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Word Power: Phrasal Verbs and Compounds
Planet Communication
Angeliki Athanasiadou
Christa van der Walt
Mouton de Gruyter
Berlin · New York
Word Power:
Phrasal Verbs and Compounds
A Cognitive Approach
Brygida Rudzka-Ostyn
Mouton de Gruyter
Berlin · New York 2003
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ISBN 3-11-017703-X hb
ISBN 3-11-017704-8 pb
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Wo rd Power: Phrasal Verbs and Compounds, a Cognitive Approach is a text-
book for guided self-learning intended for post-intermediate and advanced stu-
dents of English.
The textbook contains some 1,100 phrasal verbs and compounds used with
17 particles and/or prepositions which combine with some 500 different verbs,
nouns or adjectives. The book deals in the first place with the major problems
encountered by even advanced students, viz. understanding and mastering the
metaphorical meanings of the particles and the phrasal verbs as a whole. Sec-
ondly, depending on the students’ level of competence, the book confronts
them with another 2,500 to 3,000 less frequently used words in the sentences,
explanations, collocations and glosses in connection with the phrasal verbs and
compounds. These words constitute an equally essential part of the book and
need to be mastered to the same extent as the phrasal material itself.
Expanding students’ word power efficiently
In order to help more advanced grown-up learners to rapidly and significantly
expand their lexicon, the basis of accurate and fluent communication, we have
implemented some of the major findings from both cognitive and applied lin-
First, the phrasal verbs and compounds are grouped around each particle.
This particle-based arrangement reveals the networks of related meanings of
the particles. As experiments have shown, this fascinating insight-oriented ap-
proach – visually enhanced by intentionally abstract drawings – enables and
encourages the students to create their own contextual schemata, which all con-
tribute to learning the metaphorical extensions faster, better, and above all, in a
much more gratifying way.
Second, this textbook implements a battery of techniques used in applied lin-
guistics to develop intensively the students’ vocabulary in artificial school set-
tings. It has been shown experimentally that learners fix new words or new
meanings in a foreign language best:
– if they are systematically and explicitly focused upon;
– if they are embedded in contexts;
– if they are hooked up with other words they often co-occur with (collo-
– if learners write them out;
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