Stargate Universe [02x14] Hope [ENG].txt

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[22][35]I may be on the verge
[35][77]of discovering the true nature|of Destiny's mission.
[77][100]You've had|control of this ship
[100][116]the whole time!
[116][127]Why wouldn't you tell anyone?
[127][141]The Lucian alliance
[141][157]is planning an attack on Earth.
[157][171]I killed Riley.
[171][193]I suffocated him|with my own hands.
[193][215]You are a good commander.
[215][227]There is no mission
[227][245]other than getting|these people home.
[245][263]It was never about|going home.
[263][281]It's about getting us|to where we're going.
[281][305]That is the mission.
[305][321]If ever
[321][335]you were going to have|a chance with anyone,
[335][348]this is probably it.
[348][368]I've thought|a lot about you.
[368][378]We need to talk.
[378][387]I'm sorry?
[387][395]Where's Ginn?
[395][408]She's on Earth.
[408][416]Ginn told|Homeworld Command
[416][433]that Simeon had intelligence
[433][457]about an attack that was|being planned against Earth,
[457][468]and then he killed Ginn.
[468][485]<i>Amanda Perry is dead.</i>
[506][518]There's been an attack.
[518][535]We think there might be|a bomb on board
[535][546]as yet unexploded.
[546][558]I think I can help.
[558][572]I can tell you|how to defuse that bomb.
[572][596]Have you heard anything?
[596][608]Not yet.
[638][655]Day six.
[655][687]Shifts running continuously|round the clock,
[687][697]just like you ordered,
[697][726]but still no connection.
[743][753]I'm up next.
[789][799]You okay?
[813][835]Leg fell asleep.
[1031][1044]You might want to put|a bit of effort into it
[1044][1053]this time.
[1053][1069]Doesn't it bother you?
[1085][1098]We don't know if that bomb|was defused in time.
[1113][1126]You're worried about your mom.
[1142][1164]I'm worried about everyone.
[1239][1267]Come on, take your mind off it|for half an hour or so.
[1267][1287]Couple of minutes,|the way you're playing.
[1305][1327]"Also sprach Zarathustra."
[1338][1370]It's the theme from|<i>2001 A space odyssey</i>.
[1370][1382]So why didn't you|just say that?
[1382][1398]Because that's not|what it's called.
[1398][1412]It's called |<i> "Also sprach Zarathustra,"</i>
[1412][1428]"Thus spoke Zarathustra."|It's by Strauss.
[1428][1439]Yeah, but nobody|knows it by that name,
[1439][1446]so why not just say|the name that people...
[1446][1458]Look, you asked me
[1458][1476]what my favorite|piece of music was.
[1476][1488]Yeah, I'm just saying...
[1488][1504]It's the one piece|that reminds me
[1504][1516]of the very moment
[1516][1533]I wanted to be|an astrophysicist.
[1533][1554]Right, when you saw " <i>2001</i> "?
[1564][1579]That's my point.
[1579][1595]That people know that song|only because of the movie.
[1595][1619]Song?|It's not a song, Brody...
[1619][1633]Oh, it's not a song now?
[1652][1665]You all right?
[1665][1681]Yes. It's you.
[1681][1695]You get me wound up|with your stupid...
[1695][1716]Hey, hey...
[1746][1774]Colonel Young,|this is Brody, come in.
[1774][1794]<i>Go ahead.</i>
[1794][1814]I think we have a connection.
[1859][1887]You're aboard the Destiny.|I'm colonel Young.
[1887][1904]Who are you?
[1928][1938]I'm Ginn.
[1938][1957]What happened?
[2089][2105]I had some trouble|breathing at first.
[2105][2122]Dr. Perry's condition
[2122][2146]was difficult to adjust to...
[2171][2188]It's you?
[2227][2246]What happened then?
[2247][2259]Your people|from Homeworld Security
[2259][2281]asked questions about|the Lucian alliance.
[2281][2306]I answered as best I could,|and then...
[2360][2372]It's strange.
[2372][2398]One moment I was|answering questions,
[2398][2427]and the next thing I knew|I was sitting here.
[2520][2535]What happened?
[2535][2561]Why didn't I return|to my own body?
[2612][2642]while you were connected|to Dr. Perry,
[2642][2666]one of your people, Simeon,
[2666][2676]he killed you.
[2690][2703]We received confirmation
[2703][2729]that Dr. Perry died|on Earth as well.
[2763][2780]That-that can't be true.
[2836][2859]Then how am I still here?
[2952][2966]Heya, T.J.
[2966][2985]You burning the midnight oil?
[2985][3010]Well, since Rush broke|Destiny's master code,
[3010][3026]all these ancient|medical devices
[3026][3046]are now accessible to us,
[3046][3065]so I'm kind of taking|a crash course on them,
[3065][3074]although it would help
[3074][3087]if I were fluent in ancient...
[3097][3107]You okay?
[3107][3138]Oh, yeah, I'm, uh...
[3138][3155]feeling a little|under the weather,
[3155][3168]trouble sleeping.
[3168][3178]I was wondering if you could|give me something.
[3178][3197]A good night's sleep|would do me wonders.
[3197][3215]Yeah, yeah, sure, hang on.
[3215][3242]I, uh, I got just the thing.
[3242][3251]Let's see.
[3251][3269]Here, just got to take this,
[3269][3278]mix it with water,
[3278][3287]give it about|a half hour or so.
[3287][3317]And, uh, it'll calm you down.
[3317][3335]Help you relax, and maybe...
[3378][3398]It doesn't make any sense.
[3398][3409]Well, obviously we don't know
[3409][3432]as much about the stones|as we thought.
[3455][3468]Look, Ginn was, uh...
[3468][3488]Ginn was murdered,
[3488][3510]so therefore,
[3510][3539]the connection wasn't|properly severed
[3539][3554]with the communication device.
[3554][3576]Now, perhaps her consciousness|became displaced.
[3592][3641]Floating around,|like a radio signal?
[3641][3665]Chloe just happened to be|the one to tune into it.
[3665][3682]But why her?
[3682][3706]We've had people on stone duty|'round the clock for days now.
[3706][3722]Why didn't any of them|connect with Ginn?
[3722][3742]Well, perhaps because Chloe|was the only one
[3742][3766]to fall asleep.
[3766][3792]Her consciousness relaxed|just enough
[3792][3810]to allow an opening|for a connection.
[3810][3827]I don't know, colonel.
[3827][3843]It's just conjecture|at this point.
[3843][3861]I'm sorry,
[3861][3877]but the bigger|question here is,
[3877][3897]if Ginn is in Chloe's body,
[3897][3922]whose body is Chloe|connected to?
[3961][3989]How long have you been|feeling like this?
[3989][4001]A few days now.
[4001][4025]"A few" meaning...
[4025][4037]A week, maybe two.
[4059][4078]Maybe a month?
[4127][4150]Your blood pressure's high.
[4150][4171]176 over 110.
[4171][4197]I used to take|blood pressure pills.
[4211][4232]I ran out shortly after|we got to Destiny.
[4232][4251]Why didn't you tell me?
[4251][4266]Well, there's nothing|you could do about it.
[4266][4282]It's not like you could|write me another prescription.
[4282][4297]I have medicinal|that could help.
[4297][4311]Tea leaves have been effective
[4311][4321]in improving circulation...
[4321][4336]T.J., I was feeling fine.
[4336][4349]I didn't think it was a problem.
[4349][4361]Hypertension is|often symptomless,
[4361][4371]but dangerous.
[4371][4382]Didn't your doctor|tell you this?
[4409][4429]Look, one of these|ancient machines
[4429][4447]is used for diagnostics,|including blood-work,
[4448][4460]so I'm going to run|a few tests.
[4460][4473]I just think|a good night's sleep
[4473][4484]is all I'm going to need.
[4494][4509]Let's just be sure, okay?
[4666][4679]So whoever Chloe|is connected to,
[4679][4696]they're definitely|not on Earth.
[4727][4749]Wow, look at that face.
[4749][4780]That can only mean|good news, right?
[4797][4808]May I come in?
[4942][4960]Your kidneys are failing.
[4960][4992]End-stage|renal disease.
[4992][5011]Both of them?
[5027][5043]Kidney disease|tends to attack both kidneys
[5043][5061]at the same time.
[5121][5131]Okay, can we do anything?
[5131][5143]Any of your-your medicinal...
[5179][5210]The problem with|kidney disease is
[5210][5222]by the time you have symptoms,
[5222][5243]it's already too far advanced.
[5243][5259]On Earth,
[5259][5288]the next step|would be dialysis.
[5306][5323]The machines in the infirmary,
[5323][5341]do any of them...
[5361][5373]I already checked.
[5373][5391]It's mostly testing equipment,
[5391][5413]some devices for use|during surgery,
[5413][5448]but nothing for dialysis.
[5448][5503]The only other option|for treatment would...
[5503][5523]would be a transplant.
[5543][5559]Rush killed him?
[5559][5582]Chased him halfway|across a desert planet.
[5582][5599]I wanted to go too, but...
[5599][5614]Oh, I'm glad you didn't.
[5614][5630]I'd hate to see you get hurt.
[5630][5652]Hey, I-I wasn't|going to get hurt.
[5668][5690]I was just so...
[5690][5709]I had to do something.
[5709][5722]After what he did, I wasn't...
[5808][5828]Uh, no, it...
[5828][5840]It's just...
[5860][5872]I'm sorry.
[5882][5917]No, no, no, no,|it-it's okay.
[5917][5933]Believe me,
[5933][5960]there's nothing more|I want to do right now
[5960][5987]than kiss... you.
[5987][6007]What's going to happen to me?
[6007][6021]Is there any way
[6021][6047]that I can get back|into my own body?
[6102][6129]After you...
[6164][6197]The next planet|we stopped at...
[6217][6231]it was beautiful.
[6252][6278]We buried your body there.
[6278][6313]Had a memorial service.
[6313][6328]It was, uh...
[6347][6372]Then where will I return to?
[6372][6393]I don't know.
[6393][6409]I mean, we don't even know...
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