L.S.Solimeo - Exposing Socialism - The Errors of Russia.pdf

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Our Lady of Fatima forewarned that Russia will
spread its errors throughout the world.
Robert E. Ritchie
Director of America Needs Fatima
thing to alert the American public, especially Catholics, to the
growing Socialist and Communist threats to our beloved nation.
These requests are entirely understandable for three reasons:
l At Fatima, Our Lady warned that unless mankind converted and
did penance, Russia would spread its errors, namely Socialism
and Communism, throughout the world causing terrible suffer-
ings and persecutions of the Church;
l Since that conversion has not happened, Our Lady’s prophecy
that Russia would spread its errors is unfolding before our very
eyes, with all the tragic consequences that this entails and
l God blessed the United States with abundant spiritual goods and
material prosperity. In gratitude, we, as a nation, must oppose the
Socialist and Communist trends that threaten to destroy us, and
convert, as Our Lady requested.
To fulfill the requests of our dear America Needs Fatima members,
whom I hold in high esteem, to denounce the spreading of the errors
of Russia, I turned to my friend and associate Mr. Luiz Solimeo for
I asked him to write a short, concise description of the Socialist and
Communist threats in the Fatima perspective.
He graciously complied and wrote Exposing Socialism: the “Errors
of Russia ,” which you now hold in your hands.
You should find this booklet a great aid when time comes to explain
the Socialist and Communist threats to friends and family, and why we
must oppose them.
With Our Lady’s help and guidance, I intend to distribute copies of
this booklet to 128,000 Americans immediately. Ultimately, I would
like to reach millions in the United States and the world by using the
latest in technology to spread this message online and in hardcopy.
Please pray for this intention, especially that we can reach and
engage key people who have the means and ability to echo Our Lady’s
urgent and maternal warnings and request for conversion to
With your ardent prayers and sacrifices for this new campaign’s
success, this humble booklet may be an effective tool to help turn back
the Socialist and Communist trends that are undermining America,
and help bring about the glorious days that Our Lady foretold at
Fatima when she promised,
“Finally, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!”
L ately, America Needs Fatima members have asked me to do some-
Because of their great importance, Our Lady’s apparitions to the
three little shepherds at Fatima in 1917 remain central to the devel-
opment of world events today. Indeed, as Pope Benedict XVI noted,
“the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, with their powerful call to
conversion and penance, are without doubt the most prophetic of all
modern apparitions.” 1
Divine Confirmation of the Apparitions
An event of this nature is considered significant based on the impor-
tance of the person involved and when its authenticity is proven
beyond a doubt. In the case of the Fatima apparitions, the leading per-
son is the most exalted creature of all, the Mother of God; and God
Himself authenticated the apparitions with the miracle of the sun, an
event of biblical proportions.
The Stupendous Miracle of the Sun
Journalist Avelino de Almeida, an avowed atheist, described the events at
Cova da Iria in an article titled, “Amazing! How the Sun Danced in Fatima
at Noon.” The following is an excerpt of the article published in the anti-
clerical Lisbon newspaper, O Século , on October 15, 1917:
From beside the parked carriages where many thousands
stood, afraid to descend into the muddy soil of the Cova da Iria,
we saw the immense crowd turn toward the sun at its highest,
free of all clouds. The sun seemed to us like a plate of dull sil-
ver. It could be seen without the least effort. It did not blind or
burn. It seemed as though an eclipse were taking place. All of a
sudden, a tremendous shout burst forth, “Miracle, miracle!”
Before the astonished eyes of the people—whose attitude car-
ried us back to biblical times, and who, white with terror, with
heads uncovered, gazed at the sun that trembled and made
brusque and unheard of movements beyond all cosmic laws—
the sun seemed literally to dance in the sky.
An unprecedented miracle, such as that of the “dancing of the sun,”
was meant to confirm a likewise unprecedented message from God.
Thus, we should look at Fatima as the message of heaven for our times
par excellence.
1. Address at Regina Cæli, square in front of the Shrine of Aparecida, Brazil, May 13, 2007
(emphasis added).
Mary Most Holy Offered a Solution for Present Evils
Indeed, the evils this message denounced are ongoing. Likewise, the
solution indicated remains fully applicable to our days.
What are these evils and their respective solution?
Mary Most Holy came to remind a world steeped in apostasy of the
gravity of sin and its consequences, the punishment of hell for unre-
pentant sinners and the chastisement of the world for offending God.
To forestall the damnation of so many souls and God’s chastise-
ment, the Blessed Mother offered as a solution the devotion to her
Immaculate Heart, and requested the daily recitation of the Rosary,
the Communion of Reparation on the First Saturdays for five consec-
utive months, and Russia’s consecration to her Immaculate Heart.
Here are the Blessed Mother’s own words at Fatima, warning the
world about the need for conversion and the coming chastisements if
that conversion did not occur:
“You have seen hell, where the souls of poor sinners go; in
order to save them, God wants to establish devotion to my
Immaculate Heart in the world. If they do what I tell you,
many souls will be saved and there will be peace. The war will
come to an end. But if they do not stop offending God, in the
reign of Pius XI a worse war will begin. When you see a night
illuminated by an unknown light, know that it is the great
sign that God gives you that He will punish the world for its
crimes by means of war, hunger and persecutions against the
Church and the Holy Father.
“To prevent it I will come to ask the consecration of Russia to
my Immaculate Heart and the Communion of Reparation on
the First Saturdays. If my requests are fulfilled, Russia will
convert and there will be peace; if not, she will spread her
errors throughout the world, promoting wars and persecu-
tions of the Church. The good will be martyred, the Holy
Father will have much to suffer and many nations will be
annihilated. Finally, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The
Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, she will convert and
the world will be given some time of peace. In Portugal the
dogma of the Faith will be always preserved, etc.”
Thus, in her message, the Blessed Virgin warned that, if her requests
went unheeded, World War II would break out and Communism would
spread its errors throughout the world, provoking wars and persecu-
tions of the Church. Finally, she promised divine forgiveness and the tri-
umph of her Immaculate Heart, which would be followed by Russia’s
consecration and conversion.
It is painfully obvious that her requests were not heeded in time.
World War II broke out, and the errors of Russia spread throughout
the world, not only with the implementation of Communist regimes in
many countries of Europe, Asia and Central America, but equally
through the spread of doctrines and customs that are consistently
leading the world to abandon natural law and the Christian order. The
legalization of homosexual “marriage,” abortion and euthanasia are
but a few of these manifestations.
Therefore, though the power of Communism has waned in its political
form, its cultural aspects are now at their zenith. In fact, divorce, free love
and immodesty find their philosophical systematization and political
support in Socialism, which is a lesser form of Communism.
Unbridled sensuality and unrestrained pride are the driving forces
of Socialism. These two vices demolish all barriers and restraints keep-
ing human behavior and thought in accordance with God’s law and
His established order.
Accordingly, we must admit that we are still within a phase of th
chastisement foretold at Fatima and must strive to advance toward
that which Our Lady promised: the triumph of her Immaculate Heart.
Professor Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira
Summarizes Our Lady’s Message:
On the whole, the Fatima apparitions instruct us about the
terrible gravity of the world situation and about the true caus-
es of our evils, as well as teach us the means by which we must
avoid the earthly and eternal punishments that await us. To
people in antiquity, God sent the prophets. In our days, He
spoke to us through the Queen of Prophets herself. Having
thus studied what Our Lady said, what can we say?
The only suitable words are those of Our Lord in the
Gospel, “If any man has ears to hear, let him hear” (Mark 4:23).
Catolicismo Nº 30–June 1953
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