Opowieści z krypty - Tales From The Crypt - S03E05 (29) Top Billing.txt

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{1}{72}movie info: XVID  544x416 23.976fps 233.7 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{2078}{2135}Good evening, culture vultures...
{2136}{2255}and welcome to another installment|of Mash-to-Pieces Theater.
{2337}{2391}Tonight we ask the question:
{2403}{2479}"To be, or not to be"
{2484}{2580}Or in this case,|an actor stuck with an average face...
{2582}{2647}who's so sick and tired of auditioning...
{2648}{2721}he's willing to do almost anything.
{2744}{2801}Did I say "almost"?
{2880}{2999}I call this sickening saga Top Billing.
{3141}{3215}Does he still have a drug problem?|Just tell me, Celia, does he?
{3217}{3307}I was told he's finished with rehab,|and now I hear that he's not.
{3317}{3396}Get back to me when you know|what's going on with him, okay?
{3433}{3488}Yeah, sure I dated him|but it was years ago...
{3489}{3569}a whole fucking lifetime|before all this drug stuff.
{3586}{3616}Yeah, he was okay in bed.
{3618}{3686}I mean, he wasn't great,|but then again, who is?
{3688}{3775}All right, I've got to run, honey.|So you'll get back to me?
{3788}{3815}All right.
{3823}{3889}I tell you, such schmucks. Such schmucks!
{4111}{4175}Jenny, did Leon ever call?
{4362}{4453}Leon, what are you doing? Where's Jenny?
{4476}{4582}Jenny's dead. And you're next, bitch!
{4620}{4682}No, don't, Leon. Don't!
{4684}{4748}The silent scream is the loudest.
{4811}{4884}That's great. Thanks for coming in.
{4953}{4984}That's it?
{4991}{5063}Yeah, you're terrific,|but you're not quite what I'm looking for.
{5064}{5135}Well, what do you need? I'm an actor.
{5145}{5216}- I need someone heavier.|- I can wear padding.
{5235}{5307}I don't mean heavier. I mean bigger.
{5371}{5424}You don't understand. I need this job.
{5426}{5508}I know you do,|but you're wrong for the part.
{5513}{5553}I need a killer.
{5555}{5639}Okay, how's this? I don't have any money,|I haven't eaten in a week...
{5640}{5680}and I need this fucking job!
{5682}{5716}Great, it's great.
{5717}{5794}But I need someone physically larger|with a tan!
{5883}{5945}Jenny's dead. And you're next, bitch!
{6813}{6846}Barry Blye.
{6857}{6942}- Yeah, hi, Winton, how you doing?|- I'm fine. How the hell are you?
{6948}{6979}How's Lisa?
{6981}{7031}She's still the best thing|that ever happened to me.
{7033}{7139}- Remember that rat-hole we all lived in?|- Yeah, I sure do. We still live there.
{7140}{7215}Well, it's nice chatting with you.|I'll see you later. I gotta go.
{7216}{7255}Come on, Barry.
{7257}{7323}You can't still be angry with me|because I work for a living.
{7325}{7383}Sure I can.|Let me ask you something, Winton.
{7384}{7463}On your resume, does it still say "actor"?
{7527}{7615}God, you crack me up, you know that?|Haven't you got it yet?
{7618}{7667}This business doesn't have|anything to do with acting.
{7668}{7701}Just get away from me, all right?
{7703}{7760}When are you gonna learn|an actor is one who acts...
{7762}{7813}- not one who collects unemployment?|- Just get away.
{7815}{7902}If you spent a little less money on classes|and more on some decent clothes...
{7904}{7996}and maybe, maybe,|some blue contact lenses...
{8006}{8048}you might work for a change.
{8050}{8107}Yeah? Well, I've seen your work, Winton.
{8108}{8170}Let me tell you,|I really loved that commercial you did...
{8172}{8264}you know, that little tango you did|on top of a disposable douche.
{8317}{8368}Sure. I do commercials.
{8383}{8457}I got $50,000 last year for one spot alone.
{8484}{8568}I don't "do," okay? I act.
{8603}{8665}This is Hamlet. It's about acting.
{8701}{8752}"Avenue D, at Canal"?
{8782}{8828}What the hell kind of theater|would be down there?
{8829}{8867}All right, I gotta go.
{8890}{8937}Barry, you're 35 years old.
{8941}{9037}How much longer are you gonna do|free theater that no one wants to see?
{9056}{9125}Hamlet doesn't need an audience.|It's a classic.
{9144}{9231}Maybe so, but Lisa deserves better, Barry.
{9407}{9456}Mel can do Shakespeare.
{9476}{9529}But Mel has the look.
{9638}{9711}Jesus Christ. I am a hell of an actor!
{9719}{9810}I'm a lot more talented than|a lot of those assholes out there making it.
{9812}{9852}Guys like Winton Robbins.
{9860}{9944}No, Winton Robbins has a face.
{9960}{10047}- He has the look!|- And I have talent!
{10061}{10160}Well, yes, talent's nice, too.|But you haven't got the look.
{10169}{10259}You could have the look.|I introduced you to that plastic surgeon.
{10260}{10318}I'm not a prostitute.|I'm not gonna alter my face.
{10320}{10382}Look, you're an agent.|You just do your job.
{10384}{10447}You just call these people up|and you get me this part, all right?
{10449}{10547}Look, Barry, I've been in the business|a long time.
{10556}{10629}I've seen them come,|and I've seen them go.
{10647}{10735}And, Barry, I think it's time for you to go.
{10753}{10854}So, you're just letting me go, just like that.
{10859}{10935}Well, hey, dreams are great.
{10976}{11023}But I've got expenses.
{11060}{11135}So I think it's time|you find some representation...
{11136}{11193}more suitable to your needs.
{11285}{11385}I'll get the part myself, and I'll be brilliant.
{11420}{11450}You know what?
{11452}{11549}I'm gonna take my rave reviews|and my $250 a week...
{11552}{11632}and shove them down your fucking throat!
{12140}{12212}Use the goddamn freight elevator,|asshole.
{12214}{12256}I just climbed five flights.
{12283}{12318}I'm talking to you!
{12336}{12375}That's my stereo.
{12410}{12481}That's my apartment.|What the hell do you think you're doing?
{12483}{12552}- Barry!|- Lisa, what's going on here?
{12568}{12639}I'm just taking what's mine...
{12671}{12730}and enough of your stuff|to make up for what you owe me.
{12732}{12788}- What are you talking about?|- I...
{12821}{12852}You're a loser.
{12869}{12925}I promised Mr. Kroger a few things...
{12927}{13012}and he agreed not to have|you thrown in jail for vagrancy.
{13087}{13175}It's over, Barry. I'm moving in with Bruno.
{13209}{13278}- Bruno?|- We met in class.
{13311}{13391}Barry, Bruno. Bruno, Barry.
{13414}{13470}Lisa, I love you.
{13560}{13643}Yeah. Look, we've gotta go.
{13712}{13771}I left some chicken in the fridge for you.
{13929}{13976}We could still be friends.
{14140}{14175}Excuse me.
{14346}{14380}You're a loser.
{14516}{14547}Spare change?
{14977}{15018}You gotta be kidding.
{15604}{15656}Excuse me, is this the theater...
{15693}{15769}- What the hell are you doing here?|- I'm here to audition.
{15772}{15844}What are you doing here?|This audition is for Hamlet.
{15851}{15903}I came down to make a point to you.
{15904}{15953}I bet you stayed up all night|reading the play.
{15955}{15986}You're damn right, I did.
{15988}{16062}You don't walk|into a Hamlet audition cold, you idiot.
{16067}{16104}It's poetry, for Christ's sake.
{16106}{16184}The part requires an actor, Winton,|not a face.
{16192}{16305}Fine. And had this been a theater,|I bet you I would've gotten the part.
{16338}{16381}I'll see you around, Barry.
{16544}{16650}- Is this Hamlet?|- No, it's Shangri-la.
{16658}{16735}Don't you recognize it?|And I'm the Dalai Lama.
{16750}{16809}Let me guess, you're here to audition?
{16890}{16919}Yes, I am.
{16950}{17039}Well, don't just stand around. Actors!
{17355}{17443}"Alas! poor Yorick.
{17464}{17583}"I knew him, Horatio,|a fellow of infinite jest...
{17602}{17683}"excellent and fancy: he hath-"
{17751}{17825}It's wrong, it's all wrong!
{17913}{18002}Hamlet is holding in his hands|the skull of Yorick.
{18010}{18111}He sees what 20 years|of rotting in the ground...
{18112}{18155}have done to his friend.
{18157}{18231}That is why he is so upset.
{18244}{18348}- Who? Yorick?|- No, you dunce! Hamlet.
{18370}{18465}Hamlet. You pick up the skull...
{18489}{18582}you look at it, you talk to it.
{18612}{18644}You even kiss it.
{18697}{18786}Here, kiss it. Kiss it.
{18788}{18877}- But it's plastic.|- You won't kiss plastic, will you?
{18885}{18991}Get off of my stage! Do you hear me?
{19114}{19194}Beaks! They've lost another one.
{19210}{19280}Where? Where are my props?
{19294}{19339}Yes, your bloatedness.
{19642}{19744}What are you doing? You're an actor.|I command you to act!
{19787}{19832}I don't have any lines.
{19852}{19970}That's no excuse. Living is acting.|Being is acting.
{19987}{20053}This is the gravedigger scene.|You're a gravedigger.
{20055}{20160}Dig, or I'll ram this shovel|down your putrid little throat!
{20255}{20336}Jesus. That is one tough director.
{20352}{20430}He's demanding. I respect that.
{20490}{20598}Excuse me.|I'm here to audition for the role of Hamlet.
{20740}{20789}Who broke my concentration?
{20879}{20955}out of my sight!
{21018}{21105}You two, come to my office.
{21452}{21488}Do you know who I am?
{21519}{21630}I am Nelson Halliwell,|director of stage and screen.
{21734}{21792}And it's a pleasure to meet you, sir.
{21793}{21866}I'm Barry Blye.|I'm here to audition for Hamlet.
{21868}{21960}And well, as you can see,|I'm highly, highly qualified for the part.
{21962}{22051}I have extensive qualifications,|I've done the part in several workshops...
{22053}{22115}and I know the entire role by heart.
{22116}{22146}Do you?
{22172}{22228}And do you know that we are planning...
{22242}{22319}the most stirring production|of Hamlet ever?
{22370}{22428}I want to bring to the stage a Hamlet...
{22447}{22565}that will look, and feel, and be so real...
{22582}{22652}that the people will stumble|from their seats...
{22654}{22749}tumble from the t...
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