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·          Patricia played her stereo again loudly and John called the police. The police told her not to play music loudly anymore or face a heavy fine.


·         She should turn her music down or use headphones when listening to loud music.

·          Answers may vary.


Any answer is possible

1. He’s 22.


2. He’s a student. He’s in his final year.


3. He lives in a small flat in Springfield, USA.


4. Her name is Patricia Black.


5. She likes hip-hop and heavy metal.


6. Never. He keeps the bat to scare away burglars.


Teacher Notes


The aim of this kind of reading exercise is to stimulate children’s imagination. Just imagine for a minute that the comprehension questions were the following:


1.      What is the man’s name?

2.      What happened?

3.      What did the woman play loudly?

4.      What did John take upstairs?

5.      and so on…


I dare you to answer them and reflect on how you feel when doing so.

These kinds of questions are incredibly BORING!!!


So try something new, something students don’t expect. At first they’ll ask ‘Teacher, what’s the correct answer, I can’t find it in the text?’

That’s right. Try to make them understand that they are free to answer whatever they think could be right. After they have all finished, you could have a meaningful discussion about why they chose these particular answers and turn the reading lesson into some conversation practice.

I hope you all enjoy this approach to make reading more interesting.



Credits: Original free story available at The version in this worksheet has been slightly modified for teaching purposes.


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