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Aleister Crowley Diary fragment
Copyright (c) O.T.O.
Pdf version by Desolution
[March, 1907 E.V.]
Thursday 7 Began V.I.T.R.I.O.L.
Beat Sunny Jim by 7 & 5 at h a stroke.
Wrote to D.D.S. asking for permission to do a Vow of Silence and to appoint a period.
Friday 8 Sculping. Daleth or rather Chesed.
Saturday 9 9.0 P.M. Began vow of Refusing to answer questions. D.D.S. says 7 days. A slip is to be
punished with a razor-cut.
Rose is very angry, of course.
One notices in Refusing to Answer Questions that nearly everything said to one is a
One notices that 5 years ago one would have called all the Gods to witness a majestic
ceremonial Vow; at present one determines, & begins forthwith.
One may use this formula to battle against and overcome the Great Devil
One should consider before speaking at all whether the speech is both necessary and
unimportant; for unless these conditions are fulfilled one breaks the Vow of Silence, of
which this is a branch.
One has been in fighting form all day, but this formula gives one an idea of tremendous
controlled force.
All things are wonderful to me. I know that I am on the very threshold of Binah; that
henceforth I shall go about my ways in utter delight and praise. Hail!
This matter of R[efusing] to A[nswer] Q[uestions] resolves itself into a vigilance over
speech. It is thus a much harder task than plain Silence; for interest in the conversation
betrayeth this vigilance.
It has struck me that ``the Black Magician abstains from salt'' is Tohu-Bohu. The abstainer
from salt did so to work evil without becoming nimak-kharam. Hence he was suspected of
Sunday 10 Playing golf at Maidenhead. Very trying this Vow of R. to A.Q. 24 slips in the Practice till
Monday 11 Took at 10.24 P.M. a minute quantity of Hashish --- too small to have any possible effect,
one would say, judging by previous experience.
11.30 ended in D.F.D.'s luring me away also I nearly slept. Rose & had tea & now write this.
I think the hashish has had little or no effect perhaps just less than the desired waking of
Pratyahara. But no hallucinations; no loss of time-sense. Possibly slight self-consciousness;
but one wouldn't like to assert it.
12 Slips during Monday.
Tuesday 12 7 slips in the Practice.
At 10 P.M. about, the minimum dose of F.E. Anhalonium Lewinii being 2 drops, took 1 drop
TAROT drew 3 of Cups (curiously enough the card re Tankerville said by D.D.S. to be Black
Magic) ``Abundance''.
Before taking drug, I note my physical condition excellent, my mental depressed from not
being able to write what I want to, my magical exalted and on the verge of Samadhi. See
10.15 As stated opposite took 1 drop A[nhalonium] L[ewinii] in a good deal of warm water.
The taste is not unpleasant; it is very strongly reminiscent of the tea of Yunnan, as there
prepared and drunk.
I proceed to
10.35 Am busying myself with colour-thoughts of divine nature; and the A.L. having
produced no perceptible result whatever took 1 drop more.
10.55 Still no apparent result. Took 2 drops.
Possibly the Violet centres are stimulated. I see the flame of a match with green blue &
violet at its edge. Probably this is mere Pratyahara resulting from intention to attain. Closing
the eyes produces no result.
11.7 Striking the magic Bell, closed eyes, I saw an opalescent light, not well marked.
Further I had seen some fine opal matrix in Bond St a few hours earlier.
11.27 Have made and drunk much tea. No symptom whatever from the A.L.
11.30 Took 3 drops more.
11.50 No symptom. Took 3 drops more. 10 drops in all. This being max dose, mentioned on
label, will take no more.
See page 208.
March 12 cont. 13th Midnight.15. Conc--n not interfered with by drug. Maybe one gets
occasional brilliant pictures with eyes shut; but it is not enough to record. I could get as
good with plain expectation. Am apparently very sleepy. Pupils certainly not dilated. Eyes
bloodshot, which is no surprise, after staring hard at the electric globe for over 10 minutes.
[March, 1907]
12.30 A.M. Went astral tour no colour effects to speak of.
9.30 A.M. Nothing whatever unusual.
Wednesday 13
An excellent day. Buckmasters charming.
Sculping. Taw or Gimel-Beth-Vau-Resh-He for R[ose] made a scene.
10 breaks in practice.
I ______d Rose and slept like a dog___________________
Gave Sunny Jim 13 & won by 2 & also the Bye.
Refused to write or wire. Rough on Rats!
5 slips in the Practice.
Friday 15 7 slips in the Practice.
Peh-Aleph-Resh-Taw Theory perfect. Practice He{Hebrew} with Yod to Yod sanctum. Yod
with Yod and Pe to the Blessed Fount of the Supernal Via Lactea, so that at 9.15 P.M. I took
4 drops F.E. Anhalonium Lewinii in cold water.
Am rather tired with my day's shopping, but peaceful & well.
9.40 Took 5 drops.
10.0 _____ _____.
10.27 _____ _____.
11.3 Accommodation of age still perfect.
Took 7 drops.
No result; but felt as if near something. Also slight stomachic discomfort.
Saturday 16
Cambridge won the Boat Race. A grand fight of the Empire.
7 slips in the Practice (72 in all). End thereof at 9.0 P.M. A letter from D.D.S.
Moreover I did demonstrate my superiority to the warring factions of Netzach & Hod by
formulating Yesod in the number Yod-Vau-Dalet.
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