Cornell - Fahlander (eds) - Encounters materialities confrontations.pdf

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Encounters | Materialities | Confrontations
Encounters | Materialities | Confrontations
Archaeologies of Social Space and Interaction
Edited by
Per Cornell and Fredrik Fahlander
Encounters | Materialities | Confrontations: Archaeologies of Social Space and Interaction, edited by Per
Cornell and Fredrik Fahlander
This book first published 2007 by
Cambridge Scholars Press
15 Angerton Gardens, Newcastle, NE5 2JA, UK
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Copyright © 2007 by Per Cornell and Fredrik Fahlander and contributors
All rights for this book reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner.
ISBN 1-84718-085-X
Chapter One
Encounters – Materialities – Confrontations: An Introduction
Per Cornell & Fredrik Fahlander..........................................................................1
Chapter Two
Third Space Encounters: Hybridity, Mimicry and Interstitial Practice
Fredrik Fahlander...............................................................................................15
Chapter Three
Materiality, ‘Ambiguity’ and the Unfamiliar in the Archaeology
of Inter-Societal Confrontations: A Case Study from Northwest Australia
Rodney Harrison ................................................................................................42
Chapter Four
Dawn of a New Age: The Late Neolithic as Third Space
Jeanette Varberg.................................................................................................58
Chapter Five
A Microarchaeological Approach to the Social Significance
of Late Bronze Age Burial Practices: Age and Gender
at the Lusatian Urnfield of Cottbus Alvensleben-Kaserne (Germany)
Alexander Gramsch............................................................................................83
Chaper Six
Unhomely Space: Confronting Badiou and Bhabha
Per Cornell .......................................................................................................100
Chapter Seven
Emptiness and Form: A Microarchaeology of Buddhism
Linus Hammarstrand........................................................................................123
Chapter Eight
Keeping up Appearances: On the Northern Frontier
in Scandinavian Funnel Beaker Times
Gunlög Graner & Leif Karlenby ......................................................................150
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