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Volume 53 - Number 4
July/August 2011
Che Guevara
Frances Clynes looks at the chart of the revolutionary leader
Editor: John Green
copy-editing: Ian Tonothy
Graphics & layout: John Green
Advertising Manager: Adam Fronteras
My Spirit Radio, Maidstone TV Studios, Vinters
Park, Maidstone, Kent ME14 5NZ
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Karen Brereton
The Astrological Association
BCM 450, London WC1N 3XX
Tel: +44 (0)2086250098
Medical musings on planetary energies
A fascinating look at some case studies of Gabriel Blass
Timing in horary astrology
Ema Kurent discusses three unusual cases from her iles
Astrology and the AV referendum
Richard Pealling looks at the charts of the recent UK AV referendum
The Red Planet can turn the calmest person into a savage beast...
Transits of Mars explained by Miłosława Krogulska
Henri Cartier Bresson: image maker
Joyce Hopewell on the chart of the prestigious French photographer
The Astrological Association
president: Roy Gillett B.ED (Hons Ldn), ACII
Vice-president: Dr Nicholas Campion DMSAstrol
chair: Wendy Stacey B.A, M.A, Dip L.S.A
Treasurer: James Brockbank B.A, M.A, Dip
council: Robert Anderson, Frances Clynes Bsc,
Msc, M.A, Christine Chalklin, Sue Farebrother,
Amanda Jarrold
Will William and Kate get on well?
An examination of the royal wedding from Barbara Dunn
The Saturn cycle in the life and dreams of Martin Luther King, Jr.
Part 2 of an examination of the Saturn cycle in Martin Luther King’s chart by Judith A. Robert
Uranus, Pluto and anarchy in the UK
Jamie MacPhail takes a look at the future of Britain
Thanks to Astrolabe Inc ( ) for the
use of Solar Fire software
The Association’s objectives are the advancement
of education of the public by the critical study
of astrology in all its branches: to encourage
and draw together all students of astrology, to
enlarge and integrate the knowledge of astrology,
to co-ordinate and publish results as desirable,
and to generally work for its more widespread
understanding as an art and science. Astrology is
the practice of relating heavenly bodies to lives
and events on earth, and the traditions that have
thus been generated.
The earthquake and tsunami in Japan
Wim Weehuizen looks at the recent devastaing events in Japan
Decumbiture: The death of Rudolph Valentino
Wanda Sellars examines the decumbiture chart of the famous actor
Neptune is back home!
Öner Döşer sees what Neptune in Pisces means for us all
Who was William Lilly?
An examination of the chart of the famous astrologer by Amanda Jarrold
Copyright The Astrological Association
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using only paper from FSC/PEFC suppliers
Editor, John Green, on the end of the world
Student section: The cinema with Neptune in Pisces
Wendy Stacey muses about the future of the movies
The astrological wonders of the solar system
Alison Chester-Lambert looks at the asteroid Vesta and much more...
cover story:
Illuminating Vesta -
Astrological wonders
of the solar system
- page 27
Working with the planets - live as one
Roy Gillett focuses on July to September 2011 and the 2012 Olympic games
Book reviews
The current crop of astrology books
Your emails and letters to the editor
The Astrological Journal July/August 2011
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It’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel ine
his is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
T. S. Eliot, he Hollow Men
Now when I grew up, the end of the world was deinitely
coming with a bang. Maybe it would be Russia, maybe the
US, but someone was going to press a big red button and we
were all going to be hiding under the kitchen table until our
hair fell out. I can still remember the fear of reading When
the Wind Blows by Raymond Briggs and seeing those Protect
and Survive ads on TV.
I’m writing this editorial in April; yes, deadlines are a
cruel mistress. I’m hoping we shall all still be around to see
it published, as the latest news is that the world will end on
May 21 st 2011. Still here? Ok, it didn’t then. Apparently a
chap called Harold Camping said it would. He is a Christian
radio broadcaster and president of Family Stations Inc.,
a California-based religious broadcasting network. He
used mathematical predictions applied to the Bible to
predict dates for the end of the world and he said that the
Rapture will be on May 21, 2011. Possibly around tea time.
Astrologically, that day we have a Mercury, Mars, Venus
conjunction in Taurus all trine to Pluto, but it didn’t strike
me as that bad.
Why are we all so obsessed with the end of the world? I
can understand that some people predicting this believe
that the ending of the world means they get to bypass the
whole death/sufering bit and go straight to eternal bliss.
I’m certainly not saying we should ignore climate change
and not do what we can to change things, but I am getting
a bit tired of all the doom and gloom. As an astrologer I
adore the wonderful cycles of the planets, dancing through
space in their predictable orbits and I see that going on
until the end of the universe, which is coming but not for a
very, very long time. he whole thing about astrology is the
patterns of things. Uranus has been in Aries before, Pluto has
been in Capricorn before, and so on; we have had squares,
conjunctions and oppositions of all the big players before, so
I’m not sure we can say that anything astrologically shows the
end of the world.
Predictions like Camping’s, of course, aren’t new. One of
the most famous in history was by the Baptist leader William
Miller, who predicted the end for October 22 nd 1844, which
came to be known as the Great Disappointment among his
followers, some of whom subsequently founded the Seventh
Day Adventist church.
And like buses, another one will be along in a moment. Oh
look, here’s one, 21 st December 2012, the end of the Mayan
calendar; if you don’t want that one, there are predictions
for 2016, 2034, and 2047. Even Sir Isaac Newton predicted
the end of the world in 2060, in a letter he wrote in 1704.
He used the Book of Daniel to calculate the date for the
Apocalypse. hen we have the ones that use the rather more
safe option of saying “it’s coming soon”, but failing to nail it
to a speciic date.
Personally, I blame 24-hour news channels. hey are a
blight on our collective landscape. Humans evolved brains
that are pattern recognition machines, well adapted to detect
signals that enhance or threaten survival amid a noisy world.
We have survived and passed on the genes for this talent.
Unfortunately the system has laws. Our brains expect to
hear survival information from the local area and interpret
ight or light from this. Suddenly being bombarded 24
hours a day with threatening news from across the globe,
we can over-compensate and see the world as an even more
frightening place than it is. God knows how scared we’d feel
if we lived in Midsomer!
Or we can talk about the climate. Environmental reporting
will give you an apocalyptic mind-set. here’s the melting
Arctic ice and rising sea levels; torched rainforests and
polluted Chinese megalopolises. Animals going extinct, gone
forever, a mini-apocalypse, up to 10,000 times faster than
the rate believed over the past 60 million years. When we
talk about climate change, we’re not just talking about rising
temperatures or altered landscapes. We’re talking about the
end of human civilisation as we know it. hat’s if an asteroid
doesn’t crash into Earth irst, which one might.
I’m being facetious of course, but it would be really nice
to have something more pleasant to look forward to, to
use astrology as a way of predicting some good news for a
change. I’m predicting we’re going to have a nice summer.
I may be wrong, but hopefully you’re all reading this issue
relaxing in the sun with a nice glass of Pimms; at least if the
world ends we’ll be having fun.
Contributions to the Journal are very welcome. Material submitted must be PC format, saved as a text ile or in Word. Include graphical horoscopes and data sources with
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otherwise make editorial decisions in line with normal journalistic practice. he Editor’s decision is inal. he Astrological Journal publishes articles of general and speciic
interest to all serious astrologers. Writer’s guidelines are available here:
Contributors are at liberty to express such opinions or employ or advocate such astrological techniques as they wish for readers to consider and question. Readers
should also seek qualiied professional advice before they act upon them in their lives. Publication does not imply that the author’s views are those held by the Editor,
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The Astrological Journal July/August 2011
Che Guevara
Frances Clynes
All his life Ernesto de la Serna Guevara Lynch, known to us
as Che, celebrated his birthday on the 14 th June. his is the
date on his 1928 birth certiicate and the one accepted by his
family and friends. 1 A search on the Internet for his date of
birth will reveal numerous sites, including Wikipedia, citing
the June date. 2 On the 14 th June 2008, a statue was unveiled
in his birth town of Rosario, Argentina, “on what would have
been his 80 th birthday”. 3
America. In 1955 he met Fidel and Raul Castro and joined
their guerrilla movement, with the aim of overthrowing
the US-supported right-wing government in Cuba led by
Fulgenico Batista. He got married that year and the next
year became a father. Later in 1956 he let for Cuba with a
group of guerrillas led by the Castros, to start the revolution.
Around then he began to call himself ‘El Che.
he rebels inally took Havana in January 1959, and Che
was given a position in the military and was put in charge of
the revolutionary tribunals. In what became known as the La
Cabana tribunals, hundreds of people were executed on his
orders. While he has been criticised for this, his biographer
states that all of these executions were for crimes punishable
by death at the time, such as rape, torture and desertion. 7 hat
year he also divorced his wife and married a Cuban woman.
When Che was in his 30s, an astrologer friend of his mother
calculated his chart and was confused by what she found. She
did not believe that the chart in any way relected the person
Che had become. She questioned Che’s mother, who admitted
for the irst time that she had lied about the date of Che’s birth
to hide the fact that she had been pregnant on her wedding
day. Che was not a Gemini, but a Taurus. He had been born
a month earlier, on 14 th May. 4 he May date is dismissed by
some (for example, biographer Lucia Alvarez de Toledo, who
is rather scathing about its astrological connection). 5 Despite
this, the May date is becoming more accepted and is the date
given for Che’s birth on Astrodatabank, with a Rodden Rating
of B (considered reliable if backed up by a quote). 6 In this
article the May date will be used for Che’s natal chart.
He became a government minister in charge of inance and
industries and president of the National Bank. He set up the
Cuban Literacy Campaign which raised the literacy level from
between 60% and 70% to 96%. During his years in government
he undertook several tours, setting up trade relationships with
countries in Europe, Asia and South America.
In 1965 Che reairmed his enduring solidarity with the
Cuban Revolution, but declared his intention to leave Cuba
to ight for the revolutionary cause abroad. He resigned
from all his positions in the government and the party, and
renounced his honorary Cuban citizenship. He let for Africa
and ofered his assistance to the conlict in the Congo, as a
guerrilla. In 1966 he moved to Bolivia to serve the revolution
in Latin America. In October 1967 he was captured in a
Bolivian jungle and murdered. His hands were cut from
his dead body in an attempt to hide his identity and he
was buried in Bolivia, where he lay until his remains were
discovered in July 1997. In October 1997 he was taken back
to Cuba and interred in a mausoleum at Santa Clara. 8
Che’s life
Ernesto was born in Argentina in 1928. His mother was of
noble Spanish lineage, with a comfortable inheritance. His
father was from a once-rich Argentine family who were
descended from Spanish and Irish nobility, but had lost
their money. His parents eloped when his mother became
pregnant. His father used mother’s money to buy some land
in the jungle, and constantly tried to ind ways to get rich,
but rarely actually worked.
Ernesto contracted bronchial pneumonia shortly ater
his birth and developed chronic asthma which plagued
him all his life. He studied medicine, and despite breaks
in his studies, qualiied in 1953. By this time he had
developed strong socialist sympathies. Ater he qualiied
he let Argentina and travelled around South and Central
The deiication of Che
Alan Leo believed that the Aries ingress of 1928 would bring
forth the world teacher. He was impressed by the ire grand
The Astrological Journal July/August 2011
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