Stargate Universe [02x15] Seizure [ENG].txt

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[22][38]I may be on the verge
[38][69]of discovering the true nature|of Destiny's mission.
[80][102]You've had|control of this ship
[102][118]the whole time!
[118][128]Why wouldn't you tell anyone?
[128][143]The Lucian Alliance
[143][159]is planning an attack on Earth.
[159][173]I killed Riley.
[173][195]I suffocated him|with my own hands.
[195][216]You are a good|commander.
[216][228]There is no mission
[228][248]other than getting|these people home.
[248][265]It was never|about going home.
[265][283]It's about getting us|to where we're going.
[283][305]That is the mission.
[305][320]Ginn was strangled by Simeon.
[320][337]And we|received confirmation
[337][364]that Dr. Perry died on Earth.
[364][380]I think we have|a connection.
[380][389]You're aboard the Destiny.|I'm Colonel Young.
[389][400]Who are you?
[400][410]I'm Ginn.
[410][424]If Ginn is in Chloe's body,
[424][438]whose body|is Chloe connected to?
[446][475]No, Amanda Perry.
[475][503]I do have another idea,|the neural interface chair.
[503][520]We can isolate|each consciousness
[520][539]and upload them|into Destiny's memory bank.
[540][559]It worked.
[559][577]Thank you.
[577][599]I know it's|only temporary.
[599][620]But for now, it's|the best we can do.
[648][667]Mr. Ambassador,
[667][696]when we first spoke of|using your planet's core
[696][709]as the power source
[709][729]to dial the nine|chevron address,
[729][759]it was a scientific|mystery.
[759][773]Now it has become|a necessity.
[773][783]It was always|your intention
[783][793]to send people.
[793][803]Not these people.
[803][821]Not so unprepared.
[821][846]If we could open|a supply line of equipment
[846][856]and relief personnel--
[856][867]Mr. Woolsey--
[867][884]The planets with the|required properties
[884][894]to do this
[894][908]are exceedingly rare.
[908][917]What's more,
[917][941]99% of the work|is already done.
[941][957]Your facility draws power|from the core,
[957][976]the Stargate is in place--
[976][987]twice this has|been attempted,
[987][1008]and twice the planets|were destroyed
[1008][1017]by a catastrophic|chain reaction.
[1017][1032]The overload at Icarus
[1032][1046]was a direct result|of the enemy bombardment.
[1046][1060]In the second case--
[1060][1067]We acknowledge there were|mitigating factors
[1067][1078]in both cases.
[1078][1104]Nevertheless,|our scientists believe
[1104][1126]Dr. Rush's solution|is inherently dangerous.
[1126][1146]Which is why we asked you|to come here, sir.
[1146][1161]We have a new solution.
[1255][1280]Ambassador Ovirda,|Dr. Rodney McKay.
[1280][1299]Ambassador, gentlemen.
[1299][1325]Just-just take a second|to boot up.
[1325][1340]There isn't anywhere|I can plug in, is there?
[1340][1360]Ah, it'll be fine.
[1429][1458]Knight to Queen's|Bishop five.
[1566][1585]Move it|yourself.
[1599][1625]Very funny.
[1625][1638]You're not concentrating.
[1638][1654]Ah, well, I couldn't beat you
[1654][1671]when you were|a flesh and blood person.
[1671][1681]What chance do I have now?
[1681][1704]I'm a person, Nick.
[1704][1726]Of course you are.
[1726][1764]I mean, what I meant to say,|what I should have said,
[1764][1787]is that you're more than that.
[1787][1806]I'm still me.
[1806][1825]What are you doing right now?
[1825][1838]I'm here with you.
[1868][1895]And, uh,|analyzing the structure
[1895][1908]you found in the database,
[1908][1920]and accessing|the ship's sensors
[1920][1941]so I can study the nearest...
[2006][2021]You have a point.
[2021][2054]So much more than|a flesh and blood person.
[2054][2086]Then why is that|the only thing I dream about?
[2107][2140]I have the same dream,
[2140][2152]and you're in it.
[2251][2261]There is a way.
[2407][2427]Good to go.
[2427][2439]Sorry. Now...
[2439][2457]I'm sure we're all familiar|with the old adage
[2458][2473]"it's all in the algorithm,"|so--
[2473][2499]Doctor.|I'm going to stop you there.
[2499][2509]All I said was "so."
[2509][2524]I'm not a scientist.
[2524][2536]No, that's not a problem,|I dumbed it down.
[2536][2546]There's no point|in wasting our time.
[2546][2560]No, I can talk|very, very fast.
[2560][2574]Let me|ask you this.
[2574][2593]If our roles were reversed,
[2593][2613]would you be so blithe|as to put Earth's population
[2613][2626]at risk?
[2626][2641]There's no risk.|That's the point.
[2641][2655]Hopefully once our|own scientists
[2655][2667]have had a chance|to go over your work,
[2667][2678]they'll reach|e same conclusion.
[2678][2689]There's no time for that.
[2700][2714]the Lucian Alliance|wants Destiny.
[2714][2731]They know that your facility|can get them there,
[2731][2748]and you know|damn well
[2748][2763]that they will not|take no for an answer.
[2763][2776]There is an excellent argument
[2776][2788]to dismantle|the facility altogether.
[2788][2803]Don't think that|that will stop them.
[2803][2816]They will move in faster.
[2816][2832]They will do anything|to get to the Destiny,
[2832][2850]and won't give a damn|if they blow up your planet
[2850][2862]in the process.
[2862][2874]Then don't let them.
[2874][2903]If we were allowed|to show you
[2903][2928]that McKay's dialing|solution is safe--
[2928][2937]That is the price|of your protection
[2937][2951]from the Lucian Alliance?
[2951][2969]As a life-long practitioner|of diplomacy,
[2969][2984]you must understand
[2984][3012]that sovereign states|act in their own interest.
[3012][3042]The defense of a supply line,|for example.
[3042][3062]For example.
[3080][3110]If and when our scientists|reach the same conclusion
[3110][3121]as Dr. McKay--
[3121][3132]No, no, no,|it could take months
[3132][3144]for them to understand|the science.
[3144][3167]Then that is how long|you will have to wait.
[3167][3184]The Alliance|won't be as patient.
[3208][3222]I have no choice|but to hope that you're wrong.
[3233][3253]Good day,|gentlemen.
[3352][3374]The Lucian Alliance|got to them.
[3374][3392]He just proved|that to me.
[3423][3459]We have to move.
[3459][3482]He didn't even|look at my work.
[3482][3492]Because he wouldn't|have understood it
[3492][3502]in the first place.
[3502][3511]You saw|my presentation.
[3511][3528]A cat could|understand it.
[3528][3542]And he knows|their government
[3542][3550]will only listen|to the assurances
[3550][3560]of their own experts.
[3560][3579]We would do the same.
[3579][3602]They've already made a deal|with the Lucian Alliance.
[3602][3612]I seriously|doubt that.
[3612][3638]I can prove it.
[3638][3649]David, how'd it go?
[3649][3664]Pretty much|like I expected.
[3664][3674]Dr. McKay,
[3674][3690]your reputation|precedes you.
[3690][3705]Some of it even good.
[3705][3720]And you are?
[3720][3735]Sorry,|communication stones.
[3735][3746]This is actually|Colonel Young,
[3746][3753]commander|of the Destiny.
[3753][3771]You know Woolsey.
[3771][3800]You said|something about proof?
[3800][3822]Not exactly,|but, uh, close enough.
[3822][3848]We've parked a dozen or so|listening satellites
[3848][3860]around Langara.
[3860][3871]The communications|are encrypted
[3871][3888]in a Lucian Alliance|cipher we haven't broken,
[3888][3904]but there's enough|back and forth to suggest
[3904][3921]that some sort of negotiation|has been going on
[3921][3929]for some time.
[3929][3943]Does the IOA know this?
[3943][3959]General O'Neill|briefed the chairman
[3959][3971]and the President this morning
[3971][3983]in an emergency meeting.
[3983][4001]We are in|an undeclared war
[4001][4009]with the Alliance.
[4009][4021]Now, if the Langarans
[4021][4036]have already|sided with them,
[4036][4049]they could launch|another attack on Destiny
[4049][4060]at almost any point.
[4060][4073]Without the benefit|of my solution.
[4073][4085]Which would make dialing|the ninth chevron
[4085][4102]a hell of a lot|more dangerous
[4102][4117]for the Langarans.
[4117][4141]So we're protecting them|from themselves, is that it?
[4141][4158]If that's how|you want to put it, sure.
[4158][4169]The|General's authorized
[4169][4181]a mission to Langara.
[4181][4194]What sort of mission?
[4194][4206]We're calling it|a "proof of concept,"
[4206][4219]but before we get into that,
[4219][4226]we'll need McKay to run through|his presentation.
[4226][4241]Oh, okay.
[4241][4251]Not here.
[4389][4401]Who's this?
[4401][4415]That's a good question.|Where's Rush?
[4415][4427]He sent Mr. Brody|in his place.
[4427][4445]He said|you wouldn't care.
[4445][4457]Well, I don't.
[4457][4465]Doesn't mean he can do|whatever he wants.
[4465][4475]W-what's wrong?
[4475][4493]Rush was supposed to|switch with you
[4493][4503]and go over|your data on earth.
[4503][4515]I thought I was here|to talk to Rush.
[4515][4528]No, no, no, you're here|to talk to Eli.
[4528][4544]You convince him,|you've convinced me.
[4544][4554]Lieutenant,|would you mind?
[4554][4565]Yes, sir.
[4565][4578]I'll take care|of it.
[4579][4599]Rush, this is Young,|where are you?
[4599][4607]I'm up here.
[4607][4620]Right, of course.
[4620][4635]We met at|Stargate Command.
[4635][4646]It's, uh,|Vanessa, right?
[4670][4680]After you.
[4680][4705]No, ladies first.
[4716][4739]I'll go.
[4771][4786]He ran into me,|literally,
[4786][4794]a while ago
[4794][4805]in a hurry somewhere.
[4805][4817]He didn't|say anything?
[4817][4832]He said to tell you|he was taking the day off.
[4832][4842]What does that mean?
[4842][4851]That's what I said.
[4851][4861]We just found him.
[4861][4873]His vitals|are stable.
[4873][4881]There's some kind of|program running
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