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Carcassonne – The Leper
A Carcassonne Central expansion by Jonathan Warren
‘Unclean, unclean!’ That is a terrible cry for the residents of Carcassonne to hear. It
meant that there was a leper in their midst. These poor folk had to endure their suffering
on their own, as no one would dare get near them. Those that did happen to find
themselves in the presence of a leper would have to wash well and stay away from their
fellow citizens for several days.
1 extra piece 1 , 2
Place the Leper to the side of the playing area.
Placing the Leper
The Leper is placed on the board when the first city is completed. After scoring for the city has taken place, the player who
completed that city, decides on which tile of the city he wishes to place the Leper. The player places the Leper on one of the
completed city segments and his turn is now over. 3 If by placing the Leper on the city he is on the same tile as a follower, that
follower does not lose any points. The Leper cannot move during the same turn that it has been placed.
1 The graphic shows a follower that is included as part of Carcassonne: The Castle , painted white. However, any piece may be used to represent the Leper,
as long as the piece can be distinguished between other pieces.
2 The Leper is not owned by any player.
3 Question: I have completed the first city, but it contains my builder. Can I place the Leper and then take my builder generated double turn?
Answer: Yes, you are entitled to do this. Remember though, after placing your builder generated tile, you cannot move the Leper as it has already been
placed on your turn.
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Carcassonne – The Leper
Moving the Leper
When the Leper is on the playing surface a player may, instead of his usual ‘moving the wood’ 4 action, move the Leper or
take no action. Remember, the Leper cannot move during the same turn that it has been placed.
If a player decides to move the Leper, he must be moved 5 tile spaces; unless it is not possible to do so (i.e. a dead end is
reached). The Leper’s movement is orthogonally (horizontal or vertical). A player may not move the Leper onto a tile that he
has already moved across on that turn. Boundaries 5 do not affect the Leper’s movement, but he must move onto an already
placed tile during his movement (i.e. the Leper may not move across a ‘hole’ in the playing area).
Should a player complete another city, then, instead of ‘moving the wood’ and as long as the Leper has not already been
moved by the player this turn, the player may place the Leper into the newly completed city, should he choose to. If the
player chooses to do this, he decides on which tile of the city he wishes to place the Leper. The Leper cannot move again
during this player’s turn. If by placing the Leper on the city he is on the same tile as a follower, that follower does not lose
any points.
Scoring the Leper
For every follower 6 that is on a tile that the Leper moves across or comes to rest upon during the course of his movement,
the owner of that follower loses 1 point.
If the Leper starts his movement on a tile which includes a follower, the owner of that follower does not lose 1 point when
the Leper begins his journey, but if the Leper ends on a tile with a follower, the owner of that follower loses 1 point.
A player that has zero score does not lose any points if the Leper moves across or is on the same tile as his follower.
The Leper moves 5 tiles: Red loses 1 point; Yellow loses 1 point
The Leper moves 5 tiles: Red loses 1 point; Yellow loses 1 point; Blue loses 1 point (Blue’s Builder does not lose a point)
Other rules
The Leper cannot be taken prisoner by a Tower or removed from play by a Dragon. If a follower is protected by the Fairy,
the Leper can come to rest upon or move over the tile, but the protected follower does not lose a point.
The presence of the Leper does not impact upon followers when scoring for any features.
4 The term ‘moving the wood’ refers to the action that a player may take after placing a tile. Thus, ‘moving the wood’ refers to placing a follower as a
Knight, Monk, Thief, Farmer, Builder, Pig, Mayor, Wagon or Barn to the tile just played, moving the Fairy or placing a Tower piece onto an existing tower
or foundation.
5 The Leper may move across rivers, roads, city walls, cloisters, etc. without hindrance. However, the Leper may not enter the City of Carcassonne.
Followers deployed within the city walls of Carcassonne do not lose any points if the Leper moves onto their tile, but the Leper will continue to affect
followers placed outside the city walls of Carcassonne.
6 The Leper’s penalty is only imposed on followers, therefore, a Builder, Pig or Barn do not lose points when being passed by the Leper.
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Carcassonne – The Leper
Version History
01 Jan 2009
Ver 1 is released
01 Jan 2009
Ver 0.4 is released as a draft
24 Dec 2008
Ver 0.3 is released as a draft
23 Dec 2008
Ver 0.2 is released as a draft
13 Dec 2008
Ver 0.1 is released as a draft
Thanks to the following people that have contributed to this mini-expansion:
Gantry Rogue and Matt Harper for Carcassonne Central – THE community for Carcassonne fans.
Lardarse, wicke, kjamma4 and Novelty for their encouragement during the development of this variant-expansion.
Oskar Lindqvist for providing the meeple graphics ( ).
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