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Rom-iERV 201 Mat.04.xpI
Genealogia lui Isus Cristos
(Lc. 3.23–38)
1 1 Aceasta este genealogia lui Isus
`i a lui
The Family History of Jesus
(Lk. 3:23b–38)
1 1 This is the family history of Jesus Christ. He
2 Avraam a fost tat™l lui Isaac; Isaac, tat™l
lui Iacov. Iacov a fost tat™l lui Iuda `i al fra-
^ilor acestuia. 3 Iuda a fost tat™l lui Fares `i
Zara, a c™ror mam™ a fost Tamar. Fares a
fost tat™l lui Esrom, iar Esrom, tat™l lui
Aram. 4 Aram a fost tat™l lui Aminadab;
Aminadab, tat™l lui Naason, iar Naason,
tat™l lui Salmon. 5 Salmon a fost tat™l lui
Boaz, iar Rahab a fost mama sa. Boaz a fost
tat™l lui Obed, iar Rut a fost mama sa. Obed
a fost tat™l lui Iese. 6 Iese a fost tat™l ¶mp™ra-
tului David. David a fost tat™l lui Solomon,
iar mama sa a fost fosta so^ie a lui Urie.
7 Solomon a fost tat™l lui Roboam, iar
Roboam, tat™l lui Abia. Abia a fost tat™l lui
Asa. 8 Asa a fost tat™l lui Iosafat; Iosafat,
tat™l lui Ioram, iar Ioram a fost tat™l lui
Ozia. 9 Ozia a fost tat™l lui Ioatam; Ioatam,
tat™l lui Ahaz, iar Ahaz a fost tat™l lui
Ezechia. 10 Ezechia a fost tat™l lui Manase;
Manase, tat™l lui Amon, iar Amon a fost
tat™l lui Iosia. 11 Iosia a fost tat™l lui Iehonia
`i al fra^ilor s™i. (Aceasta pe vremea c‹nd
evreii au fost du`i ¶n Babilon ca sclavi.)
Abraham. *
2 Abraham was the father of Isaac. Isaac was the
father of Jacob. * Jacob was the father of Judah and
his brothers. 3 Judah was the father of Perez and
Zerah. (Their mother was Tamar.) Perez was the
father of Hezron. Hezron was the father of Ram.
4 Ram was the father of Amminadab. Amminadab
was the father of Nahshon. Nahshon was the
father of Salmon. 5 Salmon was the father of Boaz.
(The mother of Boaz was Rahab.) Boaz was the
father of Obed. (The mother of Obed was Ruth.)
Obed was the father of Jesse. 6 Jesse was the father
of King David. David was the father of Solomon.
(Solomon’s mother had been Uriah’s wife.)
7 Solomon was the father of Rehoboam.
Rehoboam was the father of Abijah. Abijah was
the father of Asa. 8 Asa was the father of
Jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat was the father of
Jehoram. Jehoram was the father of Uzziah.
9 Uzziah was the father of Jotham. Jotham was the
father of Ahaz. Ahaz was the father of Hezekiah.
10 Hezekiah was the father of Manasseh. Manasseh
was the father of Amon. Amon was the father of
Josiah. 11 Josiah was the grandfather of Jehoiachin 1
and his brothers. (This was during the time that
the people were taken away to Babylon.)
12 After they were taken to Babylon: Jehoiachin
was the father of Shealtiel. Shealtiel was the grand-
father of Zerubbabel. 13 Zerubbabel was the father
of Abiud. Abiud was the father of Eliakim. Eliakim
was the father of Azor. 14 Azor was the father of
Zadok. Zadok was the father of Achim. Achim was
the father of Eliud. 15 Eliud was the father of
Eleazar. Eleazar was the father of Matthan. Matthan
was the father of Jacob. 16 Jacob was the father of
Joseph. Joseph was the husband of Mary, and Mary
was the mother of Jesus, who is called the Christ. *
12 Dup™ aducerea lor ¶n Babilon, Iehonia a
avut un fiu, pe Salatiel, iar Salatiel, pe
Zorobabel. 13 Zorobabel a fost tat™l lui
Abiud; Abiud, tat™l lui Eliachim, iar
Eliachim a fost tat™l lui Azor. 14 Azor a fost
tat™l lui Sadoc; Sadoc, tat™l lui Achim, iar
Achim a fost tat™l lui Eliud. 15 Eliud a fost
tat™l lui Eleazar; Eleazar, tat™l lui Matan, iar
Matan a fost tat™l lui Iacov. 16 Iacov a fost
tat™l lui Iosif, so^ul Mariei din care S-a n™s-
cut Isus, numit `i Mesia.
1 1:11 Jehoiachin Literally, “Jechoniah,” another name for Jehoiachin.
Cristos, din familia lui David *
came from the family of David *
MATEI 1.17 – 2.5
MATTHEW 1:17–2:5
17 Deci, de la Avraam p‹n™ la David, au
fost paisprezece genera^ii, iar de la David
p‹n™ la deportarea evreilor ¶n Babilon au
fost paisprezece genera^ii. Au fost tot pai-
sprezece genera^ii `i de la deportarea ¶n
Babilon p‹n™ la na`terea lui Cristos * .
Na`terea lui Isus Cristos
(Lc. 2.1–7)
18 Na`terea lui Isus Cristos a avut loc ¶n
felul urm™tor: mama Sa, Maria, era logodit™
cu Iosif. Dar ¶nainte de c™s™toria lor Maria a
aflat c™ era ¶ns™rcinat™. Era ¶ns™rcinat™ de la
Duhul Sf‹nt * . 19 Iosif, viitorul ei so^, fiind un
om drept `i nevr‹nd s-o fac™ de ru`ine pe
Maria ¶n fa^a celorlal^i oameni, a hot™r‹t s™
rup™ logodna ¶n secret.
20 Dar, ¶n timp ce el se g‹ndea la aceste
lucruri, un ¶nger al Domnului i-a ap™rut
¶ntr-un vis `i i-a spus: „Iosife, fiul lui
David * , nu te teme s™ o iei pe Maria de
so^ie, c™ci copilul care este ¶n ea este de la
Duhul Sf‹nt. 21 Ea va na`te un Fiu, pe
care-L vei numi Isus 1 , pentru c™ El va m‹n-
tui poporul S™u de p™catele lor.“
22 Toate acestea s-au ¶nt‹mplat pentru a se
¶mplini ceea ce spusese Domnul prin pro-
fet * : 23 „Iat™! Fecioara va fi ¶ns™rcinat™, va
na`te un fiu `i-L vor numi «Emanuel» (care
¶nseamn™: „Dumnezeu este cu noi“)“. 2
24 Dup™ ce s-a trezit, Iosif a f™cut ce ¶i
poruncise ¶ngerul Domnului, lu‹nd-o acas™
pe Maria ca so^ie. 25 Dar nu a avut rela^ii
intime cu ea p‹n™ c‹nd ea a n™scut un fiu.
Iosif i-a pus fiului numele Isus.
Vizita ¶n^elep^ilor de la r™s™rit
17 So there were fourteen generations from
Abraham to David. There were also fourteen gen-
erations from David until the people were taken
away to Babylon. And there were fourteen more
from the time the people were taken to Babylon
until Christ was born.
The Birth of Jesus Christ
(Lk. 2:1–7)
18 This is how the birth of Jesus Christ hap-
pened. His mother Mary was engaged to marry
Joseph. But before they married, he learned that
she was expecting a baby. (She was pregnant by
the power of the Holy Spirit. * ) 19 Mary’s husband,
Joseph, was a good man. He did not want to
cause her public disgrace, so he planned to
divorce her secretly.
20 But after Joseph thought about this, an angel
from the Lord came to him in a dream. The angel
said, “Joseph, son of David, * don’t be afraid to
accept Mary to be your wife. The baby inside her
is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a
son. You will name him Jesus. 1 Give him that
name because he will save his people from
their sins.”
22 All this happened to make clear the full
meaning of what the Lord said through the
prophet * : 23 “The virgin * will be pregnant and will
give birth to a son. They will name him
Immanuel.” 2 (Immanuel means “God with us.”)
24 When Joseph woke up, he did what the
Lord’s angel told him to do. He married Mary.
25 But Joseph did not have sexual relations with
her until her son was born. And he named him
Wise Men Come to Visit Jesus
pe vremea c‹nd era rege Irod * . Dup™
na`terea Sa, au venit la Ierusalim ni`te ¶n^e-
lep^i * de la r™s™rit. 2 Ei au ¶ntrebat: „Unde
este nou-n™scutul •mp™rat al iudeilor? I-am
v™zut steaua r™s™rind `i am venit s™ ne
¶nchin™m Lui.“
Judea during the time when Herod * was king.
After Jesus was born, some wise men * from the
east came to Jerusalem. 2 They asked people,
“Where is the child that has been born to be the
king of the Jews? We saw the star that shows he
was born. We saw it rise in the sky in the east and
have come to worship him.”
3 When King Herod heard about this, it upset
him as well as everyone else in Jerusalem.
4 Herod called a meeting of all the leading Jewish
priests and teachers of the law. He asked them
where the Christ * would be born. 5 They
answered, “In the town of Bethlehem in Judea,
just as the prophet * wrote:
3 C‹nd a auzit regele Irod aceste lucruri,
s-a tulburat; `i to^i oamenii din Ierusalim
¶mpreun™ cu el. 4 Adun‹nd la el to^i condu-
c™torii preo^ilor `i ¶nv™^™torii Legii, i-a
¶ntrebat unde trebuia s™ se nasc™ Cristosul * .
5 Ei i-au r™spuns: „•n Betleemul din Iudeea,
pentru c™ a`a a fost scris de c™tre profet * :
1 1.21 Isus Isus ¶nseamn™ „Domnul este M‹ntuitor“.
2 1.23 Citat din Is. 7.14.
1 1:21 Jesus The name Jesus means “the L ORD (Y AHWEH ) saves.”
2 1:23 Quote from Isa. 7:14.
2 1 Isus S-a n™scut la Betleem, ¶n Iudeea,
2 1 Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem in
MATEI 2.6–17
MATTHEW 2:6–17
6 «Iar tu, Betleeme, ^inut al lui Iuda,
nu e`ti nicidecum cea mai ne¶nsemnat™
dintre c™peteniile lui Iuda,
c™ci din tine va ie`i un conduc™tor.
El va fi P™storul poporului Israel.»“
Mica 5.2
7 Atunci Irod i-a chemat ¶n secret pe ¶n^e-
lep^i `i a aflat de la ei cu exactitate c‹nd a
ap™rut steaua. 8 Apoi i-a trimis la Betleem,
spun‹ndu-le: „Duce^i-v™ `i c™uta^i copilul cu
mare aten^ie, iar c‹nd •l ve^i g™si, veni^i s™-mi
spune^i, ca s™ vin `i eu s™ m™ ¶nchin Lui.“
9 •n^elep^ii l-au ascultat pe rege `i au ple-
cat. Iar steaua pe care o v™zuser™ r™s™rind
i-a condus p‹n™ au ajuns ¶n dreptul locului
unde se afla copilul. 10 C‹nd au v™zut steaua,
ei s-au bucurat foarte mult. 11 Au intrat ¶n
cas™, unde au v™zut copilul `i pe mama Sa,
Maria. Au ¶ngenuncheat `i I s-au ¶nchinat.
Deschiz‹ndu-`i cuferele, I-au oferit daruri:
aur, t™m‹ie `i smirn™ * . 12 Fiind avertiza^i de
Dumnezeu, ¶ntr-un vis, s™ nu se ¶ntoarc™ la
Irod, ¶n^elep^ii au plecat spre ^ara lor pe un
alt drum.
6 ‘Bethlehem, in the land of Judah,
you are important among the rulers of Judah.
Yes, a ruler will come from you,
and that ruler will lead Israel, my people.’”
Micah 5:2
7 Then Herod had a private meeting with the
wise men from the east. He learned from them the
exact time they first saw the star. 8 Then he sent
them to Bethlehem. He said, “Go and look care-
fully for the child. When you find him, come tell
me. Then I can go worship him too.”
9 After the wise men heard the king, they left.
They saw the same star they had seen in the east,
and they followed it. The star went before them
until it stopped above the place where the child was.
10 They were very happy and excited to see the star.
11 The wise men came to the house where the
child was with his mother Mary. They bowed
down and worshiped him. Then they opened the
boxes of gifts they had brought for him. They
gave him treasures of gold, frankincense, * and
myrrh. * 12 But God warned the wise men in a
dream not to go back to Herod. So they went
home to their own country a different way.
Jesus’ Parents Take Him to Egypt
13 After the wise men * left, an angel from the
Lord came to Joseph in a dream. The angel said,
“Get up! Take the child with his mother and
escape to Egypt. Herod * wants to kill the child
and will soon start looking for him. Stay in Egypt
until I tell you to come back.”
14 So Joseph got ready and left for Egypt with the
child and the mother. They left during the night.
15 Joseph stayed in Egypt until Herod died. This
gave full meaning to what the Lord said through
the prophet * :“Icalled my son to come out of
Egypt.” 1
Herod Kills the Baby Boys in Bethlehem
16 Herod * saw that the wise men * had fooled
him, and he was very angry. So he gave an order
to kill all the baby boys in Bethlehem and the
whole area around Bethlehem. Herod had learned
from the wise men the time the baby was born. It
was now two years from that time. So he said to
kill all the boys who were two years old and
younger. 17 This gave full meaning to what God
said through the prophet * Jeremiah:
14 Iosif s-a sculat, a luat copilul `i pe
mama lui `i a plecat ¶n Egipt ¶n timpul nop-
^ii. 15 A r™mas acolo p‹n™ la moartea lui
Irod. Acestea s-au ¶nt‹mplat pentru ca s™ se
¶mplineasc™ cele spuse de Domnul prin pro-
fet * :„L-am chemat pe Fiul Meu din Egipt“. 1
Irod ucide pruncii din Betleem
16 C‹nd a v™zut Irod * c™ a fost ¶n`elat de
¶n^elep^i * ,s-a ¶nfuriat `i a poruncit ca to^i
b™ie^ii din Betleem, care aveau de la doi ani
¶n jos, s™ fie omor‹^i. 17 A`a s-a ¶mplinit
ceea ce spusese Dumnezeu prin profetul *
va c™uta s™ omoare
1 2.15 Citat din Osea 11.1.
1 2:15 Quote from Hos. 11:1.
P™rin^ii lui Isus •l duc ¶n Egipt
13 Dup™ plecarea ¶n^elep^ilor * ,un¶nger al
Domnului i-a ap™rut ¶n vis lui Iosif `i i-a
spus: „Treze`te-te, ia copilul `i pe mama
Lui `i pleac™ ¶n Egipt. Stai acolo p‹n™ ¶^i voi
spune eu, c™ci Irod *
MATEI 2.18 – 3.9
MATTHEW 2:18–3:9
„Un glas s-a auzit ¶n Rama,
pl‹nsete `i sf‹`ietoare gemete.
Rahela ¶`i pl‹nge copiii
`i nu vrea s™ fie m‹ng‹iat™,
c™ci ei nu mai sunt.“
18 “A sound was heard in Ramah—
bitter crying and great sadness.
Rachel cries for her children,
and she cannot be comforted,
because her children are gone.” Jeremiah 31:15
Joseph and Mary Return From Egypt
19 While Joseph was in Egypt, Herod * died. An
angel from the Lord came to Joseph in a dream
20 and said, “Get up! Take the child with his
mother and go to Israel. Those who were trying to
kill the child are now dead.”
Ieremia 31.15
•ntoarcerea ¶n Nazaret
19 Dup™ moartea lui Irod * , un ¶nger al
Domnului i-a ap™rut lui Iosif ¶n vis, c‹nd
¶nc™ mai era ¶n Egipt. 20 •ngerul i-a spus:
„Ridic™-te, ia copilul `i pe mama Lui `i
duce^i-v™ ¶n ^inutul lui Israel, pentru c™ cei
ce ¶ncercau s™ ia via^a copilului au murit.“
21 Iosif s-a ridicat, a luat copilul `i pe mama
copilului `i au plecat spre Israel. 22 Dar c‹nd a
auzit c™ Arhelau era acum regele Iudeii, ¶n
locul tat™lui s™u, Irod, i-a fost team™ s™ mear-
g™ acolo. Fiind ¶ns™ avertizat Ede DumnezeuF
¶n vis, a plecat ¶n Galileea. 23 Astfel s-au sta-
bilit ¶ntr-un ora` numit Nazaret, pentru ca
ceea ce fusese vestit de c™tre profe^i * s™ se
¶mplineasc™: „El va fi numit Nazarinean.“ 1
Ioan Botez™torul
(Mc. 1.1–8; Lc. 3.1–9, 15–17; Ioan 1.19–28)
3 1 •n zilele acelea, a venit Ioan
Botez™torul `i predica oamenilor ¶n
de`ertul Iudeii. 2 El spunea: „Schimba^i-v™
inima `i via^a, c™ci •mp™r™^ia cerurilor este
aproape.“ 3 El este cel despre care vorbea
profetul * Isaia, c‹nd spunea:
21 So Joseph took the child and the mother and
went to Israel. 22 But he heard that Archelaus was
now king in Judea. Archelaus became king when
his father Herod died. So Joseph was afraid to go
there. Then, after being warned in a dream, he went
away to the area of Galilee. 23 He went to a town
called Nazareth and lived there. This gave full
meaning to what God said through the prophets. *
God said the Christ * would be called a Nazarene. 1
John Prepares the Way for Jesus
(Mk. 1:1–8; Lk. 3:1–9, 15–17; Jn. 1:19–28)
3 1 When it was the right time, John the
is coming soon.”
3 John
is the one Isaiah the prophet *
was talking about
when he said,
“There is someone shouting in the desert:
‘Prepare the way for the Lord.
Make the road straight for him.’” Isaiah 40:3
4 John’s clothes were made from camel’s hair,
and he had a leather belt around his waist. For
food, he ate locusts * and wild honey. 5 People
came to John from Jerusalem and the rest of Judea
and from all the areas along the Jordan River.
6 They confessed the bad things they had done,
and John baptized * them in the Jordan.
7 Many Pharisees * and Sadducees * came to the
place where John was baptizing people. When
John saw them, he said, “You are all snakes!
Who warned you to run away from the punish-
ment that God is about to send? 8 Change your
hearts! And show by the way you live that you
have changed. 9 I know what you are thinking.
You want to say, ‘but Abraham *
„Iat™ glasul celui care strig™ ¶n pustie:
«Preg™ti^i calea Domnului,
netezi^i-I c™r™rile»“. Isaia 40.3
4 Hainele lui Ioan erau f™cute din p™r de
c™mil™ `i purta o curea de piele ¶n jurul tali-
ei. El m‹nca l™custe `i miere s™lbatic™. 5 To^i
oamenii din Ierusalim, din Iudeea `i din
¶mprejurimile r‹ului Iordan veneau s™-l
asculte. 6 Ei ¶`i recuno`teau p™catele `i erau
boteza^i * de Ioan ¶n r‹ul Iordan.
7 C‹nd a v™zut Ioan c™ mul^i farisei * `i
saduchei * veneau la el pentru a fi boteza^i,
le-a spus: „Pui de `erpi! Cine v-a ¶n`tiin^at
s™ fugi^i de m‹nia lui Dumnezeu care vine?
8 Dovedi^i prin faptele voastre c™ v-a^i
schimbat cu adev™rat modul de a g‹ndi `i
9 ÿi s™ nu crede^i c™ este suficient s™
is our father!’
1 2.23 Nazarinean versetul din Vechiul Testament la care se
face referire este nesigur, dar este posibil ca Matei s™ fac™ o
paralel™ ¶ntre Samson, care era un Nazireu, adic™ era dedicat
lui Dumnezeu (Jud. 13.5, 7) `i Isus, Nazarineanul.
1 2:23 Nazarene A person from the city of Nazareth. This name sounds
like the Hebrew word for “branch.” So Matthew may be referring to the
promise of a “branch” of David’s family. See Isa. 11:1.
Baptizer * began telling people a message from
God. This was out in the desert area of Judea.
2 John said, “Change your hearts and lives,
because God’s kingdom *
MATEI 3.10 – 4.6
MATTHEW 3:10–4:6
spune^i: «Tat™l nostru este Avraam», c™ci v™
spun c™ Dumnezeu poate s™ fac™ fii pentru
Avraam `i din aceste pietre. 10 Toporul este
gata s™ taie copacii `i orice copac ce nu d™
roade bune va fi t™iat `i aruncat ¶n foc.
11 C‹t despre mine, eu v™ botez cu ap™, ca
dovad™ c™ v-a^i schimbat inima `i via^a.
•ns™ Cel care vine dup™ mine este mai
puternic dec‹t mine. Eu nu sunt vrednic nici
s™-I scot sandalele. El v™ va boteza cu Duh
Sf‹nt * `i cu foc. 12 El ^ine lopata ¶n m‹n™ `i
este gata s™ cure^e aria de treierat. El va
aduna gr‹nele ¶n hambar `i va arde pleava
¶n focul ce nu poate fi stins.“
That means nothing. I tell you, God could make
children for Abraham from these rocks. 10 The ax
is now ready to cut down the trees. 1 Every tree
that does not produce good fruit will be cut down
and thrown into the fire.
11 “I baptize you with water to show that you
changed your hearts and lives. But there is
someone coming later who is able to do more than
I can. I am not good enough to be the slave who
takes off his sandals. He will baptize you with the
Holy Spirit * and with fire. 12 He will come ready
to clean the grain. 2 He will separate the good
grain from the straw, and he will put the good part
into his barn. Then he will burn the useless part
with a fire that cannot be stopped.”
Jesus Is Baptized by John
(Mk. 1:9–11; Lk. 3:21–22)
13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan
River. He came to John, wanting John to baptize *
him. 14 But John tried to find a way to say no. He
said, “Why do you come to me to be baptized? I
should be baptized by you!”
15 Jesus answered, “Let it be this way for now.
We should do whatever God says is right.” Then
John agreed.
16 So Jesus was baptized. As soon as he came
up out of the water, the sky opened, and he saw
God’s Spirit coming down on him like a dove.
17 A voice from heaven said, “This is my Son and
I love him. I am very pleased with him.”
Botezul lui Isus Cristos
(Mc. 1.9–11; Lc. 3.21–22)
13 Atunci a venit Isus din Galileea la r‹ul
Iordan, unde era Ioan, pentru a fi botezat * de
el. 14 Ioan a ¶ncercat s™-L opreasc™, spun‹n-
du-I: „De ce vii s™ fii botezat de mine? Eu
sunt cel care ar trebui s™ fie botezat de Tine.“
15 Isus a r™spuns: „Las™ acum, c™ci se
cuvine s™ facem tot ce este drept.“ A`a c™
Ioan a fost de acord s™-L boteze pe Isus.
16 Isus a fost botezat `i imediat cum a ie`it
din ap™ cerurile s-au deschis `i a v™zut
Duhul lui Dumnezeu cobor‹nd ca un
porumbel `i venind peste El. 17 ÿi o voce din
ceruri a spus: „Acesta este Fiul Meu preaiu-
bit ¶n care •mi g™sesc pl™cerea.“
Ispitirea lui Isus Cristos
(Mc. 1.12–13; Lc. 4.1–13)
4 1 Dup™ aceea, Duhul * l-a dus pe Isus ¶n
pustie pentru a fi ispitit de Diavolul.
2 Dup™ ce a postit patruzeci de zile `i patru-
zeci de nop^i, lui Isus I S-a f™cut foame.
3 Diavolul a venit la El `i I-a spus: „Dac™
e`ti Fiul lui Dumnezeu, spune acestor pietre
s™ se transforme ¶n p‹ini.“
4 Dar Isus i-a r™spuns: „Scriptura * spune:
«Oamenii nu vor tr™i numai cu p‹ine,
ci `i cu orice cuv‹nt
spus de Dumnezeu.»“ Deuteronom 8.3
5 Atunci Diavolul L-a dus pe Isus ¶n ceta-
tea sf‹nt™, Ierusalim `i L-a a`ezat pe locul
cel mai ¶nalt al Templului * ,
was taken there to be tempted by the devil.
2 Jesus ate nothing for 40 days and nights. After
this, he was very hungry. 3 The devil 3 came to
tempt him and said, “If you are the Son of God,
tell these rocks to become bread.”
6 spun‹ndu-I:
4 Jesus answered him, “The Scriptures * say,
‘It is not just bread that keeps people alive.
Their lives depend on what God says.’”
Deuteronomy 8:3
5 Then the devil led Jesus to the holy * city of
Jerusalem and put him on a high place at the edge
of the Temple * area. 6 He said to Jesus, “If you are
1 3:10 trees The people who don’t obey God. They are like “trees” that
will be cut down. 2 3:12 clean the grain Meaning that Jesus will sepa-
rate the good people from those who are bad.
3 4:3 The devil Literally,
The Temptation of Jesus
(Mk. 1:12–13; Lk. 4:1–13)
4 1 Then the Spirit * led Jesus into the desert. He
“The tempter.”
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