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yuan bao.FH8
Yuan Bao ©1998 by Joseph Wu
(Designed on 1998-6-10 and diagrammed on 1998-6-16.)
A yuan bao is a small metal ingot that was used in ancient China as money. Most of them were of silver,
but gold ones did exist. Start with a 5 by 4 rectangle of gold foil. A 15 by 12 cm (6 by 4.8 inches) rectangle
results in a model that is roughly life sized.
1. Fold and unfold.
2. Fold two edges to the
3. Fold and unfold.
4. Fold the corners.
5. Fold and unfold. 6. Fold and unfold. 7. Fold and unfold
these four creases.
8. Fold and unfold
into thirds in the
marked areas only.
10. Outside reverse fold the ends along
the creases made in step 7.
11. Crimp the middle layers along the
existing creases, tucking under the
outside layers. The model will not lie
flat, and the centre will begin to form
a rounded dome shape.
9. Fold half of the
model behind.
12. Repeat on the
other side.
13. Yuan bao
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