Slavonic Poland.rtf

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Grzegorz Leończuk




              POLAND - a country with 38 millions inhabitants, most of us Polish. The descendant of once famous Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodów (The Commonwealth of the Two Nations i.e. Polish and Lithuanian), covering in the 16-17th century nearly one million square kilometres and populated by a mosaic of religions and nationalities - of course we can use the word 'nationality' for those times.

              Now spreading for approximately 312 000 square kilometres Poland is pretty homogenous as far as religion is concerned, most people confessing to Roman Catholicism.

              The country lies in the heart of Europe. The geographical middlepoint of the continent is in Suchowola, in the so called Eastern Wall, the eastern side of Poland.

              We speak the Slavonic language, West Slavonic in fact, the remaining of the Slavic Group of languages being: Serb-Croatian, Bulgarian, Czech and nearly the same as Czech - Slovak, Russian with its sub-languages: White Russian and Ukrainian. They constitute the main Slavic ones. It is interesting to know why these languages are called Slavic, as well as peoples who speak them. The name in Polish and other Slavic languages is Słowianie, Sławianie. Hence the English appellation - Slavs, Slavic, Slavonic, being derivatives of those, or the transformation enabling English speaking people to enunciate it as close to the original sound as possible. Other explanations of the word Slavs in English trying to link it with something else are only mistaken displays of ignorance of our languages and sometimes of bad propaganda.

What is the root of the word Słowianie or Sławianie - which is our glorious name? This comes from the common Slavic word Slovo and means word. So we can say Slavic are people of word. Truthful people, ones who keep their word. That is a highly precious heritage - this name - and thus it is both our pleasure and sacred duty to live up to this lofty name and deserve it.

              By the way the most prominent Slavs - by far - the Russians, even in the 19th century were known among mean European diplomats (following Machiavelli's bad path of reaching one's aims by hook or by crook) as ones putting their faith in the plighted word. This virtue of Russian diplomats was abused cynically by the diplomats of other states, deprived of this creditable sense of Truth.

              Of course I do not speak about the Soviet Union and its propaganda, which was later and belongs to an attempt to establish a state based on the doctrine of a German philosopher, cherishing noble feelings towards workers but apparently having no Vedic higher knowledge about society - Karl Marx. Consequently he created a theory, reclining on false basic premises. A building constructed on meagre foundations must fall down rather sooner than later in spite of the good intentions of many a mason. And History proved that this was the case of communism in the form concocted by Marx, Lenin and Stalin one by one.

              It is to show that communism, tailored by Marx and glued by the latter into the shape of the Soviet Union balloon, was not Slavonic in nature.


Language consultation - Tina Teearu

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