Kenkel - Analytical Chemistry for Technicians 3e (CRC, 2003).pdf

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Analytical Chemistry for Technicians, Third Edition
Analytical Chemistry
for Technicians
Third Edition
John Kenkel
Copyright © 2003 CRC Press, LLC
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Kenkel, John.
Analytical chemistry for technicians / by John V. Kenkel. — 3rd ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 1-56670-519-3 (alk. paper)
1. Chemistry, Analytic. 1. Title.
QD75.22 .K445 2002
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To my wife, Lois, and daughters Sister Emily, Jeanie, and Laura.
For your love, joy, faith, and eternal goodness.
May God’s graces and blessings be forever yours.
Copyright © 2003 CRC Press, LLC
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is the culmination and final product of a series
of four projects funded by the National Science Foundation’s Advanced Technological Education Program
and two supporting grants from the DuPont Company. The grant funds have enabled me to utilize an
almost limitless reservoir of human and other resources in the development and completion of this
manuscript and to vastly improve and update the previous edition. A visible example is the CD that
accompanies this book. This CD, which was not part of the previous editions, provides, with a touch of
humor, a series of real-world scenarios for students to peruse while studying the related topics in the text.
One very important resource has been the Voluntary Industry Skill Standards for entry-level chemistry
laboratory technicians published by the American Chemical Society in 1997. These standards consist of a
large number of competencies that such technicians should acquire in their educational program prior to
employment as technicians. While many of these competencies were fortuitously addressed in previous
editions, many others were not. It was a resource that I consulted time and time again as the writing proceeded.
The grant funds enabled me to enroll in ten American Chemical Society and Pittcon short courses
since 1995. Often taught by industrial chemists, these courses were key resources in the manuscript’s
Another important resource was simply the communications I have had with my colleagues in both
industry and academe. Early on, for example, I was able to spend several days at two different DuPont
industrial plants to see firsthand what chemical laboratory technicians in these plants do in their jobs. I
came away with written notes and mental pictures that were very insightful and useful. I also commu-
nicated more regularly with chemists and technicians in my local area, especially when I had specific
questions concerning the use of various equipment and techniques in their laboratories. Finally, I have
had a network of field testers and reviewers (enabled through the grant funding) for this work. This was
a resource that was not available to such an in-depth degree for the previous editions.
Some major changes resulted from all of this. New chapters on physical testing methods and bioanal-
ysis, both written by individuals more suited than I am for this task, are perhaps the most noticeable
changes. In addition, we provide in this new edition a series of over 50 workplace scenes, sideboxes with
photographs of technicians and chemists working with the equipment or performing the techniques
discussed in the text at that point. In addition, a laboratory information management system (LIMS)
has been created for students to use when they perform the experiments in the text. Besides these, there
have been numerous consolidations, additions, expansions, and deletions of many other topics. I am
confident that the product you now hold in your hands and the accompanying support material is the
most up-to-date and appropriate tool that I am personally capable of providing for your analytical
chemistry educational needs.
Analytical Chemistry for Technicians
John Kenkel
Southeast Community College
Lincoln, Nebraska
Copyright © 2003 CRC Press, LLC
This third edition of
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