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C a r c a s s o n n e – M o n a s t e r ie s
M o n a s t e r ie s
C a r c a s s o n n e
A Carcassonne Central expansion by meepleater
Cloisters and abbeys have become very popular in Carcassonne, so to accommodate the
growing demand, and also to provide training, monasteries are being built to support the
surrounding cloisters.
6 Monasteries, 1 of each colour 1 .
Pr e pa ra t i o n
Each player is given the monastery of his or her colour while setting up.
De plo y a f o l lo we r
On a players’ turn, after they have placed their tile, they may place their monastery instead of playing a follower, pig, builder
or barn 2 . The monastery must be placed on an intersection between 4 tiles. The corners of the tiles may not involve a city
wall (all four corners must be either entirely inside a city or a field). The monastery remains there until the end of the game.
Once a monastery is placed, it comprised of 3 sections: the monastery itself, the outer zone and the inner zone (see diagram
1. The Monastery
2. The Inner zone (coloured tiles) -4 tiles
3. The Outer zone (grey tiles) -12 tiles
1 The city pieces from The Settlers of Catan may be used, but only have 3 colours in common with Carcassonne , substitution or painting may be required.
Additional colours may also be ordered online.
2 Or taking another action such as moving the fairy or placing a tower block.
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C a r c a s s o n n e – M o n a s t e r ie s
M o n a s t e r ie s
C a r c a s s o n n e
When a monastery is placed, all monks on any cloisters or abbeys in the inner zone are scored (at 1 point per surrounding tile)
and removed 3 . Any challenges involving those cloisters are immediately over 4 . Monks on the outer zone and Heretics are not
affected. Monasteries may be placed where their inner and outer zones overlap.
F i na l S c o ri n g
At the end of the game, the owner of the monastery scores the following points: for each cloister or abbey (but not shrine/ cult
place) in the inner zone, the owner of the monastery scores 2 points for each surrounding tile (up to 18 points per cloister in
the inner zone), and 1 point per surrounding tile for each cloister in the outer zone (up to 9 points per cloister). It does not
matter if any of the outer zone cloisters are inhabited or not.
At the end of the game, the owner of the monastery would score the following: 18 points (2 per tile) for the
completed cloister in the inner zone, and 4 points (1 per tile) for the incomplete cloister in the outer zone,
giving yellow a total of 22 points.
Int e ra c t i o ns wi t h o f f i c i a l e x pa n si o ns:
Monasteries may not be captured by towers, removed by the dragon, or affected by
knock out or seduction Catapult tokens. A monastery may not challenge a shrine/ cult
place, or allow a knight to escape from a besieged city. The monastery may not use a
magic gate, or be placed inside Carcassonne City. A monastery also gains 5 points for
each Cathedral inside the inner zone, but none for a Cathedral in the outer zone. It does
not matter whether the city containing the cathedral is completed or not.
Int e ra c t i o ns wi t h f a n - m a de e x pa nsi o n s:
m a de e x pa nsi o n s:
Int e ra c t i o ns wi t h f a n
When the monastery is placed, in addition to all four corners being on either a city or a field, these four corners can also be
either all on mountains or all on forests. Monasteries may not be converted by the Missionary or removed by the Grim
Reaple, and are unaffected by wheat fields and breweries. Because they cannot be eaten by the dragon or captured by a
tower, monasteries may not be trained or levelled up. Besieged cloisters are scored the same as ordinary cloisters for the
At the end of the game, the player with the Cleric also scores 4 points per monastery on the board.
3 When a monk on the inner zone is scored and removed as a monastery is placed, any followers on the cathedral section of the city of Carcassonne may be
moved onto the respective cloister as it is scored. They are then removed and given back to the respective players.
4 No follower may be added to an inner-zone cloister via a magic gate.
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C a r c a s s o n n e – M o n a s t e r ie s
M o n a s t e r ie s
C a r c a s s o n n e
Hi st o ry
Ve rsi o n Hi st o ry
Ve rsi o n
Public Downloads Version
Made some more changes to the rules (thanks to Novelty and CKorfmann)
Made some small changes (thanks to Novelty)
First draft
Ac k no w le dg e m e nt s
Posters on the forum who helped contribute to this expansion.
Gantry Rogue (Gantry) for creating the Carcassonne Central web site where this fan-made expansion was
developed and hosted, and for his comments, which contributed to the development of this expansion.
Matthew Harper (mjharper) for the Completely Annotated Rules (CAR) for Carcassonne.
Scott (Scott) for inspiring this terrific template, and Jonathan Warren (Joff) for making the original template upon
which this one was based.
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