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Infinitive vs gerund

1.                   She is good at (dance) .……………………

2.                   I told him (shut) …………………………………………… up.

3.                   He is crazy about (sing).……………………………………

4.                   I don't like (play) ……………………cards.

5.                   They are afraid of (swim) ……………………… in the sea.

6.                   You should give up (smoke)silent 'e' is dropped when adding 'ing .………………………………

7.                   It is not easy (find) Es ist nicht leicht, gute Freunde zu finden. ………………………………………… good friends

8.                   My friends encouraged me (apply) ……………………………………. for this job.

9.                   Sam dreams of (be) ………………………………… a popstar.

10.              I'd love (spend) …………………………………………… another holiday in Spain.

11.              He is interested in (make)silent 'e' is dropped when adding 'ing ……………………………friends.

12.              Why not (go) …………………………………………………… to the cinema tonight?

13.              My uncle is afraid of (go) ………………………………by plane.

14.              He wanted (buy)Er wollte ein neues Computerspiel kaufen. …………………………………… a new computer game

15.              I hope (see) …………………………………… you again soon.

16.              We insist on (cook) …………………………………the dinner ourselves.

17.              There is no reason for (cry) ………………………………………………………

18.              I didn't mean (hurt) ………………………………your feelings.

19.              I must apologize for (be) ………………………late.

20.              The job involves (prepare) …………………………reports for the management.

21.              He refused (betray) …………………………his friends.

22.              Don’t you dare (talk) …………………………to me like that!

23.              Do you happen (have) ………………………………any money with you?

24.              Do you enjoy (sing)…………………………………?

25.              If you have any questions, don't hesitate (call) ……………………………me.

26.              I am looking forward to (see) …………………………………you again soon.

27.              Remember (stop) …………………………………………………at the crossroads.








1.      dancing

2.      to shut

3.      singing

4.      playing

5.      swimming

6.      smoking

7.      to find

8.      to apply

9.      being

10.  to spend

11.  making

12.  going

13.  going

14.  to buy

15.  to see

16.  cooking

17.  crying

18.  to hurt

19.  being

20.  preparing

21.  betraying

22.  talking

23.  to have

24.  singing

25.  to call

26.  seeing

27.  to stop


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