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In a small workshop, making the most of
Cart rolls
every square inch of space is important.
One area that has always gone unused, is
the space around my floor model drill
press. Then Ifound the solution in my
kitchen - a rolting pantry cart, as shown
inthe drawing at right.
What makes the cart so perfect is that
it's not much wider than the drill press,
and it rolls out of the way if I need more
space. The shelves hold boxes of bits,
clamps, and other accessories within
easy reach. And the wire shelves let dust
and chips fall right thrwgh to the floor.
Emie Steiner
Publi~her Donald B. Peschke
Edltor Teny J. Smhman
Assistant Editors Ted Raife
Phil Huber
Contrib. Editors Vince Ancona
Chris Fit*
Art Director Todd Lambirth ' '
Senior Illustratars David Kreyling
Dirk Ver Steeg
Harlan V. Clark
IUustrators Peter J. LKson
Dave Kahmyn
Every so often I need to clean out the
pleated fitter in my shop vacuum. To get
the job done faster, I've come up with a
way to do this using my electric drill.
Start by chucking a piece of threaded
rod in the drill. Then twist on a hex nut,
washer, and the filter. Next, cut a circular
piece of scrap to fit the open end of the fll-
rer and secure it with another washer and
nut. Ahr going outdoors, I run the drill,
holding a brush against the pleats. The
bristles brush away the dust in the folds.
RfJgff Lynne
BCoommgton, Minnetam
Car) VP'Doy*rLHIdu*&~DallrATe,*k~
YlaUBa cm@~.AabYbbdA.~
Whi e making a set of plywood book- extra worksurface that would hold the
shelves recently, I used iron-on veneertape pieces on edge while keeping my work-
to hide the edges of the plywood panels bench free for assembling the shelf unit.
and shelves. The problemwas finding an
The solution was right in front of me.
The miter gauge slots in the table saw are
3/r' wide, which is a perfect fi For the
slightly undersized sk' plywood. Using
the slots leaves one hand free to position -
the veneer tape and iron it in place with
the other hand. For a little extra support, I
positioned the saw's rip fence alongside
the workpiece, as you can see in the
photo at left. Best of all, the pieces are set
at the perfect working height, so there are
no long reaches or stooping over.
The slip fit of the panels in the slots lets
me work quickly. t can pick up one piece,
set it in place, apply the edgebanding.
Then pull out the shelf and move on to
the next piece ina short amount of time.
Brett Waldorp
Amarillo, Texas
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