iPortable Snow ReadMe.pdf

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iPortable Snow ReadMe
planet !! Mac OSX Snowleopard !
Full Mac OSX Snowleopard 10.6.2 install for bootable portable
8GB (USB) disks for Generic Intel PC’s [MacOSX Install]
This image comes with absolutely no warranty !!
You are using this entirely at your own risk !!
This image is designed to run Mac OSX SnowLeopard on generic Intel PC’s...
And while I have done everything reasonable to ensure that it functions as intended, I cannot test it in
every situation. If this causes something bad to happen to your Mac or PC... Don’t blame me !! but
yourself ..... .
ENJOY !! The best
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iPortable Snow x86 optimized Mac OSX 10.6.2
Snowleopard CopyCatX MBR image for generic
Intel PCʼs (32/64bit) and (SSE2/SSE3) or higher..
Based on previous and never released iPortable 10.5.8 and Hazard’s patched Snowleopard 10.6.1
10.6.2 and Snowleopard Server 10.6.2 distro, Empire EFI and MyHack releases...
Re-ripped, tweaked and optimized by ProtocolX to make it almost booting on any Intel chipset PC!
Powered by Chameleon 2.0 RC4 r684 bootloader
Read carefully !!!
AMD not yet supported.. Intel only [SSE2/SSE3] or higher..
English and Dutch only !! All other system languages and left over PPC
architectures are removed !! You can always re-install more languages very easy..
This is a full Mac OSX Snowleopard 10.6.2 installation! No account is created, registration
screen will be loaded at first boot. (Only removed big file is Alex’s voice)
To prevent booting problems on serveral systems. They are zipped and moved to:
Hackintosh tools /Snow Drivers/Video Drivers/Removed Video Kexts...
Use Kexthelper B7 to re-install your videokexts before trying enabling graphics.
The default bootmode of this iPortable Snow is 32bits. So it can run even on an old Intel
SSE2 processor. (SSE3 is recommended..) But no 64bit code is removed offcourse... You
always can still use this Snowleopard in full 64bits mode.
To enable 64bit in Snowleopard
Type in bootloader:
arch=x86_64 (Boot in 32/64bits mode) or -force64 (Force booting in 64bit)
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INSTALL TO USB STICK (one physical harddrive install)
Put your > 8GB USB pendrive or select other (USB) harddrive in your
computer with MacOSX 10.3 to 10.6 installed (CopyCatX is universal).
Start Diskutility in Utilities folder.. You’re whole harddrive will be erased!
For USB stick: Partition drive to 1 partition: ‘Mac OS Extended (journaled)’
Make sure that you selected ‘Master Boot Record’ by options (4) !!
5. Select ‘Master Boot Record’ and click ‘ok’ and ‘apply’ (6)..
You’re USB stick is ready for installing iPortable Snow now.
Go to CopyCatX install instructions on page 5 to finish installation..
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INSTALL TO PARTITION (Existing harddrive partition install)
1. Select your already existing partition on any harddrive attached to your
computer.. 2. Select ‘erase’ and click on ‘erase’ as shown in step 3
Your partition should be ready now to install iPortable Snow x86. Go to
CopyCatx installation instructions on next page to finish installation.
Note: Offcourse you can also select any other partition on an external or
internal harddrive attached on your computer (Hackintosh).
WARNING: DO NOT install iPortable Bootfix on your internal rootdisk
on a real Apple computer!!
You may get a kernel panic right away when booting!!
And a potential risk that your Mac will not be able to boot anymore..
So watch out what you’re doing...
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CopyCatX iPortable Snow x86 installation:
1. Launch CopyCatX included in iPortable Snow installer.
2. Select harddrive or partition you just prepared with Diskutility
3. Click on ‘Backup/Restore’ You will see a window screen as shown in
picture on page 6.
4. Select ‘Restore‘ as shown in picture on next page 6.
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