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© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
A High-Quality Digital X-Y Plotter Designed
for Reliability, Flexibility and Low Cost
A new linear step motor design cuts costs and improves
reliability without sacrificing line quality. Microprocessors
and plug-in personality modules provide the flexibility.
by John A. Fenoglio, Bessie W. C. Chin, and Terry R. Cobb
have taken us from dc motors and slide-wire
feedback to the more reliable open-loop rotary step
motor drive systems. With the new HP Model 7225A
Plotter, we are now entering the third generation of
mechanical development. The design objectives for
this new plotter emphasized the need of many users
for a low-cost plotting solution. However, its lower
cost had to be achieved while improving reliability
and maintaining line quality.
The 7225A (Fig. 1) is a dual-microprocessor plotter
that produces high-quality plots on A4-size (SVixll
in) paper. It is available with several different inter
faces to match most customers' applications. Fig. 2
shows examples of its plotting abilities.
connectors and assembly time. To further reduce as
sembly and test time, the plotter is designed to oper
ate without any electrical adjustments.
Cover: Model 7225A Plot
ter is a reliable, low-cost digi
tal X-Y plotter that is expected
to make computer graphics
practical in many applica
tions where graphics capa
bility has been considered
too expensive. Plug-in per
sonality modules adapt
a single mainframe to different input/output
Low Cost
Materials and labor are the primary factors that
determine the cost of a product. Labor is especially
critical because the total labor cost in a product is the
direct labor cost times a rather large multiplier that
includes manufacturing overhead. One way to reduce
the labor content of a product is to invest in tooling.
However, unless there is a prodigious market for a
product, little tooling can be justified because of its
high cost. To circumvent this, we decided to
minimize the number of mechanical assemblies. The
simplicity of linear step motor technology took us a
giant step in that direction. Also helpful was the con
tinuing drop in the cost of electronic components
brought about by technological advances. This al
lowed us to place as much burden on the electronics
as possible to help simplify the mechanics. With this
approach we were able to reduce assembly and test
times for the 7225A by a factor of six compared to
other similar products.
The main emphasis in the electronics development
was to keep the parts count down. This is important
because of the time required to load parts onto printed
circuit boards. The microprocessor selected provides
the RAM, ROM, and latched I/O ports all in a single
40-pin package. The plotter's electronic circuitry is
all located on a single board. This reduces the cost of
Printed in U SA.
Hewlett-Packard Company 1979
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
Fig. 1. Model 7 225 A Plotter pro
duces high-quality plots on A4-
size (8Vix.11 in) paper. Its linear
step motor design delivers twice
the reliability of older plotters at
about half the cost. Personality
modules adapt the plotter to
different interfaces.
Typically high power and high cost go together, so
another important technique for reducing cost is to
reduce the power requirements. The motor drivers
satisfy this need. They are class D switching
amplifiers that offer substantial power reduction
compared with linear amplifiers. The plotter's power
supply is extremely simple, using a transformer with
a single secondary winding.
quired to repair the item. Repair time can be divided
into the time needed to diagnose the problem and that
needed to correct it. The effort put into reducing as
sembly time directly reduces replacement time, and
A true low-cost plotting solution requires not only
that the purchase price be low, but also that the con
tinuing cost of ownership be low. This means high
reliability and low repair cost. Fortunately, the items
that lower the manufacturing cost also improve relia
bility and serviceability, since a mechanically simple
mechanism provides inherent reliability. The only
moving parts associated with the X-Y mechanics are
the ball bearings that support the motors. This has
resulted in a demonstrated life expectancy greatly
exceeding that of previous plotters.
The electronic objective of reduced parts count also
contributes to a lower failure rate. The concern for
power reduction results in lower internal tempera
tures, which help prolong the life of electronic com
ponents. These factors, coupled with a very conserva
tive design approach, produce higher reliability. The
annual failure rate of the 7225A has been reduced by a
factor of two compared to the product it replaces.
Even so, all things must someday fail, and to reduce
repair cost, it is important to minimize the time re
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Fig. 2. Model 7225A draws continuous lines at 250 mm/s
in each axis and draws text at up to three characters per
second. 0.032-mm microsteps result in smooth, visually
continuous lines.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
several aids are provided to help reduce diagnostic
time. An external confidence test switch initiates a
test that exercises most of the circuitry and mechanics
to aid in isolating problems. Further fault isolation
assistance is provided by designing the plotter to
support signature analysis troubleshooting tech
The requirements for a plotter vary considerably
depending on the customer's needs. In the past it has
been necessary to provide several different plotters to
meet all the needs. Plotter characteristics that usually
change are the interface hardware, the command syn
tax and language, and software features. The modular
approach of this new generation of plotters satisfies
these requirements with only one mainframe. A mi
croprocessor in the mainframe controls pen move
ment and monitors the front panel. An interfacing
module called the personality module provides the
needed flexibility. The personality module is a mi
croprocessor-based plug-in card that contains the
hardware connectors appropriate to the selected in
terface. It also contains the language interpreter that
defines the instructions used to control the plotter.
Any extra features and capabilities of the plotter, such
as internal character generation and dashed-line
drawing, reside on this plug-in. A customer can select
a very simple parallel interface with only move and
pen up/down capabilities, and then, as needs change,
replace it with a more complex personality module
that supports the HP-IB (Hewlett-Packard Interface
Bus*), interprets HP-GL (Hewlett-Packard Graphics
Language), and contains a full set of graphics fea
tures. This concept also makes it easy to provide fu-
Price/performance trade-offs can be made during
the design of any product. The quality of the marks
placed on paper by a plotter is its most important
parameter. A true bargain exists when the price can be
lowered without sacrificing line quality.
The 7225A Plotter has several features that help
ensure good lines. First, there are no cumulative er
rors in the linear step motor approach, nor are there
any pulleys, whose diameter and concentricity toler
ances contribute a major source of error. Also elimi
nated are cables and the errors caused by their stretch
ing when the pen carriage assembly accelerates. Line
quality is further enhanced by adding dynamic veloc
ity feedback to the servo system. Custom hybrid ac-
celerometers sense perturbations in motor movement
and supply correcting error signals. A microstep
drive signal technique is employed to divide the basic
1-mm step size of the motor into 32 equal sub-steps.
This produces smooth, continuous lines at all angles
(see Fig. 2).
•IEEE 488, ANSI MC1.1.
Limit Light
Error Light
l/O-Servo Handshake
Status Bit
® Accelerometer
(D Pulse-Width Modulated, Switching Motor Drive
(3) Integrator
® Sample and Hold
Fig. the in 7225A block diagram. Two microprocessors, one in the mainframe and one in the
personality module, control all functions. Each motor module contains a specially designed
accelerometer that provides motor-movement feedback.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
ture interfaces as new products and customers require
cursor move the front panel is continually monitored
once the X and/or Y motors have reached a constant
As the servo processor begins the move, the five-bit
X and Y motor step address is incremented or dec
remented using a vector algorithm. The time between
each step follows a fixed profile during acceleration
and deceleration, and is a constant 125 microseconds
during slew. The processor maintains a step count for
branching from acceleration to slew to deceleration to
a complete stop. At the completion of the move and
any associated pen maneuver, the servo processor
returns to its idle loop and waits for new inputs.
Block Diagram
Fig. 3 is a block diagram of the 7225A Plotter. The
basic mechanism consists of two linear step motors.
Each motor module contains a specially designed
hybrid accelerometer that senses motor movements.
The control system integrates the accelerometer sig
nal to provide velocity feedback.
The remainder of this article discusses the func
tions of the two microprocessors and the various per
sonality modules. The motor and platen designs are
described in the article on page 7. The electronic
design is the subject of the article on page 14. The
servo and accelerometer story begins on page 18.
I/O Processor
The processor in the personality module, if re
quired, is called the I/O processor. It translates com
mands from an external controller to the servo pro
cessor. The I/O processor controls the actions of the
servo processor using eight commands (Fig. 4). At the
start of a conversation between the two processors the
I/O processor first indicates its readiness. The servo
processor responds, after completing any previous
operation, with a status byte on the data/command
bus. The status byte indicates the pen state, a change
in scale limits, the digitize state, the chart hold state,
and whether a front-panel reset has occurred. The I/O
processor accepts the status byte, determines whether
the status affects the next command, and outputs the
command to the servo processor.
The commands force the servo processor to execute
various routines, either outputting data, accepting
input data, or returning to its idle loop. With these
commands the I/O processor can instruct the servo
Servo Processor
The processor in the 722 5A mainframe is called the
servo processor. It directly controls the X-axis and
Y-axis motors, the pen, and the chart hold. It responds
to inputs either from the front panel or from the per
sonality module. It also performs general mainframe
housekeeping chores.
The servo processor is a single-chip 3870 with its
own internal program ROM and RAM and four
eight-bit I/O ports. Two of the ports provide a five-bit
step address to the circuits that position the motors.
Another port is used as a data/command bus to the
personality module. This port is shared with the front
panel, and during moves it provides a compensation
byte to the acceleration-deceleration electronics. The
fourth port, along with extra pins on the first two
ports, provides handshake lines to the personality
module, other front-panel inputs and outputs, pen
control, chart load control, and X and Y limit inputs.
A status line from the servo processor informs the
personality module when a front-panel input changes
the mainframe's status.
The front-panel inputs come from pushbuttons that
are pressed by the operator. The operator can move
the pen over the full platen surface at two speeds, go
to or set either lower left or upper right scaling points,
enter a digitized point, turn chart hold on or off for
paper loading, raise or lower the pen, reinitialize the
plotter, or reset the plotter to a power-up condition.
When a position move is requested either by the
front panel or the personality module, the servo pro
cessor calculates the number of steps required for
acceleration, deceleration, and slew. Before the first
step, the maximum velocity for each axis is deter
mined and used to output a compensation byte dur
ing acceleration and deceleration. Once the servo
processor begins execution of the move, all inputs are
ignored with the exception of a cursor move. During a
Servo Processor Action
Return to Idle Loop
Position and Pen
Accept Five Bytes for Position Move and/or
Pen Maneuver
Initialize Plotter to Power-Up Condition
Accept Eight Bytes Setting New Scale Limits
Set P1. P2
Turn on Enter Light and Store Present Position as
Digitize Point when Operator Presses
Enter Button
Enable Digitize
Disable Digitize
Exit Digitize Mode
Output Present
Position and P1. P2
Output Four Bytes Reflecting Position and
Eight Bytes of Current Scale Limits
Output Digitize Point Output Five Bytes of Last Stored Digitized Point
and Pen Status
Fig. 4. I/O processor (in personality module) controls the
actions of the servo processor (in mainframe) using eight
commands. Commands from an external controller are trans
lated by the I/O processor into these eight commands.
© Copr. 1949-1998 Hewlett-Packard Co.
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