 If you ____ home before 7.30, phone me.
A will get B are getting C get D got
13 ____ you got a blue pen?
A Has B Are C Have D Do
33 I like the Batman lms ____ they’re exciting.
A and B but C because D so
14 Would you like a chicken ____?
A cake B drink C biscuit D sandwich
34 My mum ____ to France.
A never was C never went
B has never been D is never
15 I usually have ____ at 7.30 a.m.
A dinner B tea C lunch D breakfast
35 ____ do any homework last night?
A Did you have to C Were you
B Must you
16 Where ____ they going?
A are B do C like D have
D Would you
17 This question is ____ than the last one.
A easyer B more easy C easy D easier
36 I ____ Gary for ten years. He’s a good friend.
A have known B am knowing C knew D know
18 What ____ at the moment?
A are you reading C read you
B do you read
37 You write ____ than I do!
A carefully C more careful
B carefuller D more carefully
19 I ____ Katie yesterday.
A not see B didn’t see C am not see D wasn’t see
38 Which car would you buy if you ____ a lot of money?
A would have B have C had D were having
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Connections and New Adventures Placement Test
D you are reading
39 We had a big test ____ Thursday.
A on B in C at D by
2 The house on the island
A is near the beach.
B doesn’t cost any money.
C is quite small.
40 I haven’t got ____ sugar to make a cake. Can you go to
the shops and get some?
A too much B lots of C quite D enough
3 Who lives on the island?
A only the caretaker
B lots of tourists
C the caretaker and some people who live there too
41 I wish I ____ a brother or a sister.
A had B have C would have D am having
42 We ____ for two hours now! Can we stop for a break?
A are working C have been working
B work
4 Part of the job is
A to explore different parts of the island.
B to talk to the tourists.
C to write information for tourists.
43 Paper and plastics ____ at the factory.
A recycle C be recycled
B are recycling D are recycled
5 Where do you think this text is from?
A a job advertisement
B a book
C a magazine
44 I don’t like ____ weather because you can’t see anything.
A cloudy B rainy C foggy D icy
TOTAL: ___/10
45 The teacher told us ____ quietly.
A sit B to sit C we sit D sitting
46 We ____ in the city centre but now we live in the
The Perfect Job?
Many students have dreams about what job they would like to
do in the future. How about you? Would you like to be a doctor
or a lawyer? Maybe an actor or a writer? Well, there is a job in
Australia at the moment that people are calling ‘the perfect
job!’ It’s on a tropical island with clear blue skies and golden
beaches and for twelve hours work a month, for half a year, you
can earn £70,000!
In Australia, they are looking for someone to stay on Hamilton
Island. This is a tropical island in the Great Barrier Reef. The
person will live in a beautiful three bedroom villa with a
swimming pool and the house is free! The job isn’t very
di cult. It’s ‘caretaker’ of the island. Usually a caretaker looks
after buildings for the people who live there, but this caretaker
will look after the island. There isn’t a lot to do. He or she has to
feed some fi sh and collect the letters from the people on the
island – a bit like a postman!
There is another part of the job too. The ‘caretaker’ has to visit
lots of little islands in the area and learn all about them. Then
he has to write about them on a blog and make videos. The
Australians want more tourists to visit the area. That is the
really important part of the job.
So, what are the qualifi cations for this wonderful job? Well, they
want someone who likes living in warm temperatures. This
person must sail, swim and like taking photographs! And he
must like animals and exploring new places. It sounds perfect
to me!
A have lived C used to living
B usually live D used to live
47 ‘I ____ you later!’ ‘Bye!’
A will be see C am going to see
B will see D am seeing
48 The questions were ____ difficult that I couldn’t answer
any of them.
A such B very C completely D so
49 I’m ____ I can’t come to your party on Saturday.
A regret B sad C afraid D apologise
50 The man asked me if I ____ his dog.
A had seen B saw C was seeing D have seen
TOTAL: ___/50
1 Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
1 The job is in a hot place.
2 The working hours are very long.
3 The job is to look after a building.
4 You must study hard for this job.
5 It’s a good job for people who like sports.
2 Choose the correct answer.
1 The job is
A for twelve weeks.
B for six months.
C for a year.
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Connections and New Adventures Placement Test
D have working
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Part Two
1 Listen to some people talking about a holiday.
Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
Part Three
Write an email to a new pen friend of about 50–100
words. Tell him/her about:
Your family
1 The family are on holiday now.
2 They went to Ireland.
3 They stayed in a hotel.
4 They didn’t go to any towns.
5 Jenna is older than Jake.
Your school
Your friends
Your interests
2 Choose the correct answer.
1 What did Mike like ?
A the countryside
B the city
C shing
2 Who thought the food was good?
A Mike
B Sue
C Jenna
3 Sam likes
A places with a lot of people.
B shopping.
C quiet places.
4 Jenna thinks
A she will return.
B the countryside was best.
C her friends would like Scotland.
5 While they were on holiday Jake
A learned to play an instrument.
B went for walks.
C went to a night club.
TOTAL: ___/10
TOTAL: ___/10
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