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Utensiless Meals
Utensiless Meals
Turkey In A Trash Can
1 Galvanized trash can (The inside needs to be burned out. Simply start a nice fire inside and allow the coating to burn
off. Clean thoroughly after. This only needs to be done once and the can will be reusable if cleaned after each use.)
1 wooden stake (2" diameter, 2 1/2 feet long)
Aluminum foil
25 lbs. charcoal
1 turkey
Your favorite seasonings
Pound stake into ground. Line ground with foil to extend 10" beyond diameter of trash can. Place turkey on stake so it is
hanging 2" off the ground (legs pointing down). Rub seasoning into skin as desired. Place trash can upside down over
turkey. Start 20 lbs. of charcoal on fire around outside of can and also one layer on top of inverted can. This creates a
natural convection oven which will reach a VERY high temperature. Allow about 5 minutes per pound when cooking
turkey, or when internal temperature is at least 180F.
Add more charcoal as needed to top and/or bottom to maintain a constant heat source throughout the cooking period.
Walking Tacos
1 lb Hamburger
1 Pkg Taco Seasoning
1 Small Onion
Chopped Lettuce
Shredded Cheese
Black Olives-Sliced
Chopped Tomato
Sour Cream-or Dressing of your choice
1 oz Bag of Doritos
Brown hamburger and onion, drain Add Taco Seasoning according to directions Let simmer until taco seasoning is
absorbed. Take your Dorito bag and press together smashing the chips. Turn the bag on it's side and cut the top off with a
pair of scissors. Add your Hamburger mixture along with all/any of the toppings you desire. Take a plastic fork and enjoy!
Mozzarella S'Mores
16 oil-packed sun-dried tomato halves, drained
2 to 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, if needed
1 ball of fresh mozzarella (8 - 10 ounces), cut into 16 pieces (cut the cheese into 4 thick slices, then cut each slice into
16 fresh basil leaves
16 garlic rubbed grilled bread slices or 32 crackers
barbecue forks or skewers
Place the tomatoes in an attractive serving bowl. Arrange the mozzarella, basil leaves, and grilled bread or crackers in
bowls or on a platter.
Set up the grill for direct grilling and preheat to high. Skewer a cube of mozzarella. Roast it over the fire, turning the
skewer to evenly melt the cheese. If using a gas grill, you'll need to bring it as close as possible to the fire without touching
the grate. When the mozzarella begins to melt and brown, after 1 to 2 minutes over charcoal, a little longer over gas, use
a knife or fork to scrape the cheese off the skewer onto a piece of grilled bread. Never attempt to eat the melted cheese
directly off the hot skewer - you'll burn your lips. Top the cheese with a basil leaf and a piece of sun-dried tomato and
place a second piece of grilled bread on top. Eat at once.
Baked Campfire Apples
1 Apple, Per Serving
Brown Sugar
Raisins, Nuts and / or Red Hot Cinnamon Candies
Heavy Aluminum Foil
Core upper part of apple leaving bottom half intact. Fill center with raisins, nuts and candies. Add brown sugar to taste.
Double wrap apple in aluminum foil and place on hot coals for 20 minutes.
Bacon and Eggs in a Bag
2 thick pieces of bacon
1 egg
paper bag
Cut both the bacon pieces in two. Lay the slices at the bottom of the bag so that all of it is covered. Crack the egg onto the
bacon pieces. Roll the bag down three times. Push the stick through the bag so that the bag is hanging from the stick.
Hold the stick over the fire for about 10-15 minutes. The bacon inside will protect the bag and help cook your meal.
Campfire Cake In An Orange Shell
1 8 oz. box of Jiffy Yellow Cake Mix
6 Large Oranges
Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil
Directions: Cut the oranges in half and remove the fruit from the rind being careful not to damage shell. It's fun to eat the
orange out of the shell with a spoon. Prepare cake mix per instructions. Fill each orange shell half full of cake mix.
Replace top and wrap in foil. Bake in hot coals or on grill about 20 minutes, turning often. Cake will bake in the orange
shell. Yummy!
Campfire Fruit Cobbler
1 cab of fruit (cherries or blueberries)
1 white cake mix
1 empty 34.5 ounce coffee can
Grease coffee can with butter or margarine. Pour can of fruit into the coffee can. Make cake mix as instructed on the box.
Pour the batter into the coffee can on top of the fruit. Cover with aluminum foil and place into the campfire approx. 30 min.
When the cake looks done, mix, stirring the fruit up from the bottom. Very tasty!!!
Campfire Corn on the Cob
corn on the cob, with the husks left on
Salt and Pepper to taste
Soak the corn, with the husks still on, in water making sure they are fully submersed. Remove the corn from the water and
place directly over or on hot coals. Allow to cook for about 20-25 minutes, rotating a couple of times, and then remove
from the fire and remove the husks. The corn will be roasted and it's delicious with some butter and/or salt.
Coffee Can Cookery
2 Strips bacon
1 Med. potato, sliced
1 Med. onion, sliced
1 Med. tomato, sliced
2 Stalks celery
1/3 lb Ground beef
1 Carrot
Salt and pepper to taste
Coffee can and lid
Directions: Cut carrot in half lengthwise. Cut celery and carrot into 2" lengths. Cut bacon in half. Mold 2 meat patties.
Place 2 pieces of bacon on bottom of can. Place layers of all ingredients. Repeat. Place closed coffee can on top of
glowing coals for 25 min. Open lid and check after 10 minutes, if browning too rapidly, pour 2 Tbs. of water in can.
Cinnamon-Sugar Biscuit on a Stick
Can of Ready to Cook Biscuits
1/2 c. Sugar
5 Tbsp. Cinnamon
1 Stick Butter
Green Stick or Camping Fork
Melt butter in square cake pan & keep warm. Mix cinnamon & sugar & place in pie pan. Open biscuits & roll into long strip.
Roll onto stick and hold over fire without touching flames. Cook until light golden brown. When dough moves easily
without sticking, it is done. With a for, roll dough in butter, place in cinnamon sugar and roll. Eat!
Chicken in a Can
Here is a recipe that has been around for a long time. We aren’t sure where it came from but it works and is easy. Take a
large coffee can, or any metal can you have that is non toxic and punch some air vent holes about an inch up from the
bottom and about two inches a part around the base. Be careful because tin cans can be sharp. Put about dozen or so
charcoal briquettes in the can and place the can in a barbecue or fire-pit and light. When the charcoals have turned gray
you are ready to cook. Take a whole chicken that has been washed, seasoned and wrapped in heavy duty aluminum foil
and place it in the can with the legs up. Season the chicken with some pepper, garlic powder and some herbs and your
set. If you want to spice it up a bit add some cayenne pepper. Depending on the size of the bird it may stick out of the can
a bit, that’s OK as the heat rises. Cook the chicken for about 3 hours and it will be ready. This will be a very juicy bird and
the meat will fall off the bone! We suggest some spicy pinto beans and rice with some flour tortillas and you’ll have a great
meal that is very easy. Add some salsa and your favorite beverage and you could be on to something good! Enjoy!
Remember, cooking is all experimental. If you like to use different seasonings that is OK. Its all to your taste and liking.
Don’t be afraid to try different foods, cooking techniques and have fun.
Dough Boys
hot dogs
can of biscuits
Take a hot dog and wrap one biscuit around a hot dog (completely or just a center wrap). Be careful the dough is not too
thick or your hot dog will not cook. Toast your "dough boy" over hot coals until it is cooked through and golden brown on
the outside. Serve with catsup or mustard. Eat up.
Grilled Peaches (Adult)
1 1/2 tablespoons butter
3 tablespoons brown sugar
1/3 C rum (preferably dark rum)
8 ripe peaches, peeled, pitted and halved
Melt butter, and then stir in brown sugar and rum. Stir until sugar dissolves. Place peach halves in a large bowl. Pour
butter/rum mixture over peaches and stir gently to coat. Grill peaches over a medium fire, about 5 minutes per side,
brushing with leftover butter mixture as they grill.
Gorp Balls
1/3 cup each raisins, apples, apricots, dates and coconut
1/2 cup sesame seeds
1/3 cup walnuts
2 cups peanuts
For the glue, use 1 cup chocolate chips, 1/3 cup honey and 1/2 cup peanut butter. Shape into balls; nice snack for hiking
Homemade Ice Cream in a Coffee Can
1- 1 lb coffee can with lid
1- 3 lb coffee can with lid
1 pint of half & half (milk can be used instead
1 egg, beaten
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla, 2 T. of choc. syrup, or 1/4 c of strawberries
Add all of the above ingredients to the (1lb) coffee can. Put the lid on the coffee can and secure with duct tape. Place the
1 lb coffee can into the 3 lb coffee can. Surround with crushed ice and rock salt and place the lid onto the 3 lb coffee can.
Have your kids sit on the ground and roll back and forth 3 to 4 feet apart. Roll for 8 to 10 minutes. (The kids can kick the
can back and forth as well.) Check to see if the ice cream is hard; if it isn't replace the lid, add more ice and rock salt. Roll
for another 8 mins. Remove the lid to the 1 lb can and serve in bowls. Serves 4-6 people.
Hot Dog Without a Campfire
1 hot dog & roll
two paper towels
heavy duty aluminum foil
1 qt size cardboard milk or juice carton
Wet paper towels and wring them out, put hot dog in roll and wrap the whole thing in the paper towels, covering even the
ends. Wrap that in aluminum foil, be careful not to wrap too tightly, you want air in there. Place this in the Milk carton... put
it in a fire ring and light milk carton with a match. It's done when the milk carton is gone. Enjoy!
Mock Angel Food Cake
Unsliced day-old white bread
Sweetened condensed milk (1 can)
Dry shredded coconut
Trim crust off bread. Cut into slices 3/4 inch wide, and about 2 inches long, and about 3/4 inch thick. Dip strips into milk
and roll into coconut. Pierce with stick and toast over coals as you would marshmallows.
Mallow Fruit Kabobs
bananas, apples, peaches etc.
1/2 cup margarine
1/4 cup lemon juice
graham wafers if desired
Directions: On a long green stick or skewer, sandwich marshmallows between chunks of fruit. Brush fruit with melted
margarine and lemon juice. Roast over fire until marshmallows are roasted. Eat directly from stick or put onto graham
Pineapple Rings
1 can Pineapple slices (in syrup or juice)
Sticks or skewers
Skewer the pineapple slices, working a marshmallow into the center hole. Toast over a low fire or on a grill until the
pineapple gets hot and the marshmallow gets as brown as you like it.
Shaggy Dogs
1 (16-oz.) package of marshmallows
1 cup of caramel syrup, heated
1 cup shredded coconut
a peeled green stick or skewer for each person.
Directions: Roast each marshmallow on a stick over a bed of hot coals until golden brown. Dip into warm syrup and roll in
coconut to serve.
Venison Steaks Dipped in Coffee Grounds
Venison Steaks
Fresh Ground Coffee
Wrap a slice of bacon around each steak and secure bacon with a toothpick. Dip each steak into a bowl of fresh coffee
grounds. You may brush off some of the grounds, then place steaks on hot hardwood or charcoal fire. Cook 'til done.
Pioneer Drumsticks
3 lb. ground meat
1 cup of corn flakes, crumbled
2 eggs
salt, pepper
12 rolls
cooking stick (same diameter as your thumb)
Directions: Mix all ingredients thoroughly and divide into 12 portions. Wrap around the end of the stick making the roll long
and thin. Tie securely with string or wrap in foil. Cook over coals turning frequently. Twist slightly to take off stick. Serve on
a roll.
Jalapeno Delights
Bag of fresh jalapeno
1 tub of cream cheese
1 lb. bacon
1 box toothpicks
Slice jalapeno in half length wise clean out seeds. Fill with cream cheese. Wrap a piece of bacon snuggly around it hold in
place with toothpick. Place on grill until bacon sizzles cook to taste. Take off grill and enjoy.
Hobo Eggs
After the flames have died from the campfire, place eggs down in the coals. BE SURE to chip a hole in the top of each
egg or they will explode! After the embers have cooled, take out the eggs and peel. They'll have a really nice smoky flavor
and consistency of hard-boiled eggs.
Apple Pie on a Stick
All you do is place a cooking apple on the end of a stick and rotate it over hot coals until it starts to brown and the peel
becomes loose. Peel off the skin and roll it into a mixture of sugar and cinnamon; hold it over the hot coals to glaze. When
the sugar melts and the apple begins to cook, let it cool. Slice off thin slices and sit back and enjoy until you have eaten all
the glazed area. Repeat until the apple all eaten.
12 Large Apples
4 Tbsp Sugar
3/4 Cup Biscuit Mix
3 Tbsp cinnamon (or to taste)
Core and chop 1 apple in fairly large pieces. Peeling if desired Mix 1 tsp. Sugar, a few raisins and cinnamon to taste with
1 Tbsp. Biscuit mix; stir into chopped apple Wrap in a piece of greased aluminum foil, leaving sufficient space for steam
Cook in the embers approximately 30 to 45 minutes (The juice of the apple moistens the dough sufficiently.)
4 Cups apples, sliced
1 1/3 Cup sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
2 Cups biscuit mix (or pie crust mix)
2 8-in pie pans
Mix sugar and cinnamon with sliced apples and cook in saucepan until apples are tender. (Canned apple slices can be
used instead) Put cooked apples in shallow pie pans Prepare dough from biscuit or pie crust mix and roll it with a round
jar or small log between two pieces of wax paper. Place a circle of dough on the pie filling Set on a sheet of foil, leaving
half of foil exposed Fold exposed portion on three edges up and over the pie pan to form a small oven Set either on the
ground or on rocks before a hot blazing fire. The portion of the pie under the foil will brown first from reflected heat Turn
pie within the foil oven to brown evenly
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