Clothes, Holidays, Wild Animals flashcards.pdf

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1. Dressing up Game
Task: To practise clothing vocabulary
Level: Easy
5. Colour Search
Task: To identify colours; to use colour adjectives after the verb be
Level: Easy
Ask the students to colour in cards. Display the cards and ask the students
to identify colours of all the clothing items they can. Prompt them to say
complete sentences, such as “The shirt is blue ( pointing to the shirt ).”
Divide the class into two teams, and give each team its set of clothes.
A volunteer should come to the front from each team to be the ‘dummy’.
Take one of the cards at random and say the word, but don’t show the
picture. The team should select the correct item of clothing and go and
dress the ‘dummy’. When they are ready, show the card and compare
what they have chosen. If the clothing isn’t correct, the item should be
returned. Continue until all the cards are inished. The team with most
clothes on their ‘dummy’ is the winner.
English Parade games
Fun English 1 Teacher’s Guide
2. Going on a Trip
Task: To use clothing vocabulary; to use a/an , some
Level: Easy
Display the cards. Write a sentence with a destination on the board such
as the following: “I’m going to the mountains.” Ask the students to point
to pictures of clothing items they want to take with them on a trip. Model
the language, focusing on the use of a/an before nouns in the singular
and some before nouns ending in s .
“I’m going to the mountains. I want to take a jacket ( pointing to the card ).
I want to take some socks ( pointing to the card ).”
Then ask individual to say what they would take on a trip. Ask the rest of
the class to try to remember and repeat the items each student chooses.
After several students have had turns, vary their destination, for example,
the beach, the city, the country, a farm. As a followup, ask the students
to draw the outline of a suitcase and list the items they chose to put in it.
Also, ask them to draw their destination.
3. Shopping Spree
Task: To use clothes vocabulary; to make requests
Level: Easy
Display the cards in various parts of the room to create makebelieve
stories. Ask students to stand at the various “shops” and play the role of
sales assistants. The rest of the students move around the room to “buy”
clothes. You may want to provide play money for students to use and ask
them to put prices on the clothes. Give the students the opportunities to
be both sales assistants and customers.
To begin the activity, model the language for asking for items. Here is an
Sales assistant: May I help you?
Customer: I’d like to buy a pair of socks.
Sales assistant: What colour would you like?
Customer: I’d like blue socks ( pointing to the card ).
Sales assistant: They cost three pounds. Would you like to buy them?
Customer: Yes, please.
4. Naming by Colour
Task: To practise colour adjectives and clothing vocabulary
Level: Easy
Ask the students to colour in lashcards. Display pictures of four or ive
clothing items of different colours. Tell the students to name the red piece
of clothing, the blue one and so on.
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2. Zoo Naming Game
Task: To name animals; to use singular and plural forms; to use
there is/there are or have/has got
Level: Easy
Cards: Farm animals and wild animals
1. Holiday Sentences
Task: To use simple past to explain where one was on holidays;
to use personal pronouns he, she
Levels: Easy
Display at least ive to ten cards and tell the students that the pictures show
the animals in “your” zoo. Ask them to name the number of animals in
your zoo, saying sentences such as “There is one bear in your zoo. There
are three cows in your zoo.” or “You’ve got one camel in your zoo. You’ve
got two seals in your zoo.” Monitor the students’ use and pronunciation
of the plural - s ending.
Ask individual students to come to the front of the class. The student
chooses a card connected with his or her holidays. The students must
make sure that the rest of the class cannot see it. Ask the student to mime
the activity connected with a place or an object on the card. The rest of
the class guesses where the student was on holidays, saying a complete
sentence, such as “He was at the seaside. She was in the mountains.”
As a follow-up, distribute some of the cards to small groups of students,
who then talk about their “zoos,” saying for example, “There are six
ducks in our zoo.”
2. “Simon Says” Variation
Task: To understand action verbs
Level: Dificult
3. Comparing Animals
Task: To make comparisons; to use comparative adjectives in
sentences with than ; to use superlative adjectives
Level: Dificult
Cards: Farm animals and wild animals
Display a card and say an action verb (e.g. sea – swim, mountains – climb).
If the picture on the card matches the verb you said, the students are to
mime the action. If the word you said doesn’t match, the students are to
stand still. Students are out of the game and have to sit down either if
they mime an action when there is no match or if they mime an incorrect
Show the class pairs of cards, such as an elephant and a lion or a monkey
and a cow. Encourage the students to compare the animals in as many
ways as they can, saying sentences such as “The elephant is bigger than
the lion. The lion is faster than the elephant. The elephant is heavier than
the lion. The lion is iercer than the elephant.” After several whole-class
examples, tell the students to work in pairs or groups to compare animals,
giving each group a set of cards.
3. Associated Actions
Task: To expand vocabulary by learning actions associated with
places and items
Level: Dificult
With the class, brainstorm action words associated with each card. Ask
students to add words to their vocabulary notebooks. For example, for
sea, related verbs could be windsurf, swim, sunbathe, splash, sail, loat,
row, ish, build sand castles, water-ski. Present each verb in the context of
a sentence and present the cards in sets of ive.
Once the students have done the above activity, present three animals at
a time and ask the students to use superlative forms such as “The elephant
is the biggest of the three animals. The lion is the fastest of the animals.
The monkey is the most intelligent of the animals.”
4. There’s an Animal in My Room
Task: To make up a story; to use the past tense
Level: Very dificult
Cards: Farm animals and wild animals
English Parade games
Wild Animals
Ask the students to write a make-believe story in which an animal
unexpectedly appears in their classroom or in a room in their home. Ask
each student to pick a card at random to get the animal to include in his
or her story.
1. Classifying Animals
Task: To name and classify animals
Level: Easy
Cards: Farm animals and wild animals
You might want to model the activity, writing a story with the class. Elicit
responses to these questions: How did the animal get into the room?
How did people react when they saw the animal? What happened to the
animal? Did it become a pet? Did it end up in a zoo?
List three or four categories on the board such as the following: animals
that are pets, animals that can ly, animals that can swim, animals that live
in the jungle, animals that live where I live, animals you can see in zoos,
animals with fur, etc.
English Parade games
5. Lost Animals
Task: To name animals. To practise prepositions of place.
Level: Easy
Pass out the cards to students. Ask individual students to come to the
front of the class and name the animal on their card, as well as all the
categories to which it belongs.
Ask the students to colour in the cards. Before the students arrive,
hide lashcards in the room in places which the students can name, for
example, under the book on the desk. Tell the students that all the animals
have escaped from the zoo and are hiding in the room. They must ind out
and note down where they are. But they mustn’t touch them or frighten
them! After ten minutes, make a list of all the animals on the board. Then
ask who has found them and where they are.
Ask more advanced students to work in groups and brainstorm categories
themselves, writing down the names of the categories and all the animals
that it into each category.
Picture Dictionary for Young Learners
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Wild Animals
baseball cap
(deck chair, sea,
sun, sand, umbrella)
(farmhouse, ield,
fence, tractor)
(tree, mushroom)
(sailing boat, sail)
(ish, ishing)
sand castle
swimming pool
trousers / jeans
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© Pearson Education Polska 2007 PHOTOCOPIABLE
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