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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
512 Forest Lake Drive
Warner Robins, Georgia 31093
Taboo Desires
Copyright © 2007 by Amanda Young
Cover by Anne Cain
ISBN: 1-59998-594-2
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced
in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case
of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: August 2007
Taboo Desires
Amanda Young
In dedication to all the people out there, who stand brave and choose to
be true to themselves.
Taboo Desires
Chapter One
Sunlight filtered in through the picture window in the dining room.
Tendrils of gossamer light illuminated Karen’s long, golden hair like a
halo around her pixyish face. Her emerald eyes filled with fire, she stood
in the partition between the dining room and kitchen, her hands on her
slender hips. “What do you mean you aren’t ready to get married?”
Cole Winchester swore under his breath and ran a hand over the
stubbled, lower half of his face in exasperation. He really didn’t feel like
having this discussion again. After a long, unproductive day at the store,
he was tired and cranky. The last damn thing he wanted to talk about
was whether or not they should get married. It wasn’t as if he’d changed
his mind in the past twenty-four hours.
“Well?” she asked, her gaze pinning him down with a glacial frown
that left him feeling two inches tall.
He sighed and decided then and there that something had to change.
Now . He was sick to death of having to deal with being interrogated every
time he came over. “I meant just what I said, Karen. We aren’t ready to
get married. Weddings aren’t cheap and neither one of us has that kind
of dough right now.”
Karen glared and her lips parted, no doubt ready to lambaste him for
saying something she didn’t agree with. Luckily, she was interrupted by
the shrill whine of the oven’s buzzer. With a humph, she turned and
stomped into the kitchen. Thank God looks couldn’t kill, or he’d be a six-
foot shish kabob.
The simple truth was he wasn’t ready to settle down. He didn’t think
he ever would be, at least not with Karen. He cared about her—they
never would have made it past the two year mark if he didn’t—but he
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