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Conservation and Restoration of Glass
Butterworth-Heinemann Series in Conservation and Museology
Series Editors : Arts and Archaeology
Andrew Oddy
British Museum, London
Derek Linstrum
Formerly Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, University of York
US Executive Editor: Norbert S. Baer
New York University, Conservation Center of the Institute of Fine Arts
Consultants: Sir Bernard Feilden
David Bomford
National Gallery, London
C.V. Horie
Manchester Museum, University of Manchester
Sarah Staniforth
National Trust, London
John Warren
Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, University of York
Published titles: Artists’ Pigments c.1600–1835, 2nd Edition (Harley)
Care and Conservation of Geological Material (Howie)
Care and Conservation of Palaeontological Material (Collins)
Chemical Principles of Textile Conservation (Tímár-Balázsy, Eastop)
Conservation and Exhibitions (Stolow)
Conservation and Restoration of Ceramics (Buys, Oakley)
Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art and Antiquities (Kühn)
Conservation of Brick (Warren)
Conservation of Building and Decorative Stone (Ashurst, Dimes)
Conservation of Earth Structures (Warren)
Conservation of Glass (Newton, Davison)
Conservation of Historic Buildings (Feilden)
Conservation of Historic Timber Structures: An Ecological Approach to
Preservation (Larsen, Marstein)
Conservation of Library and Archive Materials and the Graphic Arts
Conservation of Manuscripts and Painting of South-east Asia (Agrawal)
Conservation of Marine Archaeological Objects (Pearson)
Conservation of Wall Paintings (Mora, Mora, Philippot)
Historic Floors: Their History and Conservation (Fawcett)
A History of Architectural Conservation (Jokilehto)
Lacquer: Technology and Conservation (Webb)
The Museum Environment, 2nd Edition (Thomson)
The Organic Chemistry of Museum Objects, 2nd Edition (Mills, White)
Radiography of Cultural Material (Lang, Middleton)
The Textile Conservator’s Manual, 2nd Edition (Landi)
Upholstery Conservation: Principles and Practice (Gill, Eastop)
Related titles: Concerning Buildings (Marks)
Laser Cleaning in Conservation (Cooper)
Lighting Historic Buildings (Phillips)
Manual of Curatorship, 2nd edition (Thompson)
Manual of Heritage Management (Harrison)
Materials for Conservation (Horie)
Metal Plating and Patination (Niece, Craddock)
Museum Documentation Systems (Light)
Risk Assessment for Object Conservation (Ashley-Smith)
Touring Exhibitions (Sixsmith)
Conservation and Restoration of
Sandra Davison FIIC, ACR
Glass Conservator
The Conservation Studio, Thame, Oxfordshire
Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier
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First edition 1989
Paperback edition 1996
Second edition 2003
Reprinted 2006
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