Power Rangers - 02x29 - Goldar's Vice Versa [DVD-Rip].txt

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{1}{75}movie info: XVID  640x480 25.0fps 194.3 MB|/SubEdit b.4072 (http://subedit.com.pl)/
{1955}{2024}- Hey, Billy.|- You missed the demonstration.
{2024}{2048}I know. I'm sorry.
{2048}{2099}I had a meeting with|the dance committe.
{2104}{2164}You know that's going to be a blast.
{2164}{2272}It'a about time the girls|have to ask the guys to dance.
{2282}{2312}Who you going with?
{2312}{2394}Jessica Peterson,|and I can't believe she asked me.
{2394}{2456}What about you, Adam?
{2467}{2504}I don't think I'm going.
{2507}{2540}Why not?
{2544}{2634}Well, no-one's asked me,|I don't think anyone's going to.
{2660}{2740}Don't feel bad, Adam,|no-one's invited me yet either.
{2944}{3020}- Hi, Billy!|- Hey, Laura.
{3020}{3116}Um, ah, can I talk to you for a minute?
{3119}{3224}Certainly.|Would you guys excuse me?
{3284}{3332}This whole dance thing is pathetic.
{3332}{3379}Yeah. Who needs it?
{3590}{3671}Skull, we have to get out|of here or we are toast, man.
{3671}{3770}- Bulkykins!|- Skullsipoo!
{3771}{3801}Hey, what's wrong, Bulk?
{3801}{3870}They want to ask us to the|dance we should go, Skull.
{3874}{3935}Yeah, we wouldn't want|to be late for detention,
{3935}{3971}Mr Kaplins gets...
{4138}{4196}Hey, guys, Laura just asked|me to the dance.
{4209}{4282}Looks like I'm the only|one without a date.
{4287}{4366}Even Bulk and Skull are going|if those girls ever catch them.
{4366}{4426}Don't worry, Adam,|someone will ask you.
{4426}{4486}I've got to get going.|See ya later, guys.
{4690}{4774}Poor little Power Ranger,|no date for the dance,
{4774}{4854}pathetic human, but don't|worry, Black Ranger,
{4854}{4926}I have the perfect girl for you.
{5105}{5222}Adam, I'm glad I caught you.|Did anyone ask you to the dance yet?
{5222}{5280}No. I think I'll just|stay home that night
{5280}{5310}and catch up on my reading.
{5312}{5353}Not if I have anything to do with it.
{5358}{5420}You know Sarah Deas,|she plays on the volleyball team.
{5420}{5485}Yeah, she's beautiful.|Really smart too.
{5485}{5557}I happen to know for a fact|that she thinks you're cute.
{5557}{5581}Yeah, right.
{5589}{5665}I'm serious. I bet if you|go to volleyball practice
{5665}{5719}after school she'll ask|you to the dance.
{5749}{5809}Trust me, I know these things.
{5815}{5863}Alright, I'll do it.
{5941}{6035}Ah, there you are. I've been|looking all over for you.
{6035}{6091}Bulky, what's the matter,|why are you so out of breath?
{6091}{6175}I told you I've been looking,|forget it.
{6180}{6228}Read this.
{6378}{6441}Meet me the in the|hallway after school.
{6441}{6513}We have what you've been looking for.
{6517}{6621}I found that in my locker.|Do you know what this means?
{6630}{6705}Somebody knows the|combination to your locker.
{6705}{6779}No. No, nitwit! It means|that whoever wrote this
{6779}{6875}knows something about|the Power Rangers.
{6932}{7043}Meet me here after school.|Don't be late.
{7196}{7258}If that human girl is allowed|to ask the Black Ranger
{7258}{7318}to the dance, my plan will be ruined.
{7318}{7460}Goldar, stop him before he|reaches her. You know what to do.
{7685}{7733}There she is.
{7769}{7901}Alright, she's just a human|being, pretty, smart.
{7923}{8031}Athletic female human being.
{8066}{8138}Oh, man! Now now!
{8929}{8974}I don't believe this!
{9138}{9222}The note said they be here after school.
{9257}{9330}- Come out, come out.|- Whenever you are.
{9402}{9446}What are they doing here?
{9446}{9484}Looking for Power Rangers?
{9484}{9520}Whoever wrote that|secret note will think
{9520}{9587}we never showed up,|unless we go out there.
{9587}{9647}What will we do?
{9647}{9694}I'd rather never find out about
{9694}{9791}the Power Rangers|than face those two.
{9813}{9873}- Out the window.|- Out the window.
{9930}{10012}Lord Zedd has the worst timing ever.
{10012}{10109}Tell me about it. It's too late now.
{10109}{10178}Sarah's probably going|to ask someone else.
{10178}{10275}Oh, Adam, don't give up, you|have three days until the dance.
{10294}{10324}See ya, got to go.
{10394}{10438}Hey, what's going on over there?
{10448}{10496}Let's check it out.
{10616}{10664}Ever see her before?
{10664}{10712}Nope, she must be new.
{10856}{10904}She's awesome!
{11247}{11307}She's coming this way.
{11319}{11377}Hi, do you mind if I join you,
{11377}{11450}I'm new in school and|I don't know many people yet.
{11450}{11523}Sure. I'm Adam and this Aisha.
{11526}{11610}I'm Sabrina.|Nice to meet you, Adam.
{11649}{11709}I understand you're one of|the best Martial Artists at
{11709}{11802}Angel Grove High. Maybe you|could show me a few moves?
{12027}{12075}Hey, guys.
{12228}{12291}This letter came for you.
{12471}{12615}The Youth Centre in 5 minutes.|Same hand writing as before.
{12703}{12775}Bulky. Bulk.
{12849}{12967}What are we going to do,|Bulk, what are we going to do?
{13033}{13115}Hey, you guys can't be back here.
{13115}{13213}Please, Ernie,|just until they go away.
{13356}{13421}Ernie, have you seen my Skullsipoo?
{13421}{13505}My hunka hunak of Bulk love.
{13565}{13625}They have to be around|here somewhere.
{13625}{13673}We'll just have to wait|until they show up.
{13678}{13754}Maybe you girls would be|more comfortable at a table.
{13754}{13870}No, this is fine, we can see the|whole Youth Centre from here.
{14014}{14050}So, I'll see you tomorrow.
{14053}{14122}You bet. Bye, Sabrina.
{14182}{14278}Oh, Adam. Reality to Adam, come in.
{14285}{14326}She's great, isn't she?
{14326}{14362}I'm not so sure about her.
{14370}{14422}Come on, give her a chance.
{14426}{14470}Why don't you come hiking tomorrow.
{14475}{14554}You guys can get to know each other.
{14566}{14638}Alright, I'll give her a chance.
{14688}{14763}As long as his little friend|doesn't get in the way,
{14766}{14850}the plan should go perfectly.
{14955}{15005}This is the way. Follow me.
{15005}{15046}Excuse me.
{15046}{15088}Why'd you have to bring her along?
{15088}{15172}She's one of my best friends.|I just wanted you two to get along.
{15172}{15244}Well, don't hold your breath.
{15340}{15432}Two Power Rangers. My plan|is working out better than
{15432}{15472}I thought it would.
{15472}{15562}I will use these two as bait to|draw the other Rangers out.
{15562}{15622}Victory will be mine.
{15790}{15826}Where are you going?
{15826}{15907}Take cover over there, Sabrina,|don't come out until we tell you to.
{15907}{15962}Thanks for the advice,|Power Rangers,
{15962}{16042}but I can take care of myself.
{16057}{16102}What's going on? Who are you?
{16102}{16222}Scorpina, and|I'm your worst nightmare.
{16222}{16270}I knew there was something|I didn't like about you,
{16282}{16342}besides your hair and your clothes.
{16342}{16390}I'm crushed.
{16498}{16552}Soon your friends will|come to your rescue
{16552}{16618}and that will be the end|of the Power Rangers.
{16618}{16645}I can't reach my morpher.
{16645}{16710}Me either. Let us go, you witch!
{16710}{16774}It is now only a matter of time.
{16805}{16945}Well, I can honestly say we are|ready for the Vice-Versa dance.
{16946}{17006}You have done a marvelous job.
{17021}{17071}I'm so happy Adam found a date.
{17071}{17125}Yeah, the new girl is supposed to be nice.
{17130}{17165}New girl?
{17165}{17225}I think her name is Sabrina.
{17225}{17282}You must be mistaken.|The last new girl
{17282}{17380}we had at Angel Grove High|school was Aisha.
{17380}{17484}Well, I have papers to grade.|I'll see you alll to tomorrow.
{17484}{17536}- Bye.|- Bye.
{17539}{17589}Have you guys seen Adam?|He was supposed to
{17589}{17631}work out with us|and he never showed.
{17631}{17684}If I understood correctly,|he was going on a hike
{17684}{17752}with Aisha and Sabrina this afternoon.
{17757}{17812}Something really weird.
{17821}{17953}Mrs. Appleby just said there's|no new girl named Sabrina at school.
{17968}{18028}We better go check it out.
{18162}{18193}Any luck finding them, Alpha?
{18193}{18277}Yes, Tommy, I'm bringing them|up on the Viewing Globe now.
{18316}{18385}Where are you friends?
{18389}{18456}Oh, my gosh! Scorpina!
{18456}{18528}- Who's Scorpina?|- Bad news, man.
{18528}{18583}You're lucky you haven't|had to deal with het yet.
{18583}{18670}Rangers, you must free Adam|and Aisha, but be careful,
{18670}{18766}Scorpina is not alone,|Goldar is with her.
{18769}{18802}It's Morphin Time!
{18814}{18862}- Tigerzord!|- Pterodactyl!
{18874}{18934}- Triceratops!|- Tyrannosaurus!
{18954}{18994}Hey, you guys okay?
{18999}{19105}So glad you all could join|our farewell party. Get them!
{19105}{19149}Go for it, guys! Hang tight.
{19149}{19210}You guys handle the Putties,|I'll handle Goldar and Scorpina.
{19210}{19261}- Right!|- Let's do it!
{19264}{19321}Your efforts are useless.
{20538}{20562}Billy, hurry!
{20566}{20622}Hang on, I'll have to|use my Power Lance!
{20655}{20715}Ready, alright.
{20757}{20790}Way to go, guys!
{20790}{20812}Let's do it, Aisha!
{20812}{20848}It's Morphin Time!
{20866}{20920}- Mastodon!|- Sabretooth Tiger!
{20932}{21016}You'll be sorry you messed|with me, Scorpina.
{21120}{21172}Party's over, Goldar.
{21172}{21288}Ah, think again, White Ranger,|the party if just beginning,
{21288}{21400}and I have a few surprise|in store for you.
{21719}{21772}Ready, set, I'm back.
{21772}{21832}I was afraid this would happen.
{21842}{21890}Zordon, we've got trouble here.
{21892}{21950}I am aware of the situation, Tommy.
{21953}{22020}Due to the combined strength|of Goldar and Scorpina,
{22023}{22114}White Tigerzord and Thunder|Megazord power m...
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